Sun 12 Jan
¤•¤ Early • Morning • SPECIALS » • » • » SEXY ¤•¤ BEAUTIFUl ¤•¤ one of a kind ¤•¤ - 22
(Phx North, Scottsdale,Mesa North Phx, Chandler)
DV8 LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
Drama free, Hassle free, and did I Mention Incredibly Sexy ! HOT SEXY PIC'S>>>>> - 42
(Phx North, In & Out calls 24/7)
{{ DRiPPiNG WeTT }} *//* AVAILABLE All NiGHT All FoR YouR PLEASURE *//* ~ 6 0 I/C~ ~1 0 0 O/C~ - 21
(:I/C: 20th St & Camelback :o/C: Your BeD)
_:***~** EARLY Squirrel gets the*N+U+T*!!! Come see this BUSTY ARMENIAN BEAUTY!! ***~**:_ - 22
(East Valley, N. Scottsdale Road & 202, 702 488 6122)
❤ ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c ❤ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING Limited Edition !. - 19
(West Valley, incalls)
(In & Out your neighborhood)
💯% Down ✔💯% Real✔ Sexy From Head to Toe 💯%Party Girl REady Now;o - 29
(Out calls valley wide, Phoenix, Phx North)
☆🇵 🇮 🇨 🇰(๏人 ๏)🇲 🇪 ☆ ♥ Companionship Specialist - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Scottsdale_ParadiseValley_FancyHomes)
↘↘Crazy Thick New Bunny That's Ready To Give You 💘💘The Day Of Your Life Don't Miss Out Babe↙↙ - 21
(East Valley, Mesa Incalls Only!!!!)
Beautiful * Passionate * Sexy * Very Clean ~~~ Sexy French/English Beauty w/ touch of Chippewa ~*~* - 28
(In: S. Scottsdale / Out: Valleywide)
______ BAD @SS BLONDE_________ ✔ I'll Knock Your socks off ! ✔ _________ READY NOW! - 23
(East Valley, scottsdale in/out all over)
********** * B-U-S-T-Y *** ___________ *** PlayMaTe*** ________ SmOkIN _______ H^O^T ********** Body - 24
Baby pleaseDont Wh@ckITgive KANDIE LEIGH JOHNSON a cr@ck@it! Ms.johnson is looking 4 Mr.Johnson NOW - 39
(East Valley, In Chandler right off I-10*24/7* In&Out;, Phoenix)
BBW♥ ╚» ╚» ♥Beautiful Irish&Black; Bombshell!!!♥ ╚» ╚» ♥ Aim to please not tease!!!! ♥ ╚» ╚» ♥ - 21
(East Valley, East Valley; West Valley)
Bbw ready to prove we do it better!! Out call and car/quick visit east valley - 30
(East Valley, Phoenix)
Back from Cali and Ready Rub your body right !! Tan and Beautiful ! Enjoy the Quality difference - 44
(Phx North, 53rd ave & Peoria or O/C is Available)
█ ◆ █ ◆ __ Available! Make me Unavailable!__ ◆ █ ◆ █ - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, ★Special $180 Your Place★)
💋At Work💼? Sneak Away And Come Play! 💗😘 😳JAW 😱DROPPING 🔥SKILLZ. 💋 - 23
(West Valley, westvalley 59th ave)
Avail Now! the' (¯`°Sexiest Lips°´¯)°• SAVAJ'__ ELITE MODEL type companion_NEVER a BAIT n Switch! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, I personally drive 2 you~ OUTCALL ONLY!)
Arousing Abby ❤❤Sexy Tall White Girl ❤❤ IN&OUT; Calls ❤❤ - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, i17 Thomas Rd., Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
*** {{{ AVAILABLE NOW}}} ***____BuSTY ____*** {{{ I LIKE IT EARLY MORNINGS }}} ***____ ViXeN - 21
✨ AVAILABLE 💫 NOW ☀️🌙 H🔥T Specials 🍒 Last NIGHT Here 🍑 Late Night SPECIALS 🌹 - 27
(N. Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
ASIAN° 602-413-5383 *NeW* ° Petitte * LOL ° *SEXY ° DOLL * ° ELITE! - 23
(East Valley, PHOENIX 24/7 OUT CALL TO YOU***********)
**Available Now! ** Sexy* Skilled Brunette ** Super hot*** - 29
(Phx North, cave creek/Tatum & outcall valleywide)
£ate Nite Creep'n, €arly Mornin Freak'n ★ {SnEaK •A• WaY•&• CoMe•Play} --» 6o/QK €AR£¥bird Special - 28
(Central Phx INca££, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
(((ASHEERAH))) 100% Exotic MiXx --- ready NOW ! 100% REAL - 21
(Phx North, INCALL Special Scottsdale (101HWY))
ை .... ASiAN ...... all natural ...... GORGEOUS ...... SWEET ..... im your girl .... ை - 20
(East Valley, chandler incalls)
***>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> PETITE SEXY YouNG All AMerICAN GrL *** 5* RvieWEd **** - 22
•••• [♥] i A L W A Y S say Y E S!!!! √√ click here [♥] √√NEW NEW pics √√•••• - 23
♥ sPeCiAl ♥ 5 sTaR cOmPaNiOn ♥ AvAiLaBlE 24/7 ♥ NeW iN tOwN ♥ - 26
(incall phx outcall-outcall valleywide)
$$$$***31 Flavors Needed *** The New Mona's Ranch is Hiring GIRLS **Legal Business in Nevada***$$$$ - 21
(Elko, Nevada, Phoenix)
#####Want a Real Slice of NY-Try Brooklyn###### - 24
(East Valley, Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tempe OUTCALL!!!!)
💦💦💦Soo MOIST and DEEP👅You'LL DrowN In Thi$$$ 💋💋💋The UlTiMaTe ExPeRienCe ❗❗❗ - 22
(East Valley, East Valley,Scottsdale, Mesa. In and out)
★° S A T I S F Y I N G °★° S E S S I O N S °★ With this BIG BOOTY CUTIE😉 - 30
(West Valley, Surprise incall)
★ NEW ★ Class, Stunning, Highly Intriguing, Sensual Centerfold Model In Phoenix ★ NEW ★ - 28
(East Valley, Scottsdale)
petite, blonde.mature ready now! in call or valleywide out call - 41
(Phx North, O/C Valleywide, I/C I 7& northern)
(( WE )) C === A === N (( BE )) A === L === L (( YOURS )) " CLICK HERE" - 22
We Wanna Party Naughty? U our Party TONIGHT? 480 255-6221 ( for 2 kinky chickies}S - 21
(East Valley, INCALL fetish session @ Noir's TEMPE)
Well Done Asian Massage ** Grand Opening ** Best Treatments ** 623-847-1199 - 30
(Glendale ~~ 623-847-1199)
*** Wanna Play with a Sexy Brunette? * * Hot Body **long legs.... Available Now! - 29
(Incall/101 Cave Creek Outcall valleywide)
***** Want some company today? HOT MILF* * Sexy Brunette * * Hot Body* Orally Skilled*
(Incall N. Phx/Outcall valleywide)
WARNING HeAT AdViSoRY > > > > > { x X x } THiS OnE YoU WiLL NeVeR FoRGeT { x X x } 60 I/C 100O/C - 22
(*I/C* DoBSoN & 60 *O/C* 2 U)
★ Upscale HONEY EBONY Delight★ 💕All⭐ Pleasing⭐ NO⭐Teasing - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, In/out calls)
~Up All Night European Beauty~ Kissing, Hugging, Lovable Girl ~ - 21
(Phx North, 43rd Ave and Bell (Your Place))
🌈 U want 👅 super weett 👅 naughty girl 👅 open wide 😱 or superdry - 22
(Phx North, Phoenix, Mesa, .. incalls)
★ ▬▬▬▬★ UPSCALE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ UNRUSHED ★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SWEET ▬▬▬▬★ - 32
(Phx North, Out-calls Only)
~~~~~ Upscale & G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S !!! Specials til 4pm! Don't miss out ~~~~~ - 27
(Phx North, ~ my place in N West Valley ~)
💋👑 UniQuEly BeAuTiFul 👄💋 ReAdy Too TreAt yOu LikE RoYaLtY 👑😍💋 - 23
(I17 & Cactus, Phoenix, Phx North)
🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥🌋 u thought its H🔥O🔥T outside CHECK out my N🆕E🆕W P📷IC📷S 🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥 - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Temp 🔥🔥🔥 I-10)
UP alll NIGHT ____ gfe - fetish ____ A ___ S ___ I ___ A ___ N ____ $ 100 specials ____ eXXXotic - 22
Up late Call me ! 36-26-39 💄💄💄💄💄Morena -Afro-Latina 💦💦 🐱🐱 ✦★🍉🍓🍉🍓 - 29
(Discreet East valley Incall Privado, East Valley, Phoenix)
Up Late?? *** Milf Kelly is Waiting and Ready *** Super sexy *** Busty Blonde - 43
(North Phoenix Incall or Outcall)
Ultimate girl next door. Come into camerons world and release your wildside. WELL REVIEWED - 21
(East Valley, Phoenix/ chandler/ i10)