Mon 27 Jan
HOT, petite, exotic HAWAIIAN/ASIAN playmate visiting PHX Today!! - 23
(Scottsdale Luxury Resort In-Call)
✿•*¨♥¨*•✿•*¨♥¨*•~*❤*~ HOT * SEXY ❤~**~*EXOTIC *~* PLAYMATE ❤ BLONDIE*~*❤*~ ✿•*¨♥¨*•✿•*¨♥¨*• - 20
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale resorts hotels outcall)
Hot Sexy Playmate ready to give you all you need.. Come get it* Always * - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, phoenix and surrounding)
Hot Hot special~~ ~~~TER REVIEWED ~~~~ ~~ BRENNA LANE ~~~~~~~~~~~ 480-289-8386 - 25
~~~~~ HOT bachelor party __S __T __R __I __P __P __E __R __S__ ^ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
(phoenix scottsdale tempe chandler mesa g)
♥ HOT * BLONDE * 38DD * CURVY * NYMPHO * Just 100 ro$e$ !!! ♥ - 30
(29th Street and Greenway Rd--North Phx)
Hollwood Super Star Has Afternoon Specials That Will Blow Your Mind Call ! 602-689-9744 *~~~~ - 22
(Phoenix And Surrounding Areas)
Hot **MFM* Action-Central West Phx - Fun Cool Classy Couple -"D"ouble "P"easure" E xcitement - 45
(Central West Phoenix)
HOT ____ • SOUTH AMERICAN • ____ $eXy BoDy %100 REAL• * • ____ DoLl Fac€ ___ • INCALL & OUTCALL !!! - 21
(East Valley, Incall MESA .... Outcalls VALLEYWIDE)
~*~*~*~*~* Hollywood Porn SuperStar! Call Now For my Evening Specials: 602-689-9744 ~*~* - 22
(Phoenix And Surrounding Areas)
(29th Street and Greenway Rd.)
Home Alone ready to jingle your bells...KandiLand is open for naughty Play NOW - 29
(Phoenix, Phx North, private residential off 51 fwy / colter)
Hot Hazel Eyed Dominican Mami ready4U!!!! ***60 rose special*** - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Your Place or Mine)
Hot, , energetic, Experienced with a booty that kicks will mesmerize you. Men and women - 22
((((*)))Hop On Over 4 An Easter Special((((*)))) **Diane Parker** Incall - 36
(East Valley, Queen Creek)
Hot & sexy click here if you like a mixed girl, nice & looking to have a good time - 21
(East Valley)
HOT _____________ _*BLONDE & BLONDE** 1OO$ SPECIALS**_ _____________ HOT - 21
(i 10 & chandler)
♥ HOT * BLONDE * 38DD * CURVY * NYMPHO * Just 100 ro$e$ h/hr. !!! ♥ - 30
(29th Street and Greenway Rd.)
****** hey there ***** 80 roses special !!!!!***** they smell so good **** - 34
(East Valley, east valley/tempe)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ HEY-THIS E GIRL IS WAY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ - 23
(IT's got to be E @ your place, ok????)
****** hey there ***** 60 roses special ***** they smell so good **** - 34
(East Valley, 83rd ave/i10)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ HEY-THIS GIRL IS WAY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ - 23
(IT's got to be @ your place, ok?????)
HaVe U!!## eV👀r dRivEN a Foreign 🚥🎰 yOuR lUckY 🌞dAy - 26
(Phoenix, PHX iNcAlLs ✈oUtCaLLs vAlLeY wIdE, Phx North)
= H O T = _________=N A U G H T Y= ______ =D I R T Y= _______ = B L O N D E = ______ = F A N T A S Y - 20
(East Valley, OUTCALLS & INCALL (202 & Scottsdale Road)
🎩HaPpY FaThErS DAy🎩TrEat YoUrSelf PiNk JuIcy $60 SpEciAls🎩DDs ItlIan PlAymAte🎩 - 29
(East Valley, Phoenix, 🎩Mesa incall 🎩 Outcall 🎩)
_-(*Q U A R T E R*)-_-(*B A C K*)-_-(*S N E A K*)-_-(*I N T O*)-_-(*M Y*)-_-(*E N D Z O N E*)-_ - 20
(outcall ONLY)
== ♥ ==Got the Blues?? == ==I can Make you SMILE == ♥ == == ♥ - 22
(east valley, tempe, mesa, chandler)
Gorgeous, petite, exotic HAWAIIAN / ASIAN GFE visiting Phoenix area - Upscale Hotel Incall - 23
* °°★°° Gorgeous Hot Sexy Blonde ~~ 100 specials ~~ Playful & Passionate - °°°° - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
Gorgeous Busty Brunette - Well Reviewed - Private Residential Location - Available All Week - 30
(Phx North, Paradise Valley I/C, Valleywide O/C)
*★* Gorgeous, Skilled & Ready Now! *★* - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall East Valley*OC Valleywide)