Thu 02 Jan
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ __________ 100% _____ THE _____ R _ E _ A _ L _____ D E A L ! ___________ ❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ - 21
(East Valley, 👍Incalls near Fashion Square (Scottsdale)
#1_____Im just Your Cup Of TEA Scottsdale N. Phx.... #1 Choice - 23
(Phx North, n valley cave creek rd)
( ( 1 O O % M E ) )___❤___ ( ( SEXY ) )Y U M M Y = P E T i T E = B L O N D E___❤__( ( $1OO$ ) ) - 22
(East Valley, Tempe i-1O - Incalls)
{{ # 1 }}} __ {{{ P A R T Y }}} __ {{{{ GIRL }}} Let's Play __ tempe SCOTTSDALE mesa PHX chandler - 21
(N. Phx I/C Dunlap & 19th (O/C) ALL OVER)
彡☆The Purrfect ₩a¥ 2 $tart ¥our Da¥☆彡{SnEaK A•WaY & CoMe • Play} iNCa££ Sp€cia£ 6o/qk till 4pm - 29
(Central Phx INcall, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
Brand New👑 Tall👠 Busty 😊Beautiful 813-230-8042 - 24
(Licthfield,GoodyearAvondale upscale home, Phoenix)