Sat 04 Jan
$120 (.)(.) Happy Finish! Petite Busty Britney! Fetish friendly lil spinner Nuru Slides - 26
(i17 freeway/cactus discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
💍💎Young Sexi Blonde with alottt of A$s & Class!! 💎💍 Love F3TISH & Partying!! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, I17&Peoria;, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sparkyy 🍭🍬 gEt a tASte 👅oF me💋 .unForgettabLe 🎥💋 expErience 👅💦 my pLace awaits Yu 💋👅 - 21
(I17 cactus, Phoenix, Phx North)
❌⭕❌⭕RUSSIAN ❌⭕❌⭕ 1OO ✅✴ 1OO ✅✴ 1OO ✅✴ ❌⭕❌⭕ PUERTO RICAN ❌⭕❌⭕ - 21
(i17 Glendale / incall only, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋 $parkyy🌹 $pclzs🍀 b that LuckyMan, 2nght😘 very passi0Nate👅💋 magical m👅uth .t!ght&RIGHT; - 20
(I17& Dunlap. Very nice resort❤, Phoenix, Phx North)
💎 Let's Relax 💋 Take Your Mind Away From Stress 💎 SPECIALS ALL DAY/NIGHT - 27
(@ i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
LeT Me EnD Ur NIghT thE rIghT wAy...!i!GrEat specials - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, North Valley I17)
Hard day? Treat yourself to something 🍦sweet and yummy🍒~> ❤SAMANTHA💦💋 - 24
(i17 & union hills, Phoenix, Phx North)
•*'"* ೋ ☆♥ ๑๖ۣۜDℯʂƬﻨŋỿ๑ ♥☆ •*'"* ೋ •HʋRRY•*'"* ೋ ☆ VERY ☆ ೋೋSEXY ೋ•*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ೋ ☆ EXOTIC - 26
(incall n.phx/i17 union hills, Phoenix, Phx North)
⚡ ⚠ Caution ⚠ Dangerous Curves ⚠ 🚧 ↬✦ ★ T✪TAL ❌👊KN✪CK✪ut 👊❌✨💥 (Juicy😋 B🌏🌏TY) BlOnDe 💕 - 21
(i17 Incall + Outcall, Phoenix, Phx North)
💦befor wOrk iNCall AVALiBLE OutCalls NOw 😍 💖~ 😚 ExOtiC trEat~ AvaLibLe nOw~😙 - 23
(InCall Outcal off i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 03 Jan
new!!new! 🍬Tasty Tiny Spinner, who ❤'s 2 RIDE🐎 💋💋Lets play baby💋💋 Can u handle this much TnA❓ - 26
(Phoenix, Phx North, Thomas & I17, INCALL)
💋💋💋Mmmmm wAnNa 👀👀sexy bombshell with a big booty👅💦100% real pics 💋💋💋 - 28
(IC-N.Phoenix/I17/Outcalls valleywide, Phoenix, Phx North)
I am looking 2b ur Fun Future Favorite Hobby - 34
(Central/South Phoenix, North Phoenix/Bell Rd & i17)
💋I👑 hVE 💖EvErYtHiNg ✨U 💎wAnt 🔥👀💦eXtRemLy BUSTY 👙💋 BIG 🍑bubble🍑 BOOTY 💋 Sensual & SEXY 💄 - 28
(Phoenix, Phx North, Your place or Mine// I17~Grnway)
I hAve EvErYtHiNg yOu wAnt eXtRemLy BUSTY +✔ BIG bubble BOOTY + 💋 Sensual & SEXY 💄 - 28
(Incall I17~Greenway, Phoenix, Phx North)
Aurora👑😚 Luminous,Thick,& Mixed! 💥💫100 SPECIAL ALL DAY & NIGHT 🏩 💥💫 PICS ARE💯% ME!! -21 - 21
(i17 union hills NORTH phx, Phoenix, Phx North)
60qv 80hh 150hr L✪✪K➜ G⭕rGe⭕u§ FAC€ 🔥sM⭕KiN' H★T B⭕D¥❣ ★ Hands⬇⬇⬇ Do - 24
(I17 cactus, Phoenix, Phx North)
60qv 80hh 150hr L✪✪K➜ G⭕rGe⭕u§ FAC€ 🔥sM⭕KiN' H★T B⭕D¥❣ ★ Hands⬇⬇⬇ Do - 24
(I17 cactus, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 Nude Happy Finish Flat Rate! NEW Busty Babes slip slidding yummy nuru fun - 26
(Phx North, i17/cactus phoenix 85029)
$120 (.)(.) Happy Finish Flat Rate! NEW Busty Babes slip slidding yummy nuru fun - 26
(Phx North, i17/cactus phoenix 85029)
$120 Topless flat rate★ V.i.P ★ Petite Double D white Hottie Nuru slip and slides and more - 25
(i17 freeway/Cactus ave discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 Nude Happy FInish(tip included) These PRO's they *F* everybody!! NURU slip n slides - 26
(i17/cactus phoenix 85029, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 Nude Happy Rub Flat rate! Let these SUPER Busty Babes get u UP. slippery nuru - 26
(I17 freeway cactus area private INCALL, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 (.)(.)Happy finish flat rate! She's a Brick house,just letting it all hang out!Exotic hottie - 26
(i17 freeway/cactus discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
100💋💕INCALL SPECIALS💕NELLY 💋💕 (480)498-9763💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 21
(I17 and Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
💦💦😍❤️SWeeT& PeTiTe😝🍫💦 InCaLL OuTCaLL💦💋AvAliAbLe NoW😝 HoT & READY🍫💦💋 - 19
(Off i17 & Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
❤️💋💛sexy Jamaican CoCo Come Have A Drink 💦😘💚💙specials💋💜 - - - 18
(Bell Rd amd i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
• *• •●❣ ● YOUR * •●❣● DREAM * •●❣● GIRL:•..•: * • ●❣●50#100#150 - 23
(I17 and bell, Phoenix, Phx North)
OutCall I EvErYtHiNg U💗 wAnt eXtRemLy 👀BUSTY +🍑BIG bubble🍒 BOOTY 💋Sensual🌷 & SEXY💄 $PeCiAl$💰 - 28
(I17 & Greenway/Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
💎 Let's Relax 💋 Take Your Mind Away From Stress 💎 50qv/75hhr/100hr SPECIALS ALL DAY/NIGHT - 27
(@ i17/North Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
incalls specials🎶💮 good vibrations wild seduction🌼🌻🌺4243782534 - 20
(incall i17 and Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
❤INCALL SPECIALS✨BAMBI💄💎BLUE eyed Goddess 🌹all natural🌺💄36f.... I'm waiting❤✨💎💍 - 23
(I17 and peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋💋💋I EvErYtHiNg💗 U 💗wAnt eXtRemLy 👀BUSTY +🍑BIG bubble🍒 BOOTY 💋Sensual🌷 & SEXY💄 $PeCiAl$💰 - 28
(I17 & Greenway/Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋hotndSeXXXy BLONDE Spinner✰I•HOST dream girl, NO1 Hotter BetteR oR TighyER THENKAYLYN✰IN CALLONLY! - 24
(Northern/metro & i17 ask location, Phoenix, Phx North)
💞Heather here❗💎 Come 👀 how I'm gonna 🅱LOW💨 your Mind❗❗💎Specials❗💞 - 21
(I17 INCALL, Phoenix, Phx North)
Flirty & A 'Lil Bit Dirty 💋 BBW is Better 💋 Curves In All The Right Places - 39
(I17 & Bell Incalls & Outcalls, Phoenix, Phx North)
✨$eXy✨💋 sAmMiEs💋 🔥$uPeR💖💦 $LiPpErY💦😈 $iNfuLLy💄👑$wEeT🍦🍭 sEnSual 🌞SuMmErTiMe 50qk $PeCiAl$ - 28
(I17/Greenway, Phoenix, Phx North)
💎👑💋 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ🌟🔥🌟 ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ🍦💋 δexY🍒 Heather!💖Incall Specials!!💰 Avαiℓαbℓe👅➜ ⓝⓞⓦ❕💋💎 - 21
(I17 INCALL, Phoenix, Phx North)
Thu 02 Jan
💋 💯 T A L E N T E D 💥 S K I L L E D 💄 B U S T Y 💋 B R U N E T T E 💄 O I L Y 💥 G L I D E - On- Y O U - 25
(Cactus / N-i17 hwy / 1 mile off hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
SpEciaL°🍬🍬 CoMe ParK into My GaragE** SaTurDaY SpEcIaLs 🍭 💋 BloNdE HotTiE!!! - 29
(i17 north valley private location, Phoenix, Phx North)
MiDwEsT HotTiE Is HoT & ReaDy FoR YoU🍬 🍰💋ExOtIC BlOnDe HotTiE *I Moved!!! - 29
(North valley i17 Peoria, Phoenix, West Valley)
💠 💠 I Speak Your Language 👌 👌 👌 What She Won't Do I Will 👌 👌 👌 I Speak Your Language 💠 💠 - 24
(North PHX off i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
I EvErYtHiNg U wAnt eXtRemLy BUSTY +✔ BIG bubble BOOTY 💋 Sensual & SEXY 💄 - 28
(I17/Greenway or Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
I AM REAL.. Upscale, Classy, Intelligent... Model-like Natural Blonde... BISEXUAL and Down to earth! - 20
(I17 and Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
💜60sp 💄💚 100hh :: 💜🌸 ToTaLLy HOT B0👙Y BaBe!!🌸💜 100hh 🌟 PLayFuL🍒 SeXy 🎉 FuNTiMe!🌺💙 - 24
(North Phx i17 Bell Incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
7★S★T★A★R★ REViEWED δP¡NNN£R &dr0p-dead; ☆MiLLiON☆DOLLAR☆Red Head**IN&OUts;_ - 21
(i17&belll;(incall)/scottsdale-peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
$60 iNcAll SpEciAl I EvErYtHiNg U wAnt eXtRemLy BUSTY +✔ BIG bubble BOOTY 💋 Sensual & SEXY 💄 - 28
(I17/Greenway or Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
▃▄▅▆ 2 Girls Are More Fun Better Than 1 ▆▅▄▃▂ Great Specials - 25
(West Valley, north phoenix i17 & bell rd)
$120 (.)(.) Happy finish Flat Rate!COMPLETE V.i.P Real Nuru body slides! Petite Toned Talented - 25
(i17 freeway/Cactus ave discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 All day Flat rates♥Night Time is the right time to get your FREAK ON Busty New white babes♥ - 26
(i17 freeway/ cactus discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
❤❤ 100% Real Pics Upscale 💜 ßεαuty 5 ⭐️AVαiℓabℓe NOW 🎉 #1 Pℓαγmαte ❤❤❤ - 23
(i17 & north. incall🎀 Outcall, Phoenix, Phx North)