Tue 07 Jan
{ Y~O~U~R F~A~V~O ~R~I~T~E B~L~O~N~D~E } 36DD PlAyMaTe - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Near Sky Harbor Airport)
* XTR MXTÕUCH M XF L MX -BEST iN tOwN !*¨¨*:.★ - 19
(Phx North, North Phx PrivateResid Incall Specials)
Y O U R ♡ ♥ ♡ D I R T Y ♡ ♥ ♡ little♡ ♥ ♡ S E C R E T ♡ ♥ ♡ - 21
(East Valley, 60*120*200 I-10&Baseline;/Out)
Welcome Spring Training Baseball Fans!! Scottsdale's Hottest MILF is Ready to Play! - 46
(East Valley, Phoenix, S. Scottsdale (McDowell & 101))
Wait No Longer The Perfect nd EXoctic Companion is here😍😍😍😍😍👌👌👍👍💆💋💋💋💋💗💗💗💗💗💗 - 21
(East Valley, Tempe/Chandler/Mesa)
TRUE E Love to Kiss Incall Anytime new years specials busty sexy brunette - 28
(centrally located phoenix scottsdale)
***This FLIGHT ATTENDANT is ready and anxious to begin playtime!! **SPECIALS** - 36
**THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT wants to play today!!! Wanna play too?? SUNDAY SPECIAL
**THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT wants to play this early morning !!! Who's game?? **SPECIALS**
**** THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT Is ready for some SATURDAY NIGHT PLAYTIME!! who's joining me??****
**This FLIGHT ATTENDANT wants to finish off the weekend with Playtime! Available NOW!! - 36
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴The Real Deal ! 36-26-39 Morena -Afro-Latina - 29
(Discreet East valley Incall Privado, East Valley, Phoenix)
The sexy sultry Ebony kinky Master ROSE* Incall I-10 83rd ave Outcall Valleywide - 22
(West Valley, I-10 83rd Ave Outcall valleywide)
The N.E.W.E.S.T ~ S.e.x.i.e.s.t ~ EBONY ~ ((VIXEN)) ~ *V* E *R* O *N* I * C *A * * L * O * V*E* - 23
(VALLEY WIDE out calls - incall off i-17)
**** THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT Is ready for some WEDNESDAY NIGHT PLAYTIME!! who's joining me??****
¡ThE REAL DeaL¡ ___ ► *HoT *HoT *HoT ¡ PeTiTe BLonDe ◄ ___ *SWeeT *PLEASURE *SPECIALS - 22
(O/C Valleywide U Host I/C Central Phx)
🌹❤ Sweet Brunette Ready To Play ❤🌹 (Incalls/Outcalls ) - 25
(56th st Thomas, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)
Surgeon Generals WARNING....I may be HIGHLY ADDICTIVE....You will keep coming back - 40
(East Valley, New Location close to PHx, Tempe, Chan)
SuPEr FrEaK ====>> ((ViSiTiNg)) _____{ {$100 iNcALL SpeciAlS}} - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, central phoenix)
*SuPeR HoT LaTiNa $60$80 SpEcIaLs =*InCall OnLy*= DoNt MiSs OuT* - 24
(East Valley, I 10 Chandler blvd)
💞 💞 💞** ( SuP€r sexy )•🍒🍒 ..★*• LONG LEGGED-: 🍒🍒★ ★ ♥ h :O rnee blonde 🍒🍒✰ NiCe 2 !💞 - 35
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN PHX)
Sultry, playful, young college girl with new mouth watering pictures & fantastic reviews on TER - 21
(Mesa/Tempe Incall and outcall)
SuGaR & SpiCe & EvErYtHinG NiCe.. TrY uS OnCe & You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe - 20
(West Valley, in call west valley)
***Summer Special Rate Ending Soon...Hot MILF Brunette, gorgeous body, extremely giving...... **
(incall 101/Tatum & outcall valleywide)
::: Sunday Night Treat!! ::: ♥ ((( 7O iNcaLL Special ))) ♥ ::: PLAYFUL little Babe : - 23
(East Valley, :I/C: Airport Area + Outcall 2 U)
*SuPeR HoT LaTiNa $60 SpEcIaLs =*InCall OnLy*= DoNt MiSs OuT* - 24
(East Valley, I 10 Chandler blvd)
(¯`_. |: Sm0kiN HoTT 6O SPECIALS -- FLaWLeSS LittLe BloNDe BaBe :| ._´¯) LeTs PLaY !! - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, I/C~ Central Phx *SPECIALS* O/C~UHost)
Searching for a.distinguished gentlemen who refuses to settle for less then he deserves. - 35
(Outcall/Resort friendly)
Smokin Hot BBW Will Make Your Rocket for the 4th - INCALL SPECIALS - 41
(Cave Creek and Cactus Rds)
sexy platinum blonde Busty 36D low flat rates incall specials - 23
(phoenix goodyear avondale glendale)
Sexy Brunette with Smokin CuRvEs.! Your Ultimate Connection is One call Away - 43
SEXxY NEW HOTTiE IN TOWN --- 36DD's --- Dangerous Curves & Skillz 2 Match {5o I/C till NOON} - 26
(East Valley, 44th Street & Thomas INcall)
----- -------- --------- 》 ✿ ♥SCOTTSDALE'S #1 ASIAN hotty ✿ ♥ ALL U NEED IS ME! ! - 22
(Phx North, scottsdale incall or out)
!! SATURDAY INCALL !! HOP on Over and Spend Time With a Reviewed Hottie :) XOXOXO - 19
!!! SATURDAY INCALL !!! Come Relax and Spend Some Time With a Reviewed Hottie !!! XOXOXO - 19
S E X is GOOD, S E X is FINE... D O G G Y - S T Y L E or S I X T Y - N I N E? - 43
(North Phoenix - Bell Rd & 19th Ave.)
✖ S3XY LATINA #❶ LATINA ✖ INCALLS ✖ OPEN 24hrs.✖ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, PHOENIX INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
Real Pics..New H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E 💋💋 incall an outcall 480-737-7620 - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, cactus/dunlap area)
☆ REAL GiRL ☆ REAL FuN ☆ WHaT U See Is WHaT U GeT ReADy To PLeASE PLaYToY ☆ - 21
(incall=i-10& university dr/out 2 u)
Petite spinner mixed breed I 17 & Bell Rd ~ Indian school - 18
(Phx North, phoenix glendale tempe Scottsdale)
No need to look further......I'm back fellas so come and get it. - 30
(Phx North, I 17 / Union Hills)
NEW PICS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed Swedish Blonde with DDD's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BRAND NEW NOV PICS - 38
(Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
✔NEVER a Driver ✔No Rude Clockwatching ✔No Disappointments ✔FULLY Independent ✔No Upselling Scams - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, 《Avail Now 4 Outcall To Lots of Places!》)
NEW!!! 100% RE@L pics !!! GiNa StAR Is IN YouR Are@ !! BooK Now! !!! UlitiMaTe FanTaSy CUmP@nion!! - 21
-++- Naughty NaSty NYMPHO SpiNNeR GiRL-++- OUT of CONTROL!! Incall ~ -, All Day - 29
(Central Phoenix)
***Naughty MILF ** Sexy Brunette, gorgeous body, and killer skills. Available Now! - 29
(incall 101/Tatum & outcall valleywide)
Looking for love in all the wrong places??? Scottsdale, Tempe and east valley.. OUTCALLS TOO - 26
(202 and Scottsdale rd./ outcall your bed)
Looking for An Older, More Experienced Man To play With Me Today!!! 602-349-3294 - 35
(7th ave /Osburn)
⎛ L {★} {★} K ~ 34Dd _ J u i c y BoOty { E i g h t y $8o$ Incall } * ♥ - 19
(PREMIERING Off i17 && Camelback►)
(UpScaLe PriVaTe InCaLL & OutCaLL NoW!!)
😘 😳JAW 😱DROPPING 🔥SKILLZ. 💋Delicious 🎂Sweet Mixed🍩BROWN 🍪SUGA Come get a taste👄 - 23
(West Valley, westvalley 59th ave)
Just Like Your Hotrod I Am Built. For Pleasure. Blonde Green Eyes Busty. . Patricia - 43
(East Valley, 44th street and McDowell Rd.)
🆕🆕🆕🆕Hot and sexy ts is looking for a great time with a Good hot Wednsday night special - 38
(Phx North, I-17 and union hills I/C ONLY)
HOT BLONDE **^** NEW PICS **^** 100 Spls in/out All Night **^** Tempe Incall - 20
{{ GIRLfRiEnD eXpErIeNcE }} PrEttY PriNcEss Up LaTe ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ - 22
(UpScALe DiScReeT ~ Oh Sooo SwEeT ~)