- Post ID : 3836668
- Poster's age : 21
- City : Phoenix
- Address : East Valley, Outcalls
PERFECT ➓ *♛ *iM sOOO ^! SEXY * *FLaWLeSs* *BoDy* ♛ Super Petite! - 21
Posted : Friday, January 03, 2025 07:28 AM | 2 views
Hey guys I'm Christy Ca$h a true lady who will treat you like the king that you are. Sweet and well-mannered when my clothes are on, but once they come off I warm up !
If this is your first time, If this isn't your first I will show you what you have been missing!
I aim to please and I hope you give me the chance to show you. Call me anytime, day or night and let's start making memories together!
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