Mon 13 Jan
LOOK 150hr 100hhr today ONLY!!! MMMMM upscale men. Come and hang OUt my house.... iam DAISY - 24
Sun 12 Jan
:::: NeW :::: SexXxy Treat Eager & Ready To PLEASE YoU :::: NeW :::: *Green Eyed Blonde* A Must See - 28
(NW Phoenix IC/Valleywide OC)
► EXoTiC BLoNdE w/38DD's ( . Y . ) GeT ThE SaTiSFaCtioN YoU DeSeRvE!!! - 32
(Phx North, Phoenix / Private Incall)
~~TODAY could be the best WEDNESDAY EVER!! Come see what you've been missing out on!! **SPECIALS**
*¨¨* THE REAL DEAL *¨¨* 5000% REAL *¨¨* SEXIEST __AZ PROVIDER I*¨¨* - 20
(East Valley, mesa private cozy incall (My place))
-----Im Up Im Awake and I Want Some Company Nice Private Location With A Young Sexy Latina Come Play - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North, Private Incall)
."100% GFE FREAK Offering COMPLETE Satisfaction !!! " YOU Always HIT A HOMERUN!! - 23
(Phoenix ( GFE FREAK))
_ £ighty Sp£cial _ FR£AKy FuN _ HoT LittL£ BLoND£ *FIR£-CRACK£R* _ R£ADy To B*U*R*S*T - 22
(My Place Central Phx **O/C Everywhere**)
::__ ExCiTiNg AmAZiNg PLEaSuRe __::__ REAL ~ Petite BLoNDe ~ A TRuE TReaSuRe __:: PLaYTiMe SPECiALS - 23
(O/c~ Valleywide I/c~ Central Phx)
°°°☆ EBoNy ViXeN °°★ I WaNT YoU NOW °°★ $ InCaLl SPeCiaLS °°° - 22
WARNING HeAT AdViSoRY > > > > > { x X x } THiS OnE YoU WiLL NeVeR FoRGeT { x X x } 60 I/C 100O/C - 22
(*I/C* DoBSoN & 60 *O/C* 2 U)
***She is often imitated....she is never equaled.....she is the original Bailey*** - 84
(I-17 Greenway)
Just 100/hr!!! BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL w/38DD's... YOUR DREAM GIRL IS WAITING! (ask about specials too!) - 32
(Phx North, North Phoenix/Private Incall)
***GFE***Want the GFE? Have it ALL anywhere in the Valley! *GFE*HOT, BLONDE *IN/OUTCALL ***GFE*** - 25
(Anywhere in the Valley)
Sat 11 Jan
100 SLENDER. E•X•O•T•I•C. DomINICAN. G•O•D•D•E•S•S 100 $ 100 $ ... ReADy NoW!!! 24/7 - 22
(East Valley, SCOTTSDALE INcall💗 My PLACE)
♥ WiLd, HOT, EXoTiC, CURVY, BLoNdE ( . Y . ) Incall - Just 100 ro$es!!! ♥ - 33
(Phx North, Phoenix)
ThE CLuBs ArE CloSiNG {{ NoW The REAL FuN CaN STaRT }}*YouNg *TighT *SeXy PLaYToY * SPECIALS - 21
(>I/CO/C< 2 U)
~*Stunning Blonde*Perfect 10!!*~ *SUPER LOW SPECIALS!* NEW PICS! - 23
(Phx North, Phoenix/Deer Valley)
Tickle in your BUM? wanna FEEL LIKE a SLUT? Bend-over STRAP 0N TODAY... - 40
(tempe - mill/university area -INCALL)
Make tonight the MOST FUN it can be, playtime starts with your FAV FLIGHT ATTENDANT!! - 36
LAST DAY💥 ☎️→🍭SWEET 🍭 💦F R E A K Y💦 $pinn€r 🌴 £XOTiC 🌺 [💋] ⒜⒱⒜⒤⒧⒜⒝⒧⒠ 👅 - 21
(East Valley, East Valley , Mesa)
Forget the *** Experience ...Try The Bailey Experience You'll Never Look Back - 71
(Greenway & 19th ave)
F@ce Down... Azz Up !!!! I'll tell U Where to put that ... - 28
(MY PLACE ( INCALL ), Phoenix, Phx North)
Click Me Click ME_ _ _ _ NEW_ __ _ PICTURES_ _ _ _ TAKEN_ _ _ _ 2DAY_ _ _ Sexy ASIAN Krystal GFE! - 21
(SCOTTSDALE in and out)
AriZona's Favorite Beauty__** *~* CoMe AnD SeE WHY *~*Very Well Reviewed!!* - 21
(44th st & 202(near the airport))
AriZona's Favorite Beauty__** *~* CoMe AnD SeE WHY *~*Very Well Reviewed!!* - 21
(44th st and the 202)
☆_ AbSoLuTeLy ADoRaBLe! [[_ U DeSerVe A *REAL *FuN *CuTie _]] - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, *O/C* Valleywide *I/C* CentraL PhX)
Yes, I'm A Blonde Beauty And Making You Happy Is My Duty!! ------->> GORGEOUS BLUE EYED BABE - 22
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave.)
_(( UnForSeen ForECast * HoT & W . £ . T . T * ))_ NeW PiCs_(( Sexy LiTTLe BLoNdE W/AMAZiNG BoDy ))_ - 22
(**O/C Everywhere** I/c My Place)
SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed Busty Blonde GFE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Pic
(Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
The Sexiest EbOnY Chocolate Treat Ever Available Now REAL PICS! $50 Special !!!!! - 22
--- >>> THE PROSTATE -Tickle it - Milk it - Explore it - THE PROSTATE
(tempe - mill/university area -INCALL)
♫ Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These ♫ ... A HOT BLONDE WITH 38DDs!!! - 30
(29th Street and Greenway Rd.)
Single look for a Good Man . come over available. 100% real save my number I'm Yours. - 27
(East Valley, east valley/ tempe)
S U P E R - *SpEciAlS* -100 -S U -- D -- U C -- T -- I -- V -- E - 21
(Phx North, vallywide)
SaTisFy YouR LaTE NiGHT CRaViNg! ( PetitE¯BLoNDE & HoT¯) :(1OO% ReAL & FuN ): O/C SPECiALs FLAWLESS - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C* Your Place ;) I/C* Central Phx)
. . S . M . O . K . I . N . . . H . O . T . . . IMI . II . IL . IF . . . . **NEW TER REVIEW!** - 34
(North West Phoenix - Bell Rd.)
Petite Blonde Available 80 special (((*))) Hottie with a Little Body - 26
(Mesa or East Valley Outcalls)
North Phoenix Private Incall 1000% Latina Never Too Late - 23
(North Phoenix Incall I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
New# 80hhr ONLY TONIGH 125hr Leaving TO VEGAS tomorrow dnt MISS me! MMMmMMmMM - 24
(East Valley, tempe incall baseline hardy scottsdale)
***Just 100/hr! - SUPER-SEXY BOMBSHELL BLONDE with 38DD's - Get what YOU want!*** - 32
(Phx North, North Phoenix)
***Just $100/hr__ ♫Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These♫__ A HOT BLONDE WITH 38DD's!!! - 32
(Phx North, North Phoenix/Incall)
***HOT BOMBSHELL BLONDE with 38DD's and ULTIMATE Satisfaction 4 U!*** - 30
(29th Street and Greenway Rd--North Phx)
***{Go D-backs} iam back n town iam Crysta iam READY to hangout 80/125/150 - 25
(East Valley, my place incall outcall eastvalley)
°♥° Get what you want... HOT BOMBSHELL BLONDE with 38DD's... Just $100/hr !!! °♥° - 32
(Phx North, Phoenix)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ *BOOM ★———★ B@nG ★———★ *PoW * ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • ★SaTurDayNiTe SupEr $PeCiaL!!!★ • • • - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Peoria)
°B.° L .° O ° N .°D ° E .° PETITE .° .° B° A° R° B° I° E (( 80 SpEciAL )) - 25
(Phoenix, Mesa)
_______ __________ ___________ Sensual Full Body Massage Only _________ _________ _________ - 34
(Mesa Incall and Outcalls)
........Love boobs and booty?Look no further.Booty worshipers welcome/42 DD's - 37
(East Valley, east valley/Chandler/Maricopa)
***Just 100/hr! __CURVY, BUSTY, BLONDE and BEAUTIFUL__ Your Dream-Girl Is Waiting... - 32
(Phx North, North Phoenix)
!!!!!!!! Super Sexxxy Saturday With A Hot Latina !!!!!!!!!! girlfriend fun - 24
(north phx my place or yours)
•★•°ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R FÕ®G€T•°•★• scottsdale outcalls - 24
(Phx North, Valleywide/ North Phoenix)
.........Love boobs and booty?Incall specials today.Booty worshipers welcome/42 DD's - 37
(East Valley, east valley/13 miles from Chandler)
______ ೋ In NeeD Of SoME REAL pLEASURE ೋ hOtt & TeMpTiNg tREAT FuN SeXxXy sPECiALS __ - 22
(I/C Central & CaMELBACK** O/C YoUR PLAcE)
☆_ UnBeLieVeABLe FuN PLeaSuRe _☆ SMOKEN HoT PLaYMaTe ReaDy To PLeaSe _☆_ Specials - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, *O/C* Valleywide *I/C* CentraL PhX)