Mon 27 Jan
*** NEW Pics from that XXX chick Janet JaXXXXson!! 36 D'S & 8 reasons to BEG please!!! CLICK HERE!! - 24
(Central Pheonix)
☞TsVaNeSsA cAlLiNg all NaStY bOyS,Looking hang with a ╠╣OT BITCH LiKe Me.ALL PARTY Boys R welcome•💜 - 26
(Phoenix, ☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞GREAT LOCATION 602-772-8355)
For The Man That Seeks A Thick n Curvy Bootylicious TS! 110% REAL Verifiable Photos! CALL 6024128649 - 24
(Phoenix, East Phoenix - Thomas/40th St.)
!Don't just choose cute girls... Choose the HOTTEST, SEXY, FEMININE, PASSABLE GIRL... Nothing better - 21
(Phoenix, Az)
!Don't just choose cute girls... Choose the HOTTEST, SEXY, FEMININE, PASSABLE GIRL... Nothing better - 21
Exotic Mixed Bootylicious Beauty With Plenty Of T&A;! 110% REAL Verifiable Photos Come n Get It Boys! - 24
(Mesa/Tempe (101 & 202 Freeways)
!! Don't Be Fooled By (Fake's) And (Flake's) *Have A Real (XXX) Encounter With A Hot Latin Mami!! - 21
*** Dontcha WISH your girlfriend was HOT like JANET? 36D'S 8 reasons to beg please.ALL REAL!!!*** - 24
(44th St./McDowell)
✄---Cut out the fakes!! ♛♕♛ TS Courtney in town ♛♕♛ - 25
(Phoenix, N. Scottsdale Rd & E. Chaparral Rd.)
COME get WHAT U BEEN WAITING FOR, a hott ts with special rates , IAM BarBie lets play spesial 80.00 - 22
~*~Choose the HOTTEST, SEXY, FEMININE, PASSABLE GIRL... Nothing better~*~ New Pictures!!!!! - 21
(North Phoenix)
*** Bronzed!!! Beautifull! & Bodacious!!! Browsing? Chose this Blk\Dominican GODDESS!! 36D's *** - 24
Sun 12 Jan
>> Sexy Latina Cutie With A Booty.( Available Now) ( Se Habla Espanol ) >480> 234 > 7031.*Daniela*. - 21
1day WoW *¨ ¨*-:¦:-* Pornstar *¨¨*-:¦:- * T-girl ¨*-:¦:-* ExXxotic *¨¨*-:¦:-* Model Vixen - 20
*** New Pics from a HOT CHICK!! SCHOOL'S in!! And Iam READY to TEACH you a LESSON!! CLICK HERE!! *** - 24
(202 52nd st.)
LOW On Cash But Still Wanna Have A Good Time.( For A Limited Time $$$ 60 $$$ Specia)l. - 21
Sat 11 Jan
TS Hung Taylor visiting a couple days only! 10 reasons to see me! - 27
(Phoenix, N. Scottsdale Rd. and Shea)
LOOK ► $80 SPECIAL! Thick n Curvy Bootylicious TS! 110% REAL Verifiable Photos! - 24
(Phoenix, East Phoenix - Thomas/40th st.)
*Karen IS STIKING AROUND UNTIL TUESDAY, Dont Miss All The Fun, Call Now = ( 602) 412-6081..* - 21
No Rush Are you looking to meet a sweet passable transgender girl HERE - 22
(Glendale and 43, Phoenix)
** Give into your CARNAL DESIRES and take a bite of my FORBIDDEN FRUIT!!!! 36D'S ALL REAL NO GAMES!* - 23
♥ Hey Guys Check Out This Sexy Exotic Brunette Bombshell! CALL FOR INCALL SPECIALS! ♥ - 24
(East Phx/ Oldtown Scottsdale (IN/OUT))
($80 Incall Special) Tired Of Fakes And TS Posers??? Well Im The REAL Deal! A Young Sexy Exotic TS - 23
(Oldtown Scottsdale)
♥ $80 INCALL SPECIAL!!! Hey Guys Check Out This Sexy Exotic Brunette Bombshell! ♥ - 24
(East Phx/Oldtown Scottsdale (IN/OUT))
Fresh, Fit and Hot Asian TS visiting Scottsdale/Phoenix to Play! 🔥-23 - 23
(Phoenix, Scottsdale Downtown/Old town)
CALLING NASTY BOYS !! Looking to hang with a BITCH LiKe Me.ALL PARTY Boys are welcome - 26
(Phoenix, 18TH ST & MC DOWELL RD (714) 584-0102)
SUNDAY special BRUNCH just FOR today !! REAL pictures HARD rock FUNCTIONAL ts . 99.99 - 26
♥ Start Your Morning Out Right! With A Exotic & Curvacious Sweet Passable TS! ♥ - 24
(East Phx/Scottsdale (Indian School/68St))
!Don't just choose cute girls... Choose the HOTTEST, SEXY, FEMININE, PASSABLE GIRL... Nothing better - 21
(Phoenix, Az)
*** Hot LOOKS!!! Sweet to TASTE!! Make a APPOINTMENT & meet me at my place!!! 36d's CLICK HERE!*** - 24
*visiting This Weekend Only* The Hottest Latin T'S ( Karen) Don't Miss All The Fun!!!! - 23
(east valley..)
REaL DeAL! busty & HuNG DoiMINICaNA Vers, 81/2 So CaLL 4 Go0D TiMe SpESIaL - 22
(phoenix ..CUMM GET IT)
new pics CALLING NASTY BOYS !! Looking to hang with a BITCH LiKe Me.ALL PARTY Boys are welcome - 26
(Phoenix, 18TH ST & MC DOWELL RD (602) 772-8355)
Fri 10 Jan
!! (T'S) Daniela, (( I Don't Need Studio Pic's To Look My Best.)) You Be The Judge.!! - 21
*Because U Asked For It!! (Karen) The Hottest T'S From Long Beach Will Be Here Until Tuesday.* - 21
*** My body is lika a CLK that's ready to RIDE!!!! POP my HOOD and see what's INSIDE!! 36D'S !!!!*** - 24
SeXy GoRgEoUs FrEsH NaTuRaL TrAnSeXuAl WaLtiNg FoR SeRiOuS CaLLeRs OnLy call SAME DAYS APPT ONLY - 23
*R,U Looking For A Great Looking (T'S) To Make Your Fantasy's Come True?? Stop Looking.!! - 21
HOT HOT!!!!I If you want the Hottest Real Girl then you want me !!!! This is Real, Hot, and Sexy - 21
Erotic Massage *** Touching Encouraged *** Clothing Optional - Violet - 25
(Mesa - Main and Alma School Road (in), Phoenix)
Hi Guy's Hot Latina (T's) Taking Calls All Night Tonight. Call Now.. - 21
((tempe) mcclintok & apache.)
♥ 80 LATE NITE SPECIAL! Hey Guys Check Out This Sexy Exotic Brunette Bombshell! ♥ - 24
(East Phx/Oldtown Scottsdale (IN/OUT))
Thu 09 Jan
" The # 1 (T'S) Now In The Tempe Area > 1st, Timers ok.!!!!!!! 100% Passable!!!!! Available (24/7). - 21
LOW On Cash But Still Wanna Have A Good Time.( For A Limited Time $$$ 60 $$$ Specia)l. - 21
((tempe) mcclintok & apache.)
** Give into your CARNAL DESIRES and take a bite of my FORBIDDEN FRUIT!!!! 36D'S ALL REAL NO GAMES!* - 23
Adult Film Star... Ever been With one????? Wanna try it ??? TS Katt - 26
(Phoenix, central/Downtown Phoenix)
SUNDAY special BRUNCH just FOR today !! REAL pictures HARD rock FUNCTIONAL ts . 99.99 - 26
*** Like your TRANNIES like your coffee? HOT!! & BLACK!! Click here! CALL NOW! ALL REAL NO GAMES! ** - 24
(44th St./McDowell)
*** If MONDAYS MAKE YOU mad!!! This VIXXXEN can make you GLAD!!! 36D'S & 7 reasons to be pleased *** - 24
(Central Pheonix)
..T... H... E.......O......N.....E. ........A. ....N....... D... ..........O... N ...L...Y.... ... - 24
(Phoenix, Scottsdale / Greyhawk)
" The # 1 (T'S) Now In The Tempe Area > 1st, Timers ok.!!!!!!! 100% Passable!!!!! Available (24/7). - 21
(Tempe AZ)
*** Start your weekend offf with a BIG BANG!!! By BANGING this BUSTY BABE!!! 36D'S 7!!!!! *** - 23
REaL DeAL! busty & HuNG DoiMINICaNA Vers, 81/2 So CaLL 4 Go0D TiMe SpECIaL - 23
(¯`☆`¯) *°SENSATIONAL *+TS *JeNnIfEr+ + ReAdY 4 U (¯`☆`¯) - 23
(Mesa/Tempe/Gilbert/East Phoenix)
HOT hung BLONDE exotic TSVANESSA to GIVE you PLEASURE. in/out calls SPECIAL rates CALL now!! - 26
(BY THE BILTMORE . 602-518-6546)
I just got back in town ( SUSAN ) Come and get the Best Real Hot and Sexy Girl - 21 - 21
*** If QUALITY is what you SEEK then you and JANET should MEET!!! ALL REALL NO GAMES !!!!!!! *** - 24
♥ Hey Guys Seeking A New Experience? Check Out This Sexy Exotic Brunette Bombshell! ♥ - 24
(East Phx/Oldtown Scottsdale (IN/OUT))
HUMP DAY SPECIAL!!! Exotic Mixed Latina Shemale For You! Available For Incalls Now! - 24
(East Phx/ S. Scottsdale)
*Get The Roy@l Treatment With A Se(XXX)y L@tin Hottie.(NOW IN TEMPE!).. - 21