Mon 27 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
'Till 9PM This Hottie wants to touch you ♥ | NUDE | UPSCALE ♥ (not a spa) 704 616 7043 - 37
(Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Apache & Rurul area)
💋💖NATURAL BUSTY Babe with JUICY B00TY!🍑🍒 I want MY hands on YOU!💆 REAL PICS 📷GREAT RATES💲! - 27
(Phoenix, 💖East Valley 💎Private Incall💖)
IN or Out call Friday's special! Near Airport!!@@## Asian Beauty Here!@@@ - 37
(Phoenix, Scottsdale,Phx,Mesa/Valleywide)
Fri 10 Jan
It's TUESDAYI wiil make U feel TERRIFIC! ALL OVER begin @120 ♥ (not a spa) 704 616 7043 - 37
(Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Apach & Rurul area)
Monday special! Only until 10pm today Only!(.)(.) Valley-wide - 37
(Phoenix, Scottsdale,Phx,Mesa/Valleywide)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Take a Ride on the WiLD SiDE! Erotic FULL BodyWork * Prostate * Fetish Toys &Strap;! On Play & MORE - 39
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Plz put "Scottsdale" in the subject line, West Valley)
Mon 06 Jan
House mom House sitting… Tingling fingers tingling… body rubbing feeling - 39
(Phoenix, 2 miles north of old town scottsdale)
Sat 04 Jan
^^^^^SEXY Chocolate Lady^^^Amazing, Sexi and Sensual ** BODY RUB ^^^^^^ - 42
Fri 03 Jan