Wed 08 Jan
**Cozy up with me! Pure pleasure is at your fingertips! It doesn't get any better than this!!**
★ ★ Come Enjoy My Specials ** LEAVING TOWN AT 1PM ** ★ ★ - 21
(West Valley, 43rd ave and thomas ( private home))
Baddest Latina In Az Specials Today incall and outcall - 21
(East Valley, mesa country club and southern)
(( NeW PiCs )) ****** Fre$H MeaT *****NeW CutiE Pie ****** Be NicE !! - 19
(East Valley, East Valley scottsdale INCALL)
STEP it UP! This 5 star Provider/FLIGHT ATTENDANT is more fun than ever! *SPECIALS* - 36
~Real ROCKY MouNTAIN ~Snow White Dream Come True ~~ 100 SPECIAL - 23
(West Valley, In-Dysart & 10w- OUtcall ENTIRE VAlLEY)
(in and out specials) ♥ __pretty__ LEGGY SEXY BLONDE ___petite__ ♥ - 35
(Central/South Phoenix, Near Sky Harbor Airport)
EXa CtLy ♥ Wh@ t ♥ Y_ 0 U ♥ N33 D!☆ SPECIALS - 22
(Phx North, i17 and Greenway)
BaCk IN ToWn .... WaiTiNg tO CuM!! .... DriPPiNg WeT!!! SPECIALS & 2 girl ShoWs - 20
ATTENTION! Real pics, Real Adult star, Real fun, Real Pleasure! Specials 2nite! - 40
(Phoenix & surrounding)
**** OUTCALL EROTIC MASSAGE ****** Surprise area/ Buckeye / Good year/ litchfield/ ******* - 25
(surprise/sun city/buckeye)
OUTCALL= ) Mz_ _. H.A.I.L.E.Y. _ _ UR # 1 (LATINA) Party Girl _ _ i/17 & IndianSch Rd._ _24/7 - 25
(PHX AREA.. .. 24/7== 480= 532 = 5326)
**Come watch a dirty movie and get a naughty show in one of our private suites!** - 18
(19th Ave and Peoria (2010 W Ironwood Dr))
HIGHLY Reviewed 👌100% Real Pics💄Im Ready ,Are you?💋100 OUTCALL specials - 26
(East Valley, Valleywide/outcall)
8O I/ C ★ HOT Thick Young Latina 100 O/C ★In Mesa Now - 21
(Incalls 60 DoBsoN & Outcalls ValleyWide)
Tue 07 Jan
XoxoXO _ _ _ _S_ _ _ w_ _ ee_ _ _ t_ _ _ LIKE_ _ _ C_ _ A_ _ nd_ _ y_ _ _ _ _ XxoxOX come and TASTE - 21
(Airport area in and out)
Th⬠vâ¬rY Bâ¬sT In Th⬠Wâ¬sT. BuSTy Râ¬dhâ¬ad 80 outcall - 26
SUGAR and SPICE make everything NICE!! ima Busty BRUNETTE who doesnt tease, I aim 2 please!!!! - 34
(phoenix,az- 23rd ave & bell road)
SpiCe uP YoUr nite W/Me *¨¨*¨¨* Up & ReAdY tO PLaY 100 SPECIALS - - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, central n vanburen)
@@@@@ Sexy/Mature Redhead Companion ... Jessica Rabbit twin @@@@@@ - 42
(East Valley, McDowell and the 101 (South Scottsdale))
✿ Pure PLEaSurE * Young & TighT *SeXxXy Playmate *SPECIALS* ✿ - 21
(I/C Central & Camelback O/C Valleywide)
Rain Rain Go Away SPECIALS ¿° ☆ °¿ aMaZiNg sKiLLs jAwDrOppiNG hOtt BLoNde ¿° ☆ °¿ - 22
(Central PhX I/C O/C U HOST****)
**Come watch a dirty movie and get a naughty show in one of our private suites!** - 18
(19th Ave and Peoria (2010 W Ironwood Dr))
**** OUTCALL MASSAGE ****** Surprise area/ Buckeye / Good year - 25
(West Valley, surprise/sun city/buckeye)
Mature, Sexy, Redheaded MILF for the Elite at mind - 42
(East Valley, South Scottsdale (McDowell and the 101))
M A T U R E - S E X Y - S Q U I R T I N G Redheaded M I L F highly reviewed - 42
(East Valley, McDowell/101 area (South Scottsdale))
ஐ IT's NeVER Too LaTE {{ TH¡S L¡TTle HoTT¡E HaS BoDY }} PLaYFuL *SpECiALs ஐ - 22
(*I/C* cENTRAL pHx *O/C* U HOST)
(I/C Central & Camelback O/C Valleywide)
IN=80 ) Mz_ _. H.A.I.L.E.Y. _ _ UR # 1 (LATINA) Party Girl _ _ i/17 & IndianSch Rd._ _ - 25
(phx area 24/7== 480=532=53two6)
°___ I May Be BAD... But Im Perfectly GOOD At IT °___ Petite Blonde Pleasure ° ___ Hot SPECIALS - 22
(O/C Valleywide U Host I/C Central Phx)
HIGHLY Reviewed 👌100% Real Pics💄Im Ready ,Are you?💋80HH INCALL Specials(Ask about outcall rates) - 26
(East Valley, Tempe/Incall & Outcall valleywide)
GuArAntd TO Giv You WhAt yOu nd ( specials) 60 - 26
(East Valley, VALLEY WIDE OUTCALL Tempe incall)
G -- O --R -- G -- E -- O -- U -- S » -(¯`v´¯) - » -G i R L » -(¯`v´¯) Available NOW! - 19
(incalls & outcalls)
° ☆ » FuN LittLe BLoNde PaCkaGe To PLaY*aLL NiGhT « ☆ ° PLeaSuRe YoU WaNt SuPerSpEciALs - 22
(*Central PhX* I/C ** O/C *U HoST :)___)
Come See the new girls at The VIP ROOM! Where Fantasies Come To Life - 20
(19th Ave and Peoria(2010 W Ironwood))
~Dream Come True Snow White~~Real Rocky Mountain FUN!!! - 23
(West Valley, Goodyear-Dysart and I-10)
*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* THIS *¨¨**¨¨* WEEKEND*¨¨*ONLy *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨*LOOK HERE! - 22
(Phoenix Az(will travel))
&LoOk; No LOngER i AM hERe!! 100%REAL >LEt Me bE Ur hALLowEEn tReat!! - 21
({NORTH PHOENIX} i17 *Mi PLacE Or YouRs*)
Young, Ready and Willing to make your dreams a reality!!!!! - 19
(East Valley, East valley/Tempe/32nd St & I10)
SunDay Is Fun Day! Tall Peurto Rican Erotic Hottie! 80 InCall 150 OutCall Specials All Day! - 21
(Incall Tempe/ OutCall All Over)
❤ SINFULLY ❤ SWEET ❤ BLONDE BomBShell TREAT ❤ 100 special - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
❤ SINFULLY ❤ SWEET ❤ BLONDE BomBShell 100 special ❤ - 23
(East Valley, 44th st and mcdowell)
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Sexy Native and Long hair and pertty mouth Playmate! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ - 25 - 25
(west phx)
[[_ PeTiTe & FuN _]] [[_ CuTe & BLonDe _]] [[_ IM EveryThing YoU CRAVE _]] [[ LaTe NiTe SPECiALs ]] - 22
(Out* U Host // In* Central Phx)
Nicole...wants to play???? InCall And OutCall Specials - 22
(Phx North, Phoenix and Glendale location)
💋❤💋 Native Beauty at your service *INCALL AND OUTCALL SPECIALS NIGHT!!!*💋❤💋 - 18
(East Valley, Incalls at DOBSON AND THE 60)
Looking for love in all the wrong places??? Scottsdale, Tempe and east valley.. OUTCALLS TOO - 26
(202 and Scottsdale rd./ outcall your bed)
L©©kInG F©R a SUpr F®ak? **80 half ** I N C A L L °â¢Â° S P E C I A L S - 26
**Come watch a movie and get a NAUGHTY SHOW in one of our private suites!** - 18
(19th Ave and Peoria (2010 W Ironwood Dr))
☎ * :•.♥ • :* _____BoMBSHeLL BeAUTY_____ * :•. ♥• :* ☎ - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, CeNtRaL&BaSeLiNe-INCALL;&OUTCALL;)
✴ B L O N D E ✴ H O T T I E ° • ° Avail NOW !° • °✯ incall & out •°• - 39
(32nd street & McDowell/Airport Area, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix)
------- Amazing specials -------- Freaky and a little bit kinky ------ - 37
(North Phoenix, Phoenix)
~~TODAY could be the BEST FRIDAY EVER!! Come see what you've been missing out on!! **SPECIALS**
!!Something Special***~~~In A SEXXY Package ~~~ - 33
(East Valley, East valley incall/outcall valley wide)
💋☎💋PERFECT 10 💋Dream Come True - 23
(East Valley, INCALL & OUTCALL, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
**** OUTCALL EROTIC MASSAGE ****** Surprise area/ Buckeye / Good year - 25
(Phoenix, surprise/sun city/buckeye)
LET me SHOW you why I'M the BEST & AND MOST PRETTIEST EBONY b!tch on B.P...!!! - 29
(Ic on Cactus & 59th ave~Valleywide Oc)
°•°•*☆ *LETS PARTY!! ★* _ =*= ALL~NATURAL _ (( HoTTiE )) __ EROTIC BOMBSHELL =*= - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, SCOTTSDALE)
LeAVinG In A FeW HouRs... HuRRy!!!! - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Leaving Sunday @ 2pm Fella's...HURRY!!!)
It's cold❄️outside but 😍Summer😍is here to keep U Warm! - 24
(East Valley, i17 & peoria incall, Phoenix)
((CuTiE w/ BOOTY )) * (FuN & SeXy) BomBsHeLL SpEcIaLs I/c 55 O/c 80 - 22
(Phx North, 19 AVE Dunlap safe residents*Outcall)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 22
(Phx North, Incall Northern Ave)
___((( __big soft__booty__))_ ____HOTT BLACK BEAUTY ____►__ __slide into pleasure - 22
(West Valley, incall/outcall)