Sat 11 Jan
💋I'm ✅EXACTLY✅ What You WANT✅ & NEED✅ Sexy💕 Sweet💕 Petite💕 Tight💕💋 - 21
(7th street & Greenway🏡 NORTH PHX, Phoenix, Phx North)
I/C 80) WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} CURVES {T:H:I:C:K}# 1 PARTY girl (i17 & GREENWAY) O/C100 - 21
*U *N *F *O *R *G *E *T *A *B *L *E ** ** B *L *O *N *D *E ** ** B *A *B *E * - 23
(Phx North, I17 hwy & Greenway rd)
UNBELIEVALBE???? Well BELIEVE IT BABY!!!!!! THE True Definition Of A GODDESS come see why Clik HERE - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
SeXy, THICK * ExOtIc * SnOwBuNnIe!! HuGe AzZ & BIG BoObIeS ((HOTT Specials)) Leaving Saturday! - 22
(Phx North, I17 and greenway incalls)
Fri 10 Jan
(Phx North, The 51 & Greenway ♥ INCALL ONLY!)
2 girls!!! 100❤️150❤️200. Big titties!!! Sexy thick brunettes - 23
(Phx North, I17 and greenway. Incalls)
❤️✿✿✿❤️]↔[🔴T♨]↔[🔴T ❤✿✿✿❤️ Available Now❤️✿✿✿❤️ TIP INCLUDED❤✿✿✿❤BEST SERVICE IN AZ❤SofiaNCandy❤ - 27
(35th Ave/Greenway/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
(( ★ *SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ )) BLONdE (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) 100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
💕Sexy 💕Sweet💕 Petite💕 Discrete💕 💜BEAUTIFUL 💜GORGEOUS 💜NAUGHTY💜 👅💦💋Im EXACTLY✅ 👩🏻❤️ What You WANT&NEED;✅ - 21
(7th street & Greenway🏡 NORTH PHX, Phoenix, Phx North)
^~•♥•~^~ MAKING ~^~ HE•♥•ARTS ~^~ BEAT ~^~ FASTER ~^~•♥•~^ - 35
(Phx North, 32nd street & Greenway Road)
(¯`☆`¯) LET-:¦:- ME BE YOUR -:¦:- FANTASY (¯`☆`¯) WoMeN - (¯`☆`¯) - 23
(Phx North, Greenway / 7st)
****** Independant, Curvy, and Blonde with Specials All Night !!! ******* - 29
(Phx North, 59ave/greenway)
♥ ´¯`• IN TOWN NOW •´¯`•EXOTIC BUSTY •´¯`• BOMBSHELL • ´¯`• ♥ [-->V I S I T I N G
(Phx North, i17 & Greenway)
I Love When You Stuff It Inside My Ebony Phatty Thrusting Hard Releasing Your Stress On My Azz ( ; - 20
(59Ave n Greenway Rd., Phoenix, Phx North)
▓ ☆I ☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO..HIghlY SKiLLeD!! ☜SPECIALS☞ ☆ÅddI©+!V€⇨ R€@dy & Waiting 100% REAL - 25
(Phx North, Northeast Valley 51-FRWY/GREENWAY)
💋💋I EvErYtHiNg U💗 wAnt eXtRemLy 👀BUSTY +🍑BIG bubble🍒 BOOTY 💋Sensual🌷 & SEXY💄50qk $PeCiAl$💰 - 28
(I17 & Greenway/Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
☆ ☆ ☆ DOUBLE ☆ TROUBLE ☆ ☆ ☆ 2 Bootyful Blondes!! - 99
(Phx North, 59th Ave/Greenway *480*788*2028*)
Classy Curves, Bringing The Old Fashioned Concept Back ***** N Scottsdale - 31
(North Scottsdale 101@ Greenway-Hayden)
Blonde bombshell with hypnotizing Green Eyes,, 38 DDs and a hunger to please 480-685-0458 - 32
(East Valley, North Scottsdale rd and greenway)
♡♥♡★☆♥A guy once told me "aint nothing worse then waking up with one eyed willy ♡♥♡★☆★♥ - 41
(Phx North, Greenway and I17)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K• :¦:———(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 23
(Phx North, Greenway Rd & I 17 / North Phx)
*-( ! )-* Very NiCe, SuPer SeXy, PetiTe & ThIck *-( ! )-* - 31
(West Valley, North valley- 35 ave & greenway)
They Just Love This Sweet Tight Juicy Phatty Mmmmm Love My Location my $40Quick, Come See Why ( ; - 20
(Greenway Rd., Phoenix, Phx North)
💖❤️SUPER HOT ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiᏉℰ 💜Pℓαγmα†ε Here to make your day !!💖❤️ - 24
(Phx North, I - 17 & GreenWay Rd.)
_S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* - _C_A_L_L_ * ___4_* T_H_E* B_E_S_T * - 21
(Phx North, i17 & GREENWAY)
*°♥° _PETIETE ASIAN_MIX_ O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N _°♥* - 19
(Phx North, I17/GREENWAY)
-:¦:- {N°Â°U°G°H°°¥} -:¦:- {°*S*E*X*Y°} -:¦:- {°B*L*O*N*D*E°} -:¦:- - 30
(Phx North, 59th Ave & Greenway 480-788-2028)
I'M BACK --- Limited Time --- 6' Tall Blue Eyes Red Hair ---WELL REVIEWED - 22
(Phx North, 32nd st & greenway)
** ~ Im Back $50 SpeCial~ ThiCk ~n~SeXy ~ VeRy NiCe ~ AmaZing CuRves ~ ** - 32
(Phx North, 35th ave & Greenway/INCALL ONLY)
🐾 Ebony 🎉 •XOXO💋 Bombshell 💋XOX - [[ CiCi 480.825.6360 ]]❗️INcalls Only ❗️💓 Call Now☎️ - 22
(Greenway Rd., Phoenix, Phx North)
♥ BlonDE GoRGEoUS PLaYMaTe ♥ Sexier Than The Rest ♥ 100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
Beautiful Asian Persuasion ~*Ready To Fulfill Your Fantasy* - 20
(Phx North, incall ( I17 & Greenway ))
• N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. • °o♥o° BlonDe • TeMpTaTiOn • °o♥o°• HaiLi 100 SpEcIaLs - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
(( new )) LAST few Nights n TOWN W/sexy & ready RUBY »»» SPECIALS ««« - 20
(Phx North, I-17 & Greenway)
BombShell With SUPER SPECIALS in N. PHOENIX. AbSoLuTe HoTTy WiTH CuRVeS in All The RiGHT PLaCeS! - 24
(Phx North, i17 & GREENWAY)
The girl next door with the good good. Big booty n thick thighs. - 33
(Phx North, 35TH ave & Greenway)
º----❤ ( SEDUC_T _I_V _E) ( S EXXY ) ❤ ( B R U NET TE !)ºAvAiLaBlE - 19
(Phx North, NORTH PHX i-17 greenway)
♥ BlonDE GoRGEoUS PLaYMaTe ♥ Sexier Than The Rest ♥100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
•♥• BlonDE GoRGEoUS PLaYMaTe •♥• Sexier Than The Rest •♥•100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
Thu 09 Jan
! ! ! Win A FREE Session With A Seductive, Sexy, Reviewed Busty Blonde ! ! ! CLICK HERE For Details - 28
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave & Greenway)
**** %%%% !!!!! ?????? UNBeLIevABle FLat raTE $pecials 40/60/80@@@@@ $$$$$ #### - 20
(Phx North, greenway i/17)
🔥]~[🔴T🔥Girl LailaJai&Cassie;😈💲150 Flat Rate💋Can Kool U Off Baby😈#1Vixens in Town🆓🚿 - 27
(35th Ave/Greenway/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
(( ★ *SiMPLy StUnnINg* ★ )) BLONdE (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) 100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
**~**~**SexXy BLoNdE ShELL ... **KiNkY & FrEaKy ..LoVeS To WOW YoU **~**~** - 29
(Phx North, 59th Ave & Greenway 520*336*1499 Incall)
Qυαℓιτγ Upscale ßεαuty🌺uℓtiℳαtε ρℓ℮αδυRε❤ ωнεяε ∂яεαмs cuм яεαℓιтy💋 - 24
(North Phoenix; i17 & greenway, Phoenix, Phx North)
IN A IU G IH T Y . . . IN IE IR ID . . . 602-507-5724 - 30
(Phx North, Northwest PHX (Greenway) Private Incall)