From The Far East to Heal YOU in the Valley of the Sun with FUN and Pure Pleasure, Panda AwaitsYou

Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 03:51 PM | 5 views

I will initiate you into the full expression of sensual spiritual energies. I bring your consciousness and your energies into alignment with mine. I also share with you my erotic sensuality, which is intertwined with my loving heart and my reverent spirituality. I teach you how to meet me in this way. You will find me a natural woman small and petite, who meets you without facade and who reaches to that in you which exists beyond the identity that you will present to me - your soul essence, your very source. I will show you the way and I will be the way. This path is not for everyone. If you think it is for you, please email me. My Tantric sessions vary in length from an hour or an 90min. Most of my sessions are 90min. During my first hour session, I will teach you. To begin, I will show you how to access within yourself the Sacred Heart Space, meeting me in a place of powerful presence and moving from there into a sensual experience while holding that place intact. I will guide you in using your breath, sounds, focused attention, and imagination, to build and spread this kundalini energy throughout your body, so that you arrive at ecstatic states of over-flowing pleasure. In a romantic, sensual room, I will take the time to get to know each other before beginning the whole body healing To arrange a session, call 602.956.0600 Make your appointment w/playful pAnDa Your offering of financial support $204-$402 depending on the length of your visit, cash donation only, no cards or checks accepted. BONUS to any Seeker who brings a gift to your new Priestess Panda ::::::::::::::::::::: Discover the Ladder of Light journey of erotic sensation into world of Dark Tantra; exploring aspects Yin/Yang, Dom/sub balance and how they weave together. Embracing the Shadow in a sacred Light and practice. Come to learn the basics, see a live demonstration and learn how to role play in an authentic way. Change your relationship with your partner and yourself. tantra massage phoenix,9118 n. cave creek rd. phoenix,erotic rub reviews phoenix,happy endinf massage near me,adultsearch massage,massage erotique,happy ending massge near me,4809203057,spa parlour near me,480-420-8926
  • Post ID : 3751719
  • Poster's age : 28
  • City : Phoenix
  • Address : 24th &thomas;