Thu 09 Jan
❤ SEXY ❤ Thick ❤ Mature ❤ Submissive ❤ Great LEGS! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
Saturday Night Special 480-600-0967 Full Figured, Mature - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th st/Thomas)
°•°•*☆ *Pretty + Petite*★* =*= ALL-NATURAL (( Hottie )) - EROTIC BOMBSHELL =*=(available all night) - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th ST AND CAMELBACK)
Got a Sweet tooth? Cum get Some KANDI *** 80 SPECIALS *** ~~All Day All Night~~ - 22
(16th ST and Baseline)
Full-Figured, Mature, Blonde, and Busty 602-423-6930 No One Cah Do It Like Me! - 40
(East Valley, 16th st & THOMAS)
★ ◕ ‿ ◕ 💙★ Double D Doll with a TRIPLE X attitude ★💙 ◕ ‿ ◕ ★ - 37
(Phoenix, Phx North, union hills and 16th st)
Ebony Beauty, Satisfaction Guaranteed 🔥 ★L✪✪K➜★☞❤BuSty❤ Gorgeous, great specials 24/7 - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th st and Thomas rd)
Cum get a taste of the big apple~~~ Puerto Rican fresh from new york hot and ready - 22
(16th ST and Baseline)
AS SWEET AS CANDY!! Luscious PUERTO RICAN Mami 32DD'S & A Flawless Body! I'm What U Want :-D - 25
**Get out of this DRY Heat and into something NICE & WET** Brandy**SPECIAL Qk-50 ** - 21
(incall 16th st & Northern)
FriDaY's FreaKs, TeLL Me... HoW ManY LicKs Will iT taKe yOu to Get to My SweeT CenteR...?? - 31
(16th St. & Bell rd)
COMMAND my every move... Allow my SUBMISSIVE or SEDUCTIVE persona to SERVE you.. AWESOME reviews - 27
(Phx North, 16th st & camelback)
SeXi SoNyA HeRe ReAdY To SwEeT 60 LeT mE gIvE yOu ThE bEsT DrEaM iN tOwN (813)245-9815 - 25
(East Valley, 16th st. and colter Incalls Olny)
SeXi SoNyA HeRe ReAdY To Special 50 LeT mE gIvE yOu ThE bEsT DrEaM iN tOwN (813)245-9815 NEW PICS ;) - 25
(East Valley, 16th st. Colter sweet 50 Incalls Olny)
"Long WeeK ?" In Need of Stress, & Flesh Management? *Class sessions forming NoW* - 31
(16th st. & Bell rd)
💋🌹 Sweet Submissive Sexy Brunette💋🌹 incalls🌹 outcalls - 25
(16th st camelvack, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)
I want to do things with my tongue that you may never forget.*****NEW Pics - 32
(Near Camelback rd. & 16th st)
Sexy! Submissive! Great Legs!! Mature, Thick and Sexy!! NEW PICS - 43
(16th St and Glendale Off Hwy 51)
* Already SIZZLIN hot, just waiting on YOU to come put out the FIRE!!! Who wants to be my FIREMAN? * - 26
(16th St. and Camelback)
All about YOU 💖💄💋 NEW LOCATION 👡👄💖Ready to SERVE you - 28
(Biltmore/Midtown 16th st & camelback, East Valley, Phoenix)
Wed 08 Jan
Tatum & Bell is now by Camelback 16th st.@ 602-434-6814 *200 apples with an hours notice,please. - 35
(TATUM blvd.and BELLrd.)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: Special 80 - 19
(Phoenix/Near 16th st Glendale)
SUNDAY SPECIAL! Kiss ME! Touch ME! Mutual SATISFACTION ★Sexy ★ Voluptuous ★ Beautiful ★ MATURE ★ - 44
(Phx North, 16th St and Glendale off of HWY 51)
incall older hottie...blonde sexy milf ready to rock your socks!! - 38
(Phx North, Your Place or 16th St & Glendale)
✴💟✴CLASSY🍬💟 THICK🍭 ✴SWEET🍬💟 TREAT🍭 /36F's ✴💟Specials🍬🍭🍬 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th st and Glendale)
BET I CAN MAKE YOUR TOES POP!! :-) ***60 rose special*** GET IT - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, 1-17 and 16th st)
👑👑👑💕💕💕💞💞💞💞ALL DAY SPECIALS!!!!!!! 💖💖💖 call now no appointment needed💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨ - 22
(East Valley, N. 16th St.)
"!"!" Pssst, I wAnna sHare a little bitty Secret, pssst"!"!" Wednesday SpeCiaLs "!"!" - 32
(16th st &bell; rd outcall valleywide)
★ §W § HAVN ★ BU NÂUGHY § HLL ★ - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix 16th St. & Camelback)
SUPER HOT Italian bombshell!!!! R U READY??? 50 roses - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, I-17 and 16th st.)
🌹🎀🍬 Sarisfy Your 🍬 Sweet 🍬 Tooth 🍬🎀🌹 incalls🌹 outcalls - 25
(16th st camelvack, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)
BDay Girl! , exotic, beauty with cute booty *60&up;* - 19
(Phx North, (Biltmore Area) 16th st. & Colter)
SeXi SoNyA HeRe ReAdY To Special 50 LeT mE gIvE yOu ThE bEsT DrEaM iN tOwN (480)392-4309 NEW PICS ;) - 25
(East Valley, 16th st. & colter sweet 50 Incall only)
Creative storytelling one on one OR awesome perfect meet and greets! ** Take YOUR pick ** - 27
(Phx North, 16th st & camelback)
MONDAY SPECIAL! Mature Woman with Great LEGS and Sexy CURVES!! All For YOUR Pleasure! - 43
(Phx North, 16th St and Glendale Off Hwy 51)
WEEKDAY SPECIAL ♥ All For Your PLESASRE ♥ Mature, Stunning, Sexy, Submissive & Curvy! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
OC. 200hr love older men NO RUSH, BUBBLY, VERY Sweet. nice AND looking meet R u my GOOD TIME - - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, ic biltmore 16th st bethany OC also)
♥ HiGh DeMaNd H0TTiE! _________ eXoTiC L♥VeRs #1 ChoiCe!! ( AVAiLABLE NoW) ♥ - 20
(Yuma, 16th St (INCALL) 2 GIRL SPECIALS!!!)
Tue 07 Jan
CC is here new to the page and ready to play play...milf sexy - 38
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th st andbethney home rd)
TUESDAY SPECIAL! LETS PLAY! ♥ Mature, Sexy, Submissive & Curvy! ♥ All For Your PLEASURE - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY! Great Legs and Tits! All for YOUR Pleasure!! - 43
(16th St and Glendale Off Hwy 51)
*¡* Pssst...*¡* End your WEEK with a SMILE, TayLor is Going to Show you just How *¡* - 32
(Phx North, Bell rd & 16th st)
If only every girls job demanded a sultry dresscode like mine . . . . . - 32
(Near Camelback rd & 16th st. (Biltmore))
☎ I LOVE TO KISS!! LET'S PLAY!! Mature, Curvy, Sexy & Submissive! Biltmore Area☎ - 44
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Bethany Home off Hwy 51)
Full Figured with an Open Mind! ❤ Mature, Sexy and Submissive ❤ Great LEGS! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
Cassandra's as sweet as a in the Day time... - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St. &Indian; School (Biltmore area))
AS SWEET AS CANDY!! Luscious PUERTO RICAN Mami 32DD'S & Flawless Body! I'm What U Want!!!!! - 25
(16th st or university & mill or OUTCALL)
Are YOU a LEG Man?? ❤ Mature, Sexy and Submissive ❤ Thick and Curvy! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
A Gentleman's Delight! NEW PIX (taken 2/28)! - 31
(Central/South Phoenix, INCALL ONLY - Phx: 16th St. & Thomas)
GFE ***** 2 GIRLS 30min $150__________ ____________ NO JOKE ____ %100 real _______ 150 ONLY 150 - 21
(16th st & camelback BILTMORE AREA)
✴💟✴CLASSY🍬💟 THICK🍭 ✴SWEET🍬💟 TREAT🍭 /36F's ✴💟Specials🍬🍭🍬 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th st and Glendale)
**TrEaT yOuRsElF* I'm the BEST that (U) N-E-V-E-R had!!*** *TrEaT yOuRsElF ** - 22
(East Valley, Camelback & 16th St)
Thursday SPECIAL! LET'S PLAY! I LOVE TO KISS! Mature, Curvy, Sexy & Submissive W/ GREAT LEGS! - 44
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale, 0ff Hwy 51)
IT'S FRIDAY! LETS RELAX! ♥ Mature, Sexy, Submissive & Curvy! ♥ All For Your PLEASURE - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
Cassandra's the one you've been looking for!!!! - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St. &Indian; School (Biltmore area))
Mon 06 Jan
💋🌹 Upscale Sweetheart With Southern Hospitality 💋🌹 incalls 💋 outcalls - 25
(16th st camelvack, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)
☎ SPECIAL!! I LOVE TO KISS!! LET'S PLAY!! Mature, Curvy, Sexy & Submissive Just For YOU! - 45
(16th St and Bethany Home off Hwy 51, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)