Sat 11 Jan
COME & PULL my hair! FULL Girlfriend next door "eXXXperience " will take care of that for YOU - 24
✧ BLONDE on her KN'S TAKEN CARE of all YOUR ND'S up LATE ToO ✧ - 25
~~**Are you ready for a sweet seductive treat~~** available now! - 22
(Mckellips/ 101 freeway outcalls only)
Gorgeous Blonde Bombshell Im the Good Time You've been Looking For! - 37
(59ave/Bell, Phoenix, West Valley)
Freaky Friday Specials!! $100 Hot Erotic Milf offering Ultimate Bedroom Experience - 35
(Phx North, 35 thave / Bell)
*BRAND NEW* (( eXoTiC )) BomBSheLL (( *!*eXcLuSiVe*!* )) * #1 Of A Kind Beauty * - 21
(S.Tempe Incalls [VISITING])
Fri 10 Jan
2 girls!!! 100❤️150❤️200. Big titties!!! Sexy thick brunettes - 23
(Phx North, I17 and greenway. Incalls)
(IN YOUR FACE S e X X X y +)
► ♥ WILD, BuStY, SKILLED, EXoTiC BLONDE ( . Y . ) JuSt ONE HUNDRED $'s ♥ - 32
(Phx North, Phoenix)
TGIF! I LOVE TO KISS!! Mature, Curvy, Sexy & Submissive With GREAT LEGS! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 20th St and Glendale, 0ff Hwy 51)
Sexy, Sweet, and the BEST GFE EXPERIENCE EVER!!! Guaranteed! - 34
(Scottsdale, Chandler and Valleywide)
[QauLiTy PRoViDER ??] *::* [CLicK] *::* & SPECiaLS ; ((())) CLiCK* !!! - 20
(Phx North, cactus,thunderbird,peoria,dunlap,greenwa)
°o★o_ ★_T H €_☆_P € R F € C T_ ☆_C H O I C €_★╚» ♥ DaNg€rOuS ~ CuRv€S - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, OUTCALL TO YOU)
( NeW GREEN DaY PiCs ) ------ L ʊ C k Y -- ♣-- D a Y ------ ( DeZzYs $pEciAL *60 ) - 22
(- - - > NORTH/METRO PHX < - - - I-)
NEW◄ ➊! ➋! ➌ ; I M A MUST SEE!!! SeXxXySHEMALE PLAYMATE* Beautiful !!* - 23
(CALL ME 5129146165 Ts Visiting Az)
Mesmerizing Blonde,A little taste of Heaven,The best tension relief specialist in AZ. - 35
(Phx North)
H*___O*___T *_____ *P___*I ___*N* ___ K* ______*P*___ A*___S*___ S*___I *___ O*___ N*_ - 28
(East Valley, 56 th st thomas)
CoM3 G3T TrAnQuIliTy WiTh A HoT ThIcK LaTiNa!! F3Liz CiNco D3 MaYo Sp3cIaLs!!!!!! - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, I-17 and Mcdowell Rd.)
Classy, Curvy, Naughty and Nice all in one Sensually Sweet Package - 34
(East Valley, Valleywide OUTCALL ONLY)
~~bLaCk/AsiAn SeNsAtiOn ((VisiTiNg)) =====>> INcALL SpeCiALs~~ - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN PHOENIX)
Airport Area (ThE ULtIMaTE PaCKaGE) BraiNs + bOOty + BeAuty = CuTiE (aLWaYS On dUtY) LoVes 2 Party - 22
(SKY HARBOR(scotsdale TEMPE chandler MESA)
80**** Twins _______ MUST SEE-- TWINS specials TWINS-- MUST SEE _______ Twins ***100 - 20
(i-17 bell...CALL US)
☺ Let me delight you with my DOUBLE D's • Incall only in north Phoenix • Specials • VIP☺ - 37
(Phx North, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
*** Unwind from ya grind*** 80 Dollar $pecials *** SNOW BUNNY *** ((( 6 0 2))) 814 + 3704 - 19
(Phx North, Bell rd. / I-17)
░❤░ sUpEr SeXy BaBe ❤ WiLL KnOcK yOu OFF ❤ yOuR FeeT ░❤░ SwEEt & DiScReeT 💕💖💟 - 28
(Arizona, East Valley, Phoenix)
♛ Sm@cK It ★• Gr@B iT ★• PULL mY h@!R ♛ }in¢a££ $p€cia£{ - 24
(East Valley, East Phx INcall (44th St & Thomas))
~ NaUgHtY ~ NiNa ~ I'M. ´¯`ALL ´¯`YOU´¯` NEED»-★ ♥ ★ HoTT MILF~ - 29
(North phx near I17 and 101)
🍭LēT Mə Be ¥🍩UR ❌NĄŰGHŤ¥ ɬɾɛąɬ🍥👯Bū§Ť¥ ᗷᖇᘎᘉᙓttᙓ ░G░O░D░E░S░S░ ❌LETS Ꮲʟѧʏ⋙ ÃVaĪLabLė ALŁĐa¥❌ - 22
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale/Tempe/incall/Outcall)
Love boobs and booty? Incall only in north Phoenix/Specials today/38 DD's all natural - 36
(Phx North, incall/my place/n.Phx)
L00KS GREAT, FEELS BeTTer ★SeXiEsT EB0NY BunnY > THiS 1 TaKeS tHe CaKe ! - 24
(East Valley, phoenix area)
If a 20yr old is what your looking for, then keep looking. BUT if you want a girl that knows ...
(24th St & Thomas / Valleywide)
I'm in Mesa now to cut your hair, shave your boyz, shave your back, WHATEVER! . - 46
(East Valley, phx/mesa/scottsdale)
☆*: [ ExOTic ASIAN MiX ]* ☆ ¨*:VeRy SexXy ☆*: ALWAYS AVAILABLE ** - 22
(East Valley, SCOTTSDALE RD)
► EXoTiC BLoNdE w/38DD's ★ $80 Specials ★ SATISFY YOUR CRAVINGS!!! - 32
(Phx North, Phoenix / Private Incall)
Always available! Personality, and beauty in one! I love to play when I'm not at school. - 24
(I-10 and Baseline)
~~* SpEcIaLs~~* 100 Roses ~~* SpEcIaLs ~~* 100 Roses ~~ Lexi ~~* North Scottsdale - 31