Sat 11 Jan
CHERRY LOVE☆ These 60 SPECIALS Are SO HoTT! ☆ *__TiGhT PiNK __* & WETT ☆ - 21
(I/C 60 & DoBSoN O/C YoUR PLaCE)
*:.♥ :*¨¨*:: BLONDE HAIR GREEN EYED HOTTIE!!! ♥ All Day Specials ::*¨¨*: ♥.:* - 26
(16st & Northern)
Bl0NDE H@lR GREEN EYED H0TTlE * S0 G00D lts ADDlCTlNG * CUM EXPERlENCE true PLE@SURE * Special Qk 60 - 26
(16st & Northern)
Bl0NDE H@lR GREEN EYED H0TTlE! * S0 G00D lts ADDlCTlNG! * CUM EXPERlENCE true PLE@SURE!!! *Specials* - 26
(16st & Northern)
Are YOU a LEG Man?? Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 43
(Phx North, 16th St and Glendale Off Hwy 51)
Arielle Lace --- Sexy, Highly Reviewed Blonde available in the Phoenix Area on Select Dates! - 30
(Metro Phoenix)
A Hot Masseuse and Dancer Loves To Take Away Your Stress >>>> Hot New Pics - 23
(Mesa Incall outcall everywhere)
☆ __ A MuSt See BLoNDe BaBe REAL SwEEt TrEaT REAL SwEEt FREAKY FRIDAY SpECiaLs __ ☆ - 22
(My PLaCe CaMELBACK & CenTRaL O/C 2 U)
☆_ AbSoLuTeLy ADoRaBLe! [[_ U DeSerVe A *REAL *FuN *CuTie _]] - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, *O/C* Valleywide *I/C* CentraL PhX)
***A CUT ABOVE THE REST!! This Flight Attendant wants to play all day!!***
You can't buy relief, only more frustration and disconnect ~ Start Attracting REAL LIFE Intimacy. - 38
(East Valley, Scottsdale & Mesa)
___XXX ________ Warning--- You_ NEED_To_ See_This- ASAP--- 100%_Real-- I_Am_ The_One...!!!! ____XXX - 36
(Were you really want to be...)
( . )Y( . ) TiGhT JuCiy PLaYMaTe To TaKe CaRe Of YouR LaTe NiGhT WooD ( . )Y( . ) 60 SPECIALS - 21
([I/C] 20th St & Camelback O/C 2 U)
WANNA PLAY WITH ME?? GREAT LEGS! Mature, Sexy, Submissive & Curvy! All For YOUR Pleasure! - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 18th St and Bethany Home Off HWY 51)
TOP TEN BEST WAYS of how to have a fun on a SATURDAY!! Want to know what they are??
This FLIGHT ATTENDANT is off today and wants to PLAY!! who's joining me? - 36
**This FLIGHT ATTENDANT is way too fun to miss out on! It's time to PLAY!!!** - 36
SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed Busty Blonde GFE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Pic
(Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
Summer SPECIALS & BRAND NEW PICTURES The perfect Playmate! Highly Reviewed!! - 40
(Phx North, N. Valley)
(:I/C: University & i-10 : :o/C: yoU HoSt)
💗SKILLS like mine make me a hard HABIT 2 break💕Your gonna luv it💕HIGHLY REVIEWED💕C.C accepted - 38
▀ {SkiLL£D}... {P£TiT£}... {BLonD£} ▄ __+ ULTiMÅT£ PL£aSur£ +__ 6 ° Sp£ciALs HOT & R£aDy - 22
(O/C Valleywide U Host I/C Central Phx)
👄 so good I'll have u saying... [[ blah blah blah]] 👄 - 28
(East Valley, Mesa dr and mckellips, Phoenix)
♥ === [[ SNEAK ]] =♥= [[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] =♥= [[ NEW ]] === ♥ - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, Scottsdale)
Sizzling Hot Special* h0tt!e * PeT!te * AmAzInG Incall 60 $pEcIaL$ - - - 20
(West Valley, incall only)
*☆* sKiLLeD BLONDE BaBe ReaDy tO pLaY! : (( FLaWLeSs & Petite )) : ♥ 1OO Specials - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, =O/c= Valleywide =I/c= Central Valley)
SEXY(爆) $.80 special**HOT *JUICY* LATINA* DELIGHT**2Girls Available - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, INCALLS & OUTCALLS$ 100)
**Sassy and Sexy Brunette, gorgeous body, and killer skills. Available Tonight!! ** - 29
(cave creek/Tatum & outcall valleywide)
SaTisFy YouR LaTE NiGHT CRaViNg! ( PetitE¯BLoNDE & HoT¯) :(1OO% ReAL & FuN ): O/C SPECiALs FLAWLESS - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C* Your Place ;) I/C* Central Phx)
**Sassy and Oh So Sexy MILF** Gorgeous Brunette with a Hot Body and Skills like NO other**
(Incall(101/Tatum) Outcall Valleywide)
Now Available! *I Melt in your Mouth.. And your hands! * Sexy* Blonde* Orally Skilled * Hot Body*
~~ No _ Drama ~~ No _ BS ~~ No _ Upsell ~~ Just _ The _ Best _ Time _ You _ Will _ Ever_ Have !! - 36
(East Valley)
Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions - 37
(34 street greenway)
like maxwell house ...GOOD= TO= THE =LAST =DROP... let me jump start your day ~85 spec~ - 26
(Scottsdale / tempe border)
I'm back and ready to have some fun!! Well reviewed blonde with a killer daytime special!!! - 34
(3rd ave and McDowell)
@@@ I'm 100% Real, Natural, Sexy,Fun and I Want you To Be Happy ;-) @@@ - 27
(Incall Glendale, Outcall available Too.)
[[ Gεn†ℓεmεn's Cho¡cε ]]———[[ √¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε ]]———[[ F¡√ε ★ Bℓondε ]]———[[ Rε√¡εωεd ]] 60Special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, central phx Nice 1n location)
♣ Gentlemen Prefer ♣ Tatiana Teddington ♣ Reviewed (New Pics) - 40
(Chandler Incall/Your Place Outcall)
~~ _ Fun _ Busty _ Sexy _ ~~_ And Simply Great at What I Do..! _ ~ _ Lots of Reviews ! - 36
(East Valley, East Vally -)
❤ Get EXACTLY What You Want & Need!! ❤ Top 100 Provider For Phoenix!! ❤ - 25
(East Valley, East Valley Private Incall!)
Exclusive, Elite Ebony Companion available to upscale, mature, generous, professional gentlemen! - 36
(East Valley, Old Town Scottsdale. Incall or Outcall.)
Everyone loves a special with top provider, affordable, well reviewed, super 💦, sexy blondebombshell - 34
(Outcall specials, Phoenix, West Valley)
*BOOM^%*PoW*% *StaRs + StriPes* 2 hott * Ladies* for* all* your * DeLighTs* - 31
(16thSt. & BeLL .Rd)
Beautiful Brunette Companion with Excelent TER Reviews Available for Incall and Outcall. - 24
Beautiful Cuban and Ebony* Upscale and discreet* Sexy and Petite - 21
(Scottsdale Incall/Outcall valleywide)
BBW KiKi - VALLEY'S HOTTEST ~ 'French Only' $50 OR In-Call $100HH $160HR ~ Need A Dirty Girl?
(Dobson & Southern Tempe/Mesa Border)
And There I was...Naked To The World...In Front Of...Every Type Of Girl...& Out Of The Middle...Came - 36
(east vally)