Sat 04 Jan
🌶🍒 Sexy Limited Edition Blonde Bombshell🍒🌶 Wildest Dream A Reality 🍌outcalls all over🍌 - 19
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)
SeXy PanAMaNiAN And BrAziLLian **** NEW IN TOWN **** True Definition of Exotic - 21
*** SeXy PanAMaNiAN And BrAziLLian *** 100% Real Pics, Specials ALL Night LONG*** - 21
(Tempe/S. Phoenix)
*Sexy *Erotic *Beautiful.. Latina Ready to give Pleasure Now!! - 25
(East Valley, East Valley, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa)
S P E C T A C U L A R **D E A L S**CALL NOW ;) After WORK SpeCIAls - 19
(East Valley, west valley area incall and outcall)
••___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T * __ H__E __ A __ R __T __ »-100% satisfaction- .....34DD.. - 24
(Phx North, Scottsdale AZ resort)
Reviewed! Everything she won't!!! *50*REASONS 2 visit me incalls - 21
(I-10 & baseline (az mills area))
♥ ▒█ S E X Y ▒█ ▒█ 💋S W E E T 💋▒█ CURVY▒█ ♥ EXOTIC ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ 💋BOMBSHELL 💋 █▒ ♥ - 21
(East Valley, East Valley 🎁🎁 IC/OC TeMpE! 🎁)
~REAL Rocky Mountain Snow White Dream Come True Mile High Treatment~~ - 24
(Phx North, In I-17 North OUTCALLENTIRECITY)
U L T I M A T E * LiL * Ebony * CrEaTiON ..xXx.. LUNCH TiME ($60 ) TREAT ($60 ) .. NeW PiCs - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER ))
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i ——— •★• V i S i T i N G •★ - 24
(East Valley, Chandler area)
*** PERFECT 10 ** JUST VISITing *** # 1 Choice For EXTREMely PICKY GENtLEMAN *** - 21
out call only ..hOTT @ SEXY (=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=HoT=)) °★©° °o&©°[ bLoNnD - 36
(East Valley, gilbert 85233)
P E R F E C T LiL * ..XxX.. SeXy TiNy THiNG ..XxX.. The GrEaTEsT LiL Ebony CrEaTiON - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER ))
NEW NEW...xXx EXOTIC ebony sPiNNer! EYE CANDY ( New) Visting - 20
(CHANDLER- 10 freeway off RAY ROAD)
****♥♥NeW PiCs! *♥♥* GREAT $pecials!!!! ♥*♥ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe!! *** ♥** LeAvInG SoOn!!!*♥*♥*** - 23
(East Valley, Country club and baseline)
:°*. : ((NeW Portuguese GirL)) :.*°: :°*. : (( HighlY AcclaimeD)) :°*. MosT ErotiC PlaymatE:°*. - 23
(52 st. and Broadway)
NEW SEPT PICS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed - Swedish Blonde with DDD's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BRAND NEW SEPT PICS - 38
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
NEW JULY PICS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed - Swedish Blonde with DDD's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BRAND NEW JULY PICS - 38
(Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
Morning Special!! Simply Seductive (.) (.) Pleasantly Plumped BBW 100% Fetish Pleasing ( - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Northern Ave)
N A U G H T Y — —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ★ (( H O T T T T )) ★ — — —— —— —— —— — —— WHITE & HISPANIC - 20
(East Valley, INCALL i-10 & Baseline or OUTCALLS)
______ ______ N E W __ P I C S _____ _____ Friday _____ Specials _____ _____ - 36
(Baseline and 48th street, Tempe)
More than just a Pretty Face! This is a real picture! ADORABLE, AMAZING , ADDICTIVE
(Dobson & Broadway)
MUst HAve The -ULTiMATE- SPiNNeR SaTiSFaCTioN _* ( AvAiLaBLe NoW ) *_ GooD .. EvEr .. TiMe .. - 20
(CHANDLER . i-10 exit RAY rd)
✨💋✨(Ms.Kennedy Lane. ) ✨💋✨💋TRUELY TINY SPINNER!!! Only n town for a short time.💋early-bird speci - 27
(East Valley, Gilbert. Anywhere u want me, Phoenix)
Let Me be the BEST Part of YOUR Day and the Naughtiest Part of YOUR Night $60 S - 20
(Phx North, Phoenix)
🍒IRRESISTIBLE ◆★ NEW College Hottie 🍒 PRETTY █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ 🍒 ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ BLONDE 100‰ REAL - 23
(East Valley, Outcall Valley Wide)
🍒IRRESISTIBLE ◆★___ _____ ____ ____BLONDE GODESS of your DREAMS ____ ___ ___ ____💛 💛💛 💛💛 100‰ - 24
(East Valley, O/C - East / West Valley / Resorts too)
Hottie TINY 89lbs Asian JENNY with real PICTURE ** in town this week only - 25
°•♥•° I °•♥•° Am °•♥•° Just °•♥•° What °•♥•° You °•♥•° Need °•♥• - 25
(Phx North, outcalls hotel & resort friendly)
Hot .Steamy Very Wet. Im in the Pool, Give me a reason to send me to my room 480-233-5941 - 30
💕⛅️⛅️ Heaven 💫🌟⛅️🅾N 🌎 Earth ⛅️ UPSCALE BLONDE 👑 💅All Natural ✔️Real pics✔️🍭🍦 sweetheart 🍦 - 25
(Phoenix, West Valley, west valley (bbw))
Hands this good should never be idle, neither should the rest of me ;).. - 26
(East Valley, East Valley, Mesa CountryClub & Brown)
LuNcH SpEcIaLs .....yOu'Ve bEeN A NaUgHtY bOy GO tO My RoOm ..... - 24
(Camelback and i 17 incall specials)
❤ Forget the Rest COME SEE The BEST IM Worth your While ❤ miss IMANI 60 IN/OC80 - 23
(West Valley, 43 ave and camelback phx,Glendale)
-:¦:- FrEaKy -:¦:- SeXy bLoNdEL BBW -:¦:- 100% InDePeNdAnT -:¦:- $100 sPeCiAL -:¦:- - 29
(East Valley, Bell Rd/75th Ave 4/8/0/7/8/8/2/0/2/8)
{{ LIKE LUCKY CHARMS }} || ~=*= =*=~ || {{ MAGICALLY DELIOUS }} - 23
(phoenix and surrounding areas)
~ FETISH GIRL~ FETISH SPECIALST ~ ?? what makes the girl a specialist?? ~ - 42
(TEMPE east valley incall480-255-6221)
Cute Playmate :) Come play with me today :) ;) - 39
(North Phoenix/North Scottsdale, Phoenix, Phx North)
Cum get a taste of the big apple!!! Puerto Rican fresh from new york hot and ready - 22
@ CHoCoLate CoVerD NyMPhO iS HaVInG A pArTy In HER pAnTIeS & EvEry OnE iS iN InVitEd UNZiP & ReLaX - 31
pLa¥fuL §X-KittN- §NsUaL WkDay §pciaL ▓▓ BETTER THAN A BARBIE ▓▓ - 23
(Phoenix= { In & Out Valleywide =))
Chocolate DD,s $80 InCalls Mature Men I Adore " Erotic Hott Review,s" Fun Woman Of Leisure ! - 37
(East Valley, Indian School & 32st Nice Private Loc.)
#❶ CHOiCE Upscale Provider- Reviewed & Verified.... 💋SKYYY!! - - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix, Upscale Incall/ Outcall)
ೋ CAUTION ೋ ..CONTENTS will get you Ro**CK H-aRD.. {PULL} {IT OUT} {RIGHT} {NOW}