Mon 27 Jan
Tired Of Fakes & Flakes? 110% Verifiable Photos! U'll Enjoy This Vuloptuous Beauty! - 24
(East Phx (202 freeway/44th St.)
Feeling SEXY tonight, COME over & lets get better acquainted = ) - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
Feeling SEXY tonight, COME over & lets get better acquainted = ) - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
*** Dontcha WISH your girlfriend was HOT like JANET? 36D'S 8 reasons to beg please.ALL REAL!!!*** - 24
(44th St./McDowell)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Tall and Skinny with Bubble Butt Naughty Tranny AVAILABLE - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202 freeway)
HoT TsVaNeSsA iS bAcK fOr ThE hOLiDaYs, ReAdY tO gIvE u WhAt U rEaLLy WaNt - 27
(Phoenix, 44TH ST AND OAK ST CLOSE TO 143,202,i10)
Ashley Longg in Town For The Summer Here To Flood Your Summer 💦💦💦 - 24
(Phoenix, E PHX (44th St & McDowell))
Fri 10 Jan
Hey Babes = ) Sexy Sassy Selena is READY for YOUR SWEET CARESS!! - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
Hot Cocoa Petite Chocolate Barbie Here To Warm Up Your Winter 🔥💦💦💦 - 24
(Phoenix, In (44th St & McDowell) Out (Valleywide))
CUTE TRANSEXXUAL! Incall Availability Near Sky Harbor Airport (Pictures Inside) - 23
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202 freeway)
Exotic Vuloptuous Beauty 110% REAL Verifiable Photos! GUARENTEED! - 24
(East Phx (202freeway/44th St.)
Thu 09 Jan
Lusty and Busty!!! EXTREMELY fun and WELCOMING ; ) video inside - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202 freeway)
*** Like your TRANNIES like your coffee? HOT!! & BLACK!! Click here! CALL NOW! ALL REAL NO GAMES! ** - 24
(44th St./McDowell)
HeY gUYs DnT bE fOoL bY tHe FaKe OnEs.ThEy ClAiM To Be StUnNiNgS & fUnCtIOnAlS bUt WhErE's ThE Video - 27
(Phoenix, 44th st and osborn rd. 602 772 8355)
Hot 🔥🔥blonde 💋💋white natural rare tattooed 💀💀girl in or outcall 🚗now only specials 🌴❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵 - 26
(Phoenix, Phoenix 44th st 202)
Wed 08 Jan
Time for SOME fun, Your Place or Mine... YOU Decide (SEXY LINGERIE PICS INSIDE) - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
Good Morning Love ;) Blonde Goddess NOW on duty !! (Photos Inside) - 23
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
Tue 07 Jan
💙MUST SEE VIDEO💙 All Natural Beauty Ready to provide the Sexiest time To VIP GENTLEMEN ONLY!! - 23
(Phoenix, 💙Airport Area/ 44th st💙)
$80 SPECIAL! Escape The HEAT With This Vuloptuous Beauty 110% REAL Verifiable Photos! GUARENTEED! - 24
(East Phx (202freeway/44th St.)
Escape The HEAT! Checkout This Exotic Mixed Plus Size Beauty-------> The REAL Deal GUARENTEED! - 24
(East Phx (202 Freeway/44th st.)
*** TS BRENDA *** Visiting * PHOENIX AIRPORT *For The First Time Dont Miss Your Chance.. - 24
(Phoenix, ** UNIVERSITY DR. & 44TH ST. **)
*** Like your TRANNIES like your coffee? HOT!! & BLACK!! Click here! CALL NOW! ALL REAL NO GAMES! ** - 24
(44th St./McDowell)
** Like your TS like your coffee? HOT & BLACK? Come & get a DOUBLE SHOT of JANET!!! ** - 24
Mon 06 Jan
ver busty chanel 40 ddd visiting phoenix 562 4795053 - 35
(Phoenix, 44TH ST AND OAK BY THE 202, 143, i10 FWY)
Escape The HEAT! Checkout This Exotic Mixed Voluptuous Beauty! 110% Verifiable Photos! GUARANTEED! - 24
(East Phx (202 freeway/44th St.)
💜MUST SEE VIDEO💜 R U Bored or Lonely? Don't be come have fun with a real natural beauty!! In/OUT - 21
(Phoenix, AIRPORT AREA/44th st)
Sun 05 Jan
💙MUST SEE VIDEO💙 Sexiest tgirl in town ready to entertain VIP GENTLEMEN ONLY!! Don't Miss out!! - 21
(Phoenix, 44th st/AIRPOT)
HoT tSvAnEsSa Is BaCk..CoMe AnD LeT's CeLeBrAtE 2gEtHer 2014.iT's PaRtY TiMe.. - 27
(Phoenix, 44TH ST & MCDOWEL RD 602 772 8355)
Sat 04 Jan
Escape The HEAT! With This Vuloptuous Beauty! 110% REAL Verifiable Photos! The REAL Deal GUARENTEED! - 24
(East Phx (202freeway/44th St.)
Chocolate Goddess in Town For The Summer Here To Flood Your Summer 💦💦💦 - 24
(Phoenix, In (44th St & McDowell) Out (Valleywide))
*❤* ••••HoT TsVaNeSsA iS ReAdY tO gIvE u WhAt U rEaLLy WaNt.where r my PARTY BOYS.HoT vIdEoS iNsIdE - 27
(Phoenix, 44Th st n mcdowell rd 602 772 8355)
Hot Cocoa in Town Till Winter Here To Flood Your Fall 💦💦💦 - 24
(Phoenix, In (44th St & McDowell) Out (Valleywide))
Fri 03 Jan
Escape The HEAT! Checkout This Exotic Mixed Voluptuous Beauty! The REAL Deal GUARENTEED! 100 INCALLS - 24
(East Phx (202 freeway/44th St.)
Lady Boy ready NOW = ) Gorgeous Face with HOT BODY~! (Photos Inside) - 24
(Phoenix, 44th st and the 202)
Thu 02 Jan