Mon 27 Jan
!!LOOK SPECIALS!! °•°• NeW BiG BoOtY In ToWn•°•°• ÂvAiLaBle AlL NiGhT °•°• ! 80 Special.. WOW - 26
(West Valley, GLENDALE)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
LOOK @ TH!$ EBONY YOU CAN HAVE FOR JUST _______>>>$60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
✰ { ✰ } LooK At ThiS OnE OF KinD BL ➓ NDE HottiE ShE's A PerfecT ➓ { ✰ } ✰ - 25
(East Valley, ELLIOT - I -➓ ~ IC/OC)
LOOK HERE (new pics!) »»» In call / out calls ««« (new pics!) LOOK HERE6026216708 - 19
(West Valley, Westvalley(in) valleywide(outs))
like maxwell house ...GOOD= TO= THE =LAST =DROP... let me jump start your day ~80 spec~ - 26
(Scottsdale / tempe border)
LITTLE NYMPHO LOTSA DV8 FUN - Incall Only, Daytimes Wild Reviews - 22
(Central Phoenix 24th St & McDowell)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
Last Chance 4 GINA InCaLL!★ (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯)Gina (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯)Gina! - 35
(Phx North, Scottsdale/N.Phoenix)
Hottie With A Body 😍😍 Available Now ☺☺ Check me out 😘😘 Promise You'll Enjoy !!🌟🌟 Dancer also!! - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
▄ ❤HOT❤ »-★» ❤ »-★-» ❤ ❤ »-★-» ❤ TREATS » ❤ ▄▀▀ 1OO% REAL❤ »-★-» ❤ - 21
(East Valley, Mesa Arizona,in-calls only)
❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❤ HOT❤•✿• »-★»•✿• ❤ STUNNING ❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ » ❤▄▀▄▀▄•✿• :Brunette: ▀ ❤ Teagen - 22
(East Valley, Outcalls Anywhere - Hotels ok too!!)
🔥Hot Spicy Seductive Blonde👸🏼 Ready For Fun 👙 Let's Play Baby💋 - 20
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale, airport,tempe)
❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❤ HOT❤•✿• »-★»•✿• ❤ STUNNING ❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ » ❤▄▀▄▀▄•✿• :Brunette: ▀ ❤ Teagen - 22
(East Valley, Outcalls Anywhere - Hotels ok too!!)
***Hot* Light * Skinned * BRAZILIAN * BOMBSHELL * Up * And * Ready * To * Play*** - 20
(Eastvalley I/C!! valleywide O/C!!)
Hot buBBlEe & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
💄❤️ Hot▃ 💄💞🍓 ▃🌺🍀 -ADULT ACTRESS Kimber hosting Oldtown Scottsdale IN & OUTCALLS 🍀🌺▃ 🍒🌴🌺 ▃ - 23
(East Valley, OldTown Scottsdale Incalls & Outcalls, Phoenix)
★ ▬▬▬▬★HERE NOW▬▬ ★ NEW PIX ★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬ - 24
(East Valley, scottsdale in/out near fashion square)
H I G H L Y♥ ஐ A D D I C T I N Gஐ ♥ T E M P T R E S S - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, TEMPE In & OutCalls)
❤ GORGEOUS █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆♥ PERFECT 10 ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ LATE NIGHT TREAT ❤ - 20
**** Got Milf? **** Get Milf! **** Thick and Busty Redhead **** Does it All **** - 43
(North Phoenix Incall)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) GORGEOUS FACE SLiM WAiSt AMAZING ° BOOTY (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 19
(I-17 north/west valley)
((((((((((( Gorgeous, Petite, Young, Blonde, Guaranteed To Make You Say WOW!!! ))))))))))) - 26
(Downtown Phx./7th Ave. & Camelback)
**Good Morning Wood? Im up early and Ready to massage away that stiffness, take advantage NOW* - 40
(Phx North, metro Phoenix)
———————[[ GORGEOUS BaBe ]] —————————[[ SUPER SEXY ]] —————————[[ UPSCALE REAL ASIAN ] - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, OUT CALL ONLY ****480*-*512*-*1901****)
⇨ GENUINE Personality, PREttY Face, SEXY Body ☎ 509-859-5571◀ AVAIL. 24/7 ♥ - 22
(East Valley, Tempe: Broadway & Mill Ave)
(¯`' .¸★¸. '´¯) cUUUuM GET A PiECE of MY GooOODY GoOOooDS (¯`' .¸★¸. '´¯) - 20
(camelback & I-17)
🆕🆕CuRvY→🍓Big BuBBl€ BooTy💋🔝Pro🍭Ju!c¥ GODDeSS🍭Addictive🍦 Kinky And Available - 29
(N. I-17 inc and outcall, Phoenix, Phx North)
***CoMe PLaY with MYA & put a LittLe SaSS in YouR NigHt***100 special tonite!! - 21
(West Valley, Westvalley All Over U!i10 fwy out or in)
.. ❤ come PlaY wiT tHis New Mixxed mami.. 150 specIals .limited.. time ❤ - 18
(mesa ic/ 60e cntry clb rd)
COme FinD oUT WhAt u"v BeEn MiSsInG!!!!! L@@k - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
°°**CoMe GeT SoME CaNdY**°° OUT CALLS HaBlO EsPaNoL - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, West vally out calls)
¥**CHERRY The Puerto Rican Goddess*¥ OUTCALLS :*p Starting at 80$$$ - 21
(East Valley, O/C EVERYWHERE Starting Point Tempe :))