Sat 04 Jan
•●★●•iT $t0pPeD rAiNiNg oUtSiDe, But...I'm Still All W*€*T !•●★●• }in¢a££ $p€cia£{ - 26
(East Valley, East Phx INcall (44th St & Thomas))
Its Easy Like Sunday Morning ! Sweet & Sexy Fun Mature Low Volume Reviewed SBF Lets Kiss And Strip - 40
(Phx North, NORTH VALLEY OFF OF I -17 & S. OF 101)
❣⇑❣⇑❣⇑❣⇑❣ IT'S FriDaY NigHt ILL MaKe YoU FeeL JusT RiGhT ❣⇑❣⇑❣⇑❣⇑ - 27
(East Valley, ☎ ❤ Chandler Blvd IN /OUTCALL ❤ ☎)
It's the P~ Spot baby.... the New Generation of man knows what FEELS GOOD! 480-238-3309
(60 & Gilbert)
•★• it'z not WHAT i do •*•★•*• it'z HOW i do it •★• }INcall Special : 8o/hhr{ - 29
(Central Phx INcall, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
*It's Friday Night and this 5 star Provider/FLIGHT ATTENDANT is ready for PLAYTIME!!* - 36
💋♥♡♥💋 INDEPENEDENT__ BLONDES__ DO __ IT __ B € TT€ R! 💋♥♡♥💋 100$ SPECIAL!!! - 28
(Phx North, OUTCALL ONLY!!♥100$ SPECIAL!!)
•❤• It Stopped Raining Outside, But...I'm Still All W*€*T !!! •❤• - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, East Phx INcall (44th St & Thomas))
✿ (( iNToXiCATE )) o ✿ o YouRSeLf _o_ WiTH _o_ GERMAN PLeaSuRe ✿ - 20
(Phx North, Scottsdale I/C & O/C)
Irish and Italian combination*** my faucets broke can u come fix it?...623* 498* 0293 - 22
(west valley incall)
❤ INCALL 💖S🌸W🌸E🌸E 🌸 T💖❤💖 Super nice 💖❤💖 █▓█▓█▓ INCALL █ ❤ █🌸 🌸█ ❤💖S🌸E🌸X🌸Y💖❤ █ UPSCALE - 21
INcAll West Valley Outcall I'll do everything your Girlfriend WON'T - 32
(West Valley, 111th ave & grand & west outcall)
Irish/Italian Beauty.... RECENT & REAL Pics! - 29
(East Valley, Mesa Sossoman/Main Outcall Valleywide)
Sexy Submissive with all natural 40DD.I KNOW how to treat a MAN - 35
(Outcall/Resort friendly/incall available)
• ..I KNOW ★ *• JUST ★ *• WHAT ★ *•-YOU ★ *•-NEED..• 100OUTCALL 60INCALL - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, ic metro area oc all over)
I May Not Be For Everybody But I Should Be Budget Friendly Well Reviewd Mature Fun - 37
(Phx North, Private Loc.North Phx Off I-17)
[××] *¨¨* Huge Boobs * Gorgeous Face * Stacked& Curvy *¨¨* ____ [××] SPECIALS [××] *¨¨* - 21
(East Valley, Im in TEMPE waiting for YOU! 100)
•=I=_=A_M=_ _=J_U_S_T=__ =W_H_A_T=__ =Y_O_U=__ =N_E_E_D=• - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, NEAR 19TH AVE AND WEST CAMPBELL AVE.)
===== "H.u.m.p. =A= .S.L.U.T. Day" ===== See Why They All Craves MILF Kelly! ===== - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell & 19th Ave.)
Happy 4th of July. Time for some fireworks!!! Short on time?? HHSpecial! - 22
(Phx North, Scottsdale incall, outcall valleywide)
Here's a stimulus package hot and ready to deliver!!! (.)(.) You wont believe this special!!! - 32
(Uptown Phoenix)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* HaPPy BiRtHDaY To ME *¨¨*-:¦:-* Im Ready To Get into my Birthday Suit! - 29
(N phoenix Near I17 & grnwy / 24st camlbk)
*^*Happy Hum- Day!! *^*^ Sexy Brunette, Long legs, tanned and body - 29
(cave creek/Tatum & outcall valleywide)
Have some fun on this monday with this sexy latina((sexy fun real)) 70$ 70$ - 22
(West Valley, 59th ave northern)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED _C U T I E up late for your pleasure - 25
GORGEOUS×x ((* C*L*A*S*S*Y*)) xx UPSCALE xxSeXy xx ((EBONY)) xx * TREAT *
(East ValleyIn/OutTEMPE 52nd and Broadway)
_•(——— •★___ H_O _T____— ———NEW — —BRUNETTE— ——— —NEW — —___B_ O _M_B_S_H_E_L_L_ ★•—) - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, 202 & SCOTTSDALE RD IN&OUTCALL;)
~ FETISH GIRL~ FETISH SPECIALST ~ ?? what makes the girl a specialist?? ~ - 42
(TEMPE east valley incall480-255-6221)
Far From Your Typical Encounter ***** Pleasure Seekers Only ***** .. 80HH & 150Hr IC - 37
(Central/South Phoenix, Indian & 32st New Posh Location)
F A N T A S Y ** W A I T I N G ** F O R ** Y O U **100 incall S P E C I A L S ** new pics - 22
(East Valley, Tempe/ Scottsdale IN)
Extra SWEET - Very SEXY - Nicely THICK Ѽ APPLE -°oBOTTOM BOOTY Ѽ :¦- DouBlE SpEcIaLS - - 19
(phoenix in n out)
°°*☆ ( =F_L_¡_R_T_Y= __ ★ __ =BrUnEtTe= __ ★ __ =B__@_U_T_Y )°°*☆ - 20
(Phoenix, incall/peoria/I-17/outcalls valley wide)
Devima Cordelia 222-258 Fantastic Bliss Now until 3pm SUN@Phoenix Goddess Temple; then thurs-sat - 36
(Magical Chambers Central Phoenix)
Daytime Rate Discount full hour and hour ends at 4pm!!! Sexy and Fun... - 30
(SR/51 and Indian School)
☆ D_A_N_G_E_R_O_ U_S_L_Y ·.♥ ¯* A_D_D_i_ C_T_I_N_G ☆ - 24
(East Valley, scottsdale~202&scottsdale; rd)
👄💘💙 D R E A M S do come T R U E .... Call For Your Wildest Dream Come true.... - 22
(East Valley, Scottsdale)
(( D_O_N_T miss out!!! )) ** Early Bird SpeCiaLz ** Come n hang out w/ Kimmie - 22
(East Valley, SCOTTSDALE 714.862.9386)
❤💢 CuMPLaY w/ Me 💢 (( I'll KeeP u UP aLL NiTe !!! )) 💢 STaY & PLaY SPeCiaL 💢 ((call now)) 💢❤ - 28
(Phx North, Out valley wide, In call N Phnx)
@ CHoCoLate CoVerD NyMPhO iS HaVInG A pArTy In HER pAnTIeS & EvEry OnE iS iN InVitEd UNZiP & ReLaX - 31
CLICK HERE ** +++RoUnD LIKE _____A ____ LOLLOPOP+++ ** =*=* & THICK like a LAFFY~TAFFY - 22
Check Out This New Pic - Bonde with 40DD's- Gated Community in Scottsdale, Well Reviewed - 44
(East Valley, Gated Community)
Chocolate DD,s $80 InCalls Mature Men I Adore " Erotic Hott Review,s" Fun Woman Of Leisure ! - 37
(East Valley, Indian School & 32st Nice Private Loc.)
#❶ CHOiCE Upscale Provider- Reviewed & Verified.... 💋SKYYY!! - - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix, Upscale Incall/ Outcall)