Light Up Your Love Life: Experienced with Couples. Lessons Sessions and Love Feast on 2-12 - 36

Posted : Sunday, January 05, 2025 07:26 AM | 5 views

Activation in EVERY SESSION 222-256 1 hour WHOLE BODY HEALINGS Hot oils Tantra toning (sounds) and art of self pleasure worship Foot Shiatsu by Request Skin to Skin 330-357 90moments of Goddess Guide Me, Goddess Worship, Whole Body Healing and Spiritual coaching 420-510 2hours or more of bliss ALL THE ABOVE Given and Sacred Practice is Possible (this is a rare and sacred act for serious and advanced seekers only) Need to know more? www.phoenoxgoddesstemple.orgdevima cordeiia call for schedule PHX Goddess Temple line: 602 956 0600 Goddess Devi Ma 424 230 6294 CELL PREFERRED by most TESTIMONIALS & CERTIFIED (Tantra and Core Trainer) love feast on sat night feb 12th More explanations below: Recommended For FIRST appt this is best: WHOLE BODY HEALING, MAGNETIC TANTRA,GODDESS WORSHIP, LADDER OF LIGHT, ACTIVATION 330-357 90moments: GODDESS GUIDE ME, AMRITA (Female) Exploration, Domination as Surrender to YIN and POWER EXCHANGE Early Response, can show you how in one 2hr. session you can last and last.402-501 2 hours DUOS ENCOURAGED with MYSTIC SISTERS (420 hr) and NEW SISTERS (330 hr) Also 7-90moment SOUL'S JOURNEY though the LADDER of LIGHT and the 7 Chakara's and Se7en Keys to Tantric Energy Weaving 2130 for 7 sessions MAGNETIC TANTRA keenly know the movement of and weaving of Energies The 7 Tantra Keys to Mind Liberating Energy Event through lessons on the ladder of light. COUPLES invited at no extra charge and additional moments added to sessions recommend and prefer:458-2.5 TEMPLE DANCER Gypsy by arrangement mon-sat 3h TANTRA INTENSIVE-meal, numerous rituals for you to participate in the Shakti dance of love, including Holy Water Immersion Ceremony, Picnic in Egypt, Sacred Dance in the Shamanism Chamber MUST BE OK'd by Devima 600-806 ________________________________________________ In Peace and With Blessings eacorts az,best las vegas brothels,ts escort portland maine,scorts in phoenix,flagstaff escorts,escort companies,cheap az escort,erotic massgae near me,ts escorts near me,ts escort in houston
  • Post ID : 3822348
  • Poster's age : 27
  • City : Phoenix
  • Address : Phoenix Goddess Temple Scottsdale