Mon 27 Jan
40 Something - Mature Ladies For The Mature Gentleman - 602-353-0628 - outcall only - 47
(East Valley, Travel to all areas of valley)
_ _ _ 36 DD'S_ _ on _ _ A_ _ S_ E_ X_ Y_ _ _ _ _ _ A_ _ S_ _ I_ _ A__ N__ _ REVIEWED_ _ _ - 21
(1-17 in and out)
✱ ★ °°_3 MoNtHs PrEgNaNt, INCALLS & OUTCALLS_ °__° fetish queen° - 21
(INCALLS (baseline n i10) & OUTCALLS)
[☎ (24/7) FReAKY NyMPH *♥* ☂ OPEN MiNDED ☀ *♥* CoME & PLaY ☎] - 20
🆕 2 Scottsdale!💋🍒Sexi💎Sweet🍭 Petite!💦AvailABLE NoW!👑207-248-9803! INCALLS ONLY!✔ - 23
(East Valley, Fashion Square Scottsdale Arizona, Phoenix)
☆☆◇◇♡♡♡2 Good 2 Pass Up ♡♡♡◇◇ 2 Sexy To SaY No ☆☆☆☆ SweeT SatisfactioN SpEcIaLs - 24
(Phx North, i17 & Northern ♥Incalls Only)
▃★▃★▃ 1st ★ C L A S S ▃★▃★▃ ( Smart & Sexy ) ▃★▃★▃ PETITE & BUSTY▃★▃★▃ ( 4 REAL ♥ girl ) ▃★▃★▃ - 25
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, SCOTTSDALE♥VALLEYWIDE♥32DD♥ OUTCALLS♥)
.*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* CUM *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* EXPERIENCE *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* GIANNA *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* - 25
(Phoenix= !-!0= *In Only*)
160 FLAT! THURSDAy RELAX,UNWIND (Slow Erotic BodyRub) 49yrs SEXySWEEt,BUSTy Clean Private Home - 49
2girls foR 200 In CaLl VIP..HOtt & seXxi. LeTs HaVe SoMe FUnn! - 36
(East Valley, Gilbert..east valley..)
24yr old petite brunette**I am yours do with as you please**Hosting In call **$** =] **$** - 24
(East Valley, tempe Mill ave)
21, Sexy, Sweet Valentine Specials, Available Now!! - 21
(Phoenix, West Phoenix/ Central Phoenix, West Valley)
2 DV8 LITTLE NYMPHO SCHOOLGIRL'S Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
180 FLAT MONDAy RELAX,UNWIND(Slow Erotic BodyRub) 49yrs 180FLAT SEXySWEEt,BUSTy Clean Private Home - 49
(NEAR NORTH SCOTTSDALE 51 FREEWAY /101, Phoenix, Phx North)
$200 hour, $120 20 minutes, no negotiations!!!! text yes if you want to schedule!!! - 22
(East Valley, M e s a, Phoenix)
@ # 2% H O T T I E S & % $ D O U B L E & % Y O U R * & P L E A S U R E # - 22
(Phx North, north phx)
______ ♥☆ ___(¯`':.* EXOTIC * PETiTE * BEAUTY *.:'´¯)___ ☆♥ ______ - 19
(__(Tempe - i10 & Broadway )** INCALLS **)
180 - Hello, "like fine wine", looking pretty good for being pert near a half century! lol - 47
(East Valley, dobson and ray)
.✿. (($125 H/H INCALL SPECIAL)) #1 Brazilian BaD GiRL, You'Re WiFe's NiGHTMaRe .✿. - 20
(Eastvalley I/C!! valleywide O/C!!)
2 SeXy GiRLs ReAdY To PLeAsE YoU WoNt Be SoRRy!!** DoUbLe ThE PLeAsUrE** (: (: - 35
2 Hott, Sexxy, Native Girls - $100qv Incall Special! S. Tucson i10 Incall only! - 27
(Tucson S. i10 Incall)
2 LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North of Downtown Phoenix)
👯👑 2 Besties 👑Beautiful 💅💅 CLEAN and Nice💋TuesdaySPCLS😍 INCALLS ONLY👅 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall only, Phoenix)
♥ 125hr AVAILABLE NOW ♥ 100% Real Pics & Real Service ♥ Independent ♥ Forget The Fakes & Flakes ♥ - 28
I thought we are all adults on here..were are all the REAL GENUINE men? - 35
(Outcall/Resort friendly)
®®®® 100hhr avalible at 3pm @@@@ back for SUMMER. IM Crystal, Hi too all My regulars. - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, 43 rd ave northren my home!)
$100➓🌟➓🌟BEING B@D NεvεR lOOkED SO GOOD➓🌟➓ F@ce of A AngEl 🌟➓ SkiLLS👅of A STAR🌟 - 21
(East Valley, Priest and Elliot!!! Tempe)
125HR 125HR 125HR ( ► CLick =hErE ) • BuStY • InDePeNdEnT • bOmBsHeLl •( 100% =REAL ► ) - 29
(Phx North, O/C ONLY!! SPECIALS Scottsdale/NPhx)
..101FRy/83ave 1HR=180$Flat Rate! Mutual Touch (NUDe BODy RUb) (Clean Home) 623 3ONE2 - 0 1 ZEROZER0 - 50
(101/83RD AVE NEAR ARROWHEAD&SUNCITY;, Phoenix, West Valley)
██ ❤ ██ 100$ ♥♡♥ SPECIAL ♥♡♥ INDEPENDENT ♥♡♥ BLONDE ♥♡♥ BOMBSHELL ██ ❤ ██ - 28
!*! 100 S-p-E-c-I-a-L !*! PeTiTe! fLeXiBlE! HaZeL eYeD! WhItE & LaTiNa BoMbShEll! Ready to PLAY! - 18
(phx, 52nd st nd broadway)
$100 SP Come Play With Your Dream Latin Love Goddess Now ! $100 %100 REAL PHOTOS ! 480-253-2947 ** - 23
(Phoenix / Scottsdale & Surrounding Areas)
100 Special! *ADORABLE â¢-:¦:-⢠AMAZING â¢-:¦:-⢠ADDICTIVE* 100 Special - 22
(East Valley, I-10 & baseline In/Outcalls)
««««$100 special»»»»» Tall Petite Treat.. Brazilian beauty - 18
(East Valley, Scottsdale incalls only)
*. . 100% Real Pics . . * * SeXy BrUnEtTe BomBsheLL - APRIL - 100% Satisfaction ♥ - 24
(East Valley, * OutCall ValleyWide *)
☆ *:{100% REAL} :* ★ ¨*: {VERY} :* ★ *: {EXOTIC} :*¨{SpEciaLz} -OC-140ROSES - 21
(West Valley, IC/OC VALLEY WIDE)
100% Real ......... No Games ......... SUPER Asian BUSTY HOTTY - 23
(East Valley, O/C, Hotels ok too :))
⚾️⛳️❤️ 100% Pure THAI Pleasure ⚾️❤️⚾️ Exotic, Erotic and Sexy💄💋🐇Old Town Scottsdale/PHX - 24
(East Valley, Old Town Scottsdale/ Phoenix/Tempe, Phoenix)
$120 SPECIAL*!!! With a B O O T I E like this ...Who needs anything else,!(38 C-29-36) - 42
(West Valley, 35th ave and Northern area)
~~100 INCALL~~SWEET like caramel.Sexy latina will have you coming back for more! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
👄 100% Real Beauty.. No Strings and No Games..👄 Let's have some fun. ;-) - 37
(Central/South Phoenix, Tempe-Scottsdale-Surrounding area)
100% Pure Satisfaction Gauranteed ~ Naughty Puerto Rican Babe ~ 60 Qk SPL - 23
(51 Frwy and Northern)
~ Stunningly~ Gorgeous!!~ Dont miss out ~~ ( Your Guilty Pleasure)! (Gentlemen's # 1 Choice) - 28
(Phoenix, Tempe Tempe Tempe!!!!)
💢NEVER BEFORE SEEN BBW💢——💢💢[[ New New New]] 💢❤💢💢[[ READY now]] ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BBW❤❤❤❤💔💔💔💔💔 62 - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix)
💋💋GoRGeouS 💋 💋____ _________ ____✔ ✅1OO% ReaL PiCS!✅ ✔____ _______ __ ❌✖No B.S.❌✖_____ - 26
(Phoenix, Phx North, VALLEYWIDE OUTCALL)
Best Massage By Beautiful Asian! 1st Time In TOWN! Call ☎ (623)-842-8046 - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Glendale)
__________ __________ __________ _ COME PLAY WITH ME __________ _________ ________ - 23
(East Valley, OUTCALL - HOTELS OK)
100% Real ......... No Games ......... SUPER Asian BUSTY HOTTY - 23
(Phoenix, O/C, Hotels ok too :))