Fri 03 Jan
Hey Baby, Wanna Come To Myspace So You Can Twitter My Yahoo Until I Google All Over Your Facebook? - 28
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave.)
>> HeY NASCAR FaNs >> *+*+*~ SWeeT SeXxXy SaTuRDaY TReaT ~*+*+* > A MusT See PLaYToY >SwEET SpEciALS - 22
(* I/c 19th Ave & Thomas : O/c Your BED)
Thu 02 Jan
(VOTE HERE ) Bills are due got no money,you scratch my back n I'll scratch yours Honey - 54
(Phx North, 19th ave and Glendale)
=T_H_I_S=_= H_O_T=_= S_E_X_Y=_= C_O_U_G_A_R= - 42
(Central/South Phoenix, NEAR 19TH AVE AND WEST CAMPBELL AVE)
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: This Requires Your Immediate Attention! - 28
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave.)
-- Pregnant Ebony MILF --------->> Ms. Hershey If You're Nasty... Anything You Want If You're Tasty
(North Phoenix Incall - 19th Ave/Bell Rd)
PRETTY TITTIE S LOTS of FUN!! call Pretty Crissie !!602-466-1234 - 50
(Phx North, peoria and 19th ave)
P* O* R* N* S* T* A* R* . . THEN . . S-T-R-I-P-P-E-R . . Now Come & Stick Her. . - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell & 19th Ave -IC Only)
=I=__=A_M= _=J_U_S_T=__ =W_H_A_T=__ =Y_O_U__ =N_E_E_D= - 42
(Central/South Phoenix, NEAR 19TH AVE AND WEST CAMPBELL AVE)
I Grind For The Almighty Bill ..... The Sweetest Girl ....... My Place TONIGHT GGE - $100.00/h - 46
(19th Ave. & Camelback)
I Am The Type Of Women You Won’t Soon Forget .38FF ....120.00 hr: Call Anytime 24/7 - 35
(Phx North, 19th ave and peoria house)
• =I=__=A_M= _=J_U_S_T=__ =W_H_A_T=__ =Y_O_U__ =N_E_E_D= • - 42
(Central/South Phoenix, NEAR 19TH AVE AND WEST CAMPBELL)
H O T $ H O T $$ COUGAR $$ S P E C I A LS $$ - 43
Got MILF? ........Come See MILF Kelly For Must-Do-A MILF Monday! .......... Come MILF It! - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell & 19th Ave -IC Only)
Got MILF? . . . MILF Kelly Provides The Essential Nutrients That Your Body Needs - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell & 19th Ave -IC Only)
Get Your Day Off Right. .I Am A Professional and It Makes All The Difference . . . . - 42
(West Valley, 19th Ave /Camelback)
Baby, No More Searchin'... I'll Have You Sayin', "Oh-Bla-Di Oh-Bla-Daa!" [Discreet & Private Incall] - 34
(North Phoenix - Bell Rd & 19th Ave.)
🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 160flat (IC Private CONDO) I'm ready now I like men 40 and older ONLy!!! - 28
(19th ave cactus Incall my private condo, Phoenix, Phx North)