Sat 11 Jan
==== Up Late !!! === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Outcall Valleywide)
This is as Real as it gets !! Beautiful , Mature and Seductively Mannered ! Mmmmmmm - 45
(West Valley, 53rd ave & Peoria//O/C Available also)
===== Sunday Specials === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Tempe or Yours)
Slim Sexy and Soooo Sensual! A BEAUTIFUL FREAK FOR YOU! - 23
(East Valley Incall- Entire Valley Outcal)
(( *PeRfEcT ChOiCe* ))~! aSiAn pErSuAsIoN MiXxX !~((*NiCe n' NaUgHtY* )) - 21
==== Late Nite Fun !!! === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Valleywide Outcall)
Kari~ Beyond GFE~* $75 Special ~Squirting ~Sacred~* Erotic, Tantric ~Extended Bliss~* - 45
(S. Scottsdale, Hayden/McDowell)
_________ **** HOT MONDAY SPECIALS! - HOURGLASS BLONDE BOMBSHELL *********** ________ - 25
(East Valley, My Upscale Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
_________ **** HOT 120 SPECIALS! - HOURGLASS BLONDE BOMBSHELL *********** ________ - 25
(East Valley, My Upscale Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
ThE*** ReAL *** DeAL .. (( eXoTIc * * bEaUTiFuL* LAtINA * MaMI! sE hAbLa espanlo - 19
(central pheonix)
☆ R.EA.D.Y ☆ ; .☆ ;A.N.D ☆ ;W.A.I.T.I.N.G. ☆ [[100 SPECIALSSS!!!]] - 19
(Phoenix I/C & Valleywide O/C)
((In NEED OF PLEASURE??)) fun. fit. bombshell waiting for your call. - 22
(East Valley, incall eastvalley// outcall ALL phoenix)
// \\ E * X * C * L * U * S * I * V * E ( > > > > Hottie Inside < < < < ) // \\ - 22
(CE Phoenix (My place) / (Your Place))
ArRiViNg ToMMoRow! (A+ Reviews)* %100 ReAl SqU!rTing bOOtyLicIoUS NyMpHo ! MusT SEE! IsLander/EbonY* - 21
(Scottsdale Private Location)
UNBELIEVALBE???? Well BELIEVE IT BABY!!!!!! THE True Definition Of A GODDESS come see why Clik HERE - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
Let's get *N*A*U*G*H*T*Y* for the New Year , Bodacious Booty, Killer CuRvEs , Fantastic Service !! - 45
(West Valley, 53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available)
French Touch _______ P_R_ E_T_T_Y___ F_A _C_E_ _____ mixed ______ Italian ______ NEW PICS!!! ____ - 22
(East Valley, DOWNTOWN-incall)
* ♥ -:¦:- CoMe GeT A TaSTe OF PaRaDiSE! -:¦:- ♥ * *You Will LOVE IT!* - 22
(mesa off 60/ please call 4 outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
_________ ********** ALL NIGHT SPECIALS! - BOOTYLICIOUS BLONDE BOMBSHELL *********** ________ - 25
(East Valley, My Discreet Place in Tempe or Yours)
~*~* Xteremly HoTtT!! WiLd AnD cRaZy!!! BBW*~*~ EAST VALLEY 4804309585 - 25
(East Valley, East Mesa)
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ *{KiNDA KiNKY} - 24
(West Valley, 91ave mcdowell)
Married women craves hard *$#+ while husband is out of town!!!!!! - 44
(East Valley, Tempe McLintock and Apache)
===== Lunch Specials === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, My Discreet Place Scottsdale/ASUor Yours)
Less "I am woman hear me roar" and more like "I am kitty cat hear me purr" Meow!
(US 60 FWY & CC East Vly)
Fun in the Sun......with Sweet Sexy Blonde Playmate!!! - 35
(10 mins EAST of Airport/ Tempe/Phoenix)
Exotic beauty as your late holiday present... 80hh special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, incall in central phx)
CoM3 G3T TrAnQuIliTy WiTh A HoT ThIcK LaTiNa!! F3Liz CiNco D3 MaYo Sp3cIaLs!!!!!! - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, I-17 and Mcdowell Rd.)
Smokin' Hot. & Cougar-licious . Mmmmm!!! Available Now!! 602-552-6185 - 45
(Phx North, 53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available)
(Tempe & Scottsdale)
*** Unwind from ya grind*** 80 Dollar $pecials *** SNOW BUNNY *** ((( 6 0 2))) 814 + 3704 - 19
(Phx North, Bell rd. / I-17)
---------->> The Early Bird Gets The...... Red HOT Fiery MILF ---------->> BOGO 1/2 OFF! - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell Rd & 19th Ave.)
♥ sMiLeInG ♥ Is The ->2nd Best Thing I Do wItH mY *L*i*P*s* $40 SpLs - 25
(PhX InCaLl/ 47st &Thomas; (202))
♥ sMiLeInG ♥ Is The ->2nd Best Thing I Do With My L*I*P*S $40 Spls! - 24
(pHx InCaLl/ 47st& Thomas (the 202 ))
*¨¨*-:¦: SeXy FaCe *-:¦:-* JuIcY BooTy *-:¦:-* *¨¨* (( Delicious Body )) 100% Me... - 24
••** Pick Me Up & LICK ME UP••** - 24
(Alma School, Priest, Country Club area.., East Valley, Phoenix)
Kari- Joy of Life is Contagious!, Shamanic ~*Tantric~* Connection, Feminine "Squirting" - 45
♥ JuIci§ vr ♥ FRAK ALRT !!! YoUnG n' TIGHT_ °♥° BruNeTTe - 19
(INCALLS(oak & 44th st))
If you want something different - ... FETISHISTAS ... yes we are DIFFERENT... - 30
(Incall-ONLY - Gilbert)
_____ LEAVE TONIGHT _______ (( FRENCH and ITALIAN )) _____ all natural ___________ specials - 22
(East Valley, DOWNTOWN-incall)
o°♥o° $80 & $60 $PECIALS o°;o° $80 & $60$E.A.R.L.Y MORNIN FREAK °o♥° CALL CHANNEL - 28
Mandatory morning meeting is with me.Serving sweet warm danish.Hot presentation.
(US 60 FWY & CC East Vly)
Late night discretion ? - Thebellasecret is hot, sweet,sticky and tempting. TER trusted and reviewed - 26
(incall outcall hotel & residential)
GR3AT SP3CI@LS * Wanna Pl@y W!th My Ph@t *(( BOOTY ))* Grab on My NICE WAIST? Well Click Here - 29
💋***** ~~~~~ College Blonde Gone Wild !!! ~~~ Up Late ~~ 2 Girl Specials ~~~~~ *****☀ - 25
(East Valley, Discreet Scottsdale Incall/Outcall Avail)
===== Afterwork Specials === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Thu 09 Jan
-:¦:- || All -- American - Blonde - Southernbelle || -:¦:- ~ - 24