Thu 09 Jan
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, Work From Home)
LoNg LeGs N BoOtY LoVErS* * SeXy ¤ITaLiAn BeAuTy W a BoOtY - 24
(West Valley, I17 IC central phx downtown)
*** L E T S _____ M a K e ____ FIREWORKS !!!!!!! BOOM BOOM *** Specials! ___ up all night - 27
(Phoenix, OUT CALL ONLY - Hotels ok)
Just What You Need.. Married Men Welcome! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, In your arms ;))
⎷⎛ ** JAWDRoPPING -:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 21
(metrocenter mall area private ic)
(( Elite Companion))_ _ _ Asian Playmate_ _ (( Mature Men only))_ _ _ _ (( Upscale Provider))_ _ _ _ - 21
(outcalls only today)
StOp By AnD SeE YoUr FaVoRiTe SwEeT SeXy EbOnY .... FoR 60 ReAsOnS I WiLl EvEn LeT YOu CaLL IT - 32
(CHoCoLate C@NdY FoR aDuLts $60 OFF I-17)
Iyanna Will Carry you thru the Day & Nite-W/her Specials & Outcalls 480-547-1067 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix Az metro area)
Week Long Marathon! Submissive Sexy Thirsty Brunette** $80 Updated # - 24
(Phx North, 19th ave and Bell rd)
★ï ToP NoTcH! ï★ï SeXy bLoNdE ï★ï {(I'm Ready Boys)} ï★ï AVAIL NOW/2 GIRLS - 25
(East Valley, ★incall/outcall★TEMPE I-10)
Wed 08 Jan
Tasty Winter Treat! 2 are better than 1 Out/Incalls Dream and Victoria. - 25
(Flagstaff, in/out calls)
((_ CRaZY TaLeNTeD, -The BEST Of The BEST- I Got What U Need _)) - 20
(East Valley, 1Call Away &I; Can B 2U N Mins.)
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, Work From Home)
Sultry, playful, college student with gorgeous blonde hair and fantastic reviews - 22
(Mesa/Tempe Incall and outcall)
Sultry, playful, college student with gorgeous brown/blonde hair and fantastic reviews - 22
(Mesa/Tempe Incall and outcall)
Beat the heat special extended thru August Busty Blonde Cougar Score magazine model Lynne - 55
~*~ Silky Long Blonde Hair, Sexy Bedroom Eyes & Ooooh So Sweet ~*~ - 24
(East Valley, N. Scottsdale)
Tue 07 Jan
beautiful petite sexy mature female ,desires clean adult fun Tuesday and Wensday SPECIAL - 40
(Phoenix, all over)
Sultry, playful, young college student with gorgeous RED hair and fantastic reviews on TER - 21
(Mesa/Tempe Incall and outcall)
***** SeXy an ErOtiC and Delicous Sugar Walls** Six o Two -475-9550 - 36
(Central/South Phoenix, 7th Ave, South of I-10 Histroical Dist)
MaKe ThE BeSt ChOiCe: SWeet EbOnY SeDuCtiOn InDuLgE A LiTTle AvAILaBlE ImMeDiAtEly.. InCaLL SpEcI@L - 32
(CHoCoLate FoR MATURE ADuLts OFF I-17)
💙❤️💛▃▆❀▆▃ 💛❤️💙 [[ FREAKY💦 ]] [[ SEXY👠 ]] [[ 🌺 HAWAIIAN 🌺 ]] Available NOW! [100HH]💙❤️💛 ▃▆❀▆▃💛❤️💙 - 19
(East Valley, Mesa 60FWY ( Country Club ) Incall)
CALL ME !!! ♡ ▓ ▒ ❤• 100 SpeCial!!•❤ ▒ ▓ ♡ S-e-x-y & CuRvY .₩. BiG JUiCY B"oO"ty !!! - 23
(East Valley, Mesa//Tempe//Scottsdale..iNCALL/OUTCALL)
▓ BEST ×X× ▓ ×X× YOU EVER×X× ▓×X× HAD ▓ - - 21
((Private Residence in / valleywide OC)
Sultry, playful, young college girl with new mouth watering pictures & fantastic reviews on TER - 21
(Mesa/Tempe Incall and outcall)
Sexy mature & discreet well known Vegas provider visiting Phx 602-402-9338 - 40
(Phx North, Metro Phoenix)
★ §PCIÅL§!! $80 ;NEW SXY ★ BÅUTIFUL!! ★Latina ★ §i espanol!! ★ - 22
(Phx North, Anywhere you want me :))
---38FF---come let's enjoy some pure, primal,pleasure together---38FF - 35
(61 St and Thomas, Scottsdale)
Are you looking for that woman to fufill your wants &needs;,r&r.; - 44
(every where in valley scottsd,tempe,Chan, Phoenix)
Rent is due got no money,you scratch my back n I'll scratch yours Honey - 54
(Phx North, 19th ave and Glendale)
PArty GiRl SpeCiALS ~♥ -:¦:- ♥ThIcK bOoTy BloNdE ~♥ -:¦:- - 26
(West Valley, OUTCALL/INCALL MESA 24/7)
H o T -:¦: S E x.X.xY E_ B O NY- -:¦:- N E W!!!! - 22
(★Scottsdale Outcalls ★)
*** D A N G E R O U S L Y __ A L L U R I N G *** ______Labour Day Weekend SUPER Specials! - - 27
(Phoenix, Outcall EVERYWHERE)
East valley Adult production studio needs in house models pays up to $500 a day - 50
(Phoenix, Tempe Studio)
Mon 06 Jan
★★★•:*:• *VIP COMPANION •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *BomBSHELL•:*:• 5 STaR ServIce•:*:•★★★ - 24
(Phx North, Pheonix, Scottsdale)
v¯)-- __ P-R-E-T-T-Y __ ((*)) __ P-E-T-I-T-E __((*)) __ -SEXII __ C-U-T-I-E __ --(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
*** L E T S _____ M a K e ____ FIREWORS!!!!!!! BOOM *** Specials! ___ up all night - new pics! - 27
(West Valley, OUT CALL ONLY - Hotels ok)
*HURRY NOW* ♡INCALL/OUTCAll specials! █▒ JU!CY BoOty█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ♥S—E— X—Y ♥█▒ BarB!e ;) - 23
(East Valley, Tempe//Scottsdale..Incall&OUTCALL;!)
2 Girl Specials!!! Double The Fun!!! Knockout Petite Spinner & A Gorgeous Ebony Barbie! - 20
°!°♥ █ ▓ ♡ **100§p€ciaL!** T-H-i-C-K & CuRvY .. PiNk&jUiCY; ₩ °((BuBBle)) b"Oo"ty» ♡ █ ▓ ♥°!° - 23
(East Valley, Mesa//Tempe//Scottsdale..Incall&OUTCALL;!)
beautiful petite sexy mature female ,desires clean adult fun FRIDAY SAturday SPECIAL - 40
(Phoenix, all over)
outcalls outcalls outcalls ALL night! your favori†ε †rεa† 🍭🍭 - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Outfalls valley wide., Phoenix)
====>> DAAaAaaMM !! I'm a FREAKY BITCH that WANTS To Get ... Seeking ALL AZZ ...
°°CALLME!!♡ ▓ ▒ ❤• 100 SpeCial!!•❤ ▒ ▓ ♡ClaSSy & S E X Y : BiG °((bubble)) B"oo"ty : jUiCY & PiNk! - 23
(East Valley, ***!!!OUTCALLS ONLY!!!***)
(Calling all cars) Bills are due got no money,you scratch my back n I'll scratch yours Honey - 54
(Phx North, 15th ave and Glendale)
Sun 05 Jan
(VOTE HERE ) Bills are due got no money,you scratch my back n I'll scratch yours Honey - 54
(Phx North, 15th ave and Glendale)