Fri 03 Jan
[-[-BIG-]-] ♡ [-[-STEP -] -]♡ ;[-[- ABOVE -]-] ;[-[- THE REST -]-] REVIEWED - 22
Thu 02 Jan
~Take A (L+o+A+D) off** & Relax~Be A BAD BOY! 2 Night** - 27
(West Valley, 2min from 101 west, 3min frm westgate)
specials !!!! 100 $$$$ GET IT WHILE ITS HOTT,,,, SPECIALS LOVE IT N THE AZZ !!!!!!!! 101.I-10 - 19
(West Valley, WEST VALLY)
PreTTY with(BiG @ss! T!tt!es! (m getit boys) - 27
(West Valley, 2min from 101 west, 3min frm westgate)
NEW To The Valley Sweet Petite Southern Treat DAISY 623 419 6655 Incall / Outcall Valleywide - 35
(West Valley, 101 / Bell West)
[-[-JUST-]-] ♡ [-[- WHAT -] -]♡ ;[-[- YOU -]-] ;[-[- SHOULD -]-] EXPECT - 22
(West Valley, 101 & CAMELBACK WEST IN/OUT)
------ $70 SPECIAL!! ------ Just What You Want!! ------ Hot BLONDE In PEORIA!! ------ - 25
(West Valley, 101 and Bell ( By Arrowhead Mall))
*::*ExxTReMly BRaiNy, BuSTY & SeDUCTiVE*::* *::* incall *::* - 21
(West Valley, 75th AVE Bell Rd / 101 & BELL Incall)
---- $60 SPECIAL! ----- Hot BLONDE In PEORIA! ----- Let Me Make Your Dreams Come True! ---- - 25
(West Valley, 101 and Bell ( By Arrowhead Mall))
60 Special! *H0TT ———— *BLONDE ———— *BARBiE ————— * KiLLER CuRVeS in Peoria! - 25
(West Valley, 101 and Bell ( By Arrowhead Mall))
--- $60 SPECIAL!--- AbSoLuTe____ BeAuTy____ AvaiLabLe in Peoria! CURVES in all the Right Places. - 25
(West Valley, bell and the 101)
------ $60 SPECIAL!! ------ Leaving Tomorrow Night!! ------ Hot BLONDE In PEORIA!! ------ - 25
(West Valley, 101 and Bell ( By Arrowhead Mall))
5 Star Service * * GorgeouS & CaptiVatinG * * People Pleaser ** Real PICS. No GameS ! ** - 27
(West Valley, Clean, Private, res. N. WEST 101.)
~**~ 5 Star Service * * GorgeouS & CaptiVatinG * * People Pleaser ** No GameS!! UPSCALE ~**~ - 27
(West Valley, N WEST 101,clean home. Stacie new #.)
..101FRy/83ave 1HR=180$Flat Rate! Mutual Touch (NUDe BODy RUb) (Clean Home) 623 3ONE2 - 0 1 ZEROZER0 - 50
(101/83RD AVE NEAR ARROWHEAD&SUNCITY;, Phoenix, West Valley)
..101FRy/83ave 1HR=160$Flat Rate! Mutual Touch (NUDe BODy RUb) (Clean Home) 623 3ONE2 - ZEROZER0 5 4 - 50
(101/83RD AVE NEAR ARROWHEAD&SUNCITY;, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)