Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
Independent • Incall only • Busty brunette DD's all natural • Specials 80 roses - 37
(Phoenix, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
~ Gorgeous brunette,36 DD's....loves to have fun! Specials for new clients. ~ - 29
(Phoenix, incall/north Phoenix /private)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♥ Sweetheart Sara ♥ Exotic beauty/ 50,flat rate new clients / busty brunette - 29
(Phoenix, incall/private/32nd st,and Union Hills)
♠ Specials,for 1st time clients,fifty flat rate,Complete, bodyrubs / 36 dd's ♠ - 29
(Phoenix, incall /north Phoenix /private)
~~ Gorgeous brunette Specials all week,$50.00 (flat rate) for first time clients!!! ~~ 36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix /private)
Sat 11 Jan
The fifty dollar special,flat rate,for new clients. Sexy,busty brunette 36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix /private)
♥ Sweetheart Sara ♥ Exotic beauty/ 50,flat rate new clients / busty brunette! - 29
(Phoenix, incall/private/Cave Creek & 101)
~ Gorgeous brunette $$ Specials all week $ 50 (flat rate) for first time clients ~ 36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
💗🍭🍭🍭🍭ASIAN SPA 🍒🍒🍒 GRAND 💗 OPEN 💗 SPA 🍒🍒🍒 AMaZiNG NEW STAFF 🍭🍭🍭🍭623-939-1308 - 22
(Phoenix, Glendale)
INDULGE Yourself with a Beautiful, Sexy, BUSTY BLONDE!!! - 32
(Phoenix, North Phoenix / pv mall area)
I'M BACK! 100% Independent! Great Reviews! MATURE Curvy BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
~ Gorgeous brunette $$ Specials all week $ 50 (flat rate) for first time clients ------36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
Fri 10 Jan
+++ Let me treat you like a king!! Specials all day,flat rates for new clients - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
~ Gorgeous brunette $$ Specials all week$ 50 dollars(flat rate) for first time clients ~ 36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
With a Name Like * | * Donna Mellons * | * - It has to be Good! ⇰
(North Scottsdale W/ Easy Loop-101 Access)
I'll Be Back in April! 100% Independent! MATURE Curvy BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
I'M BACK! VISITING 10th, 11th & 12th ONLY! 100% Independent! MATURE Curvy BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
NEW💄💋CMT ~ ( upscale )* (VIP)* (FUN) * (hottie) * ( ready NOW! )~~Full body rub!! - 25
(Outcall/Incall Scottsdale/paradise Valle, Phoenix, Phx North)
LAST DAY! SUNDAY ONLY! 100% Independent! Great Reviews! MATURE BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
I'M BACK! FRI SAT & SUN ONLY! 100% Independent! Great Reviews! MATURE BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
I'M BACK! TONIGHT ONLY! 100% Independent! MATURE Curvy BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
Thu 09 Jan
☆☆☆Sweet Sexxy Blonde Bombshell Ready To Please☆☆☆ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Incall Scottsdale/OUTCALL VALLEYWIDE, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
☺TGIF • Specials today 80 roses • Full bodyrubs with mutual touching • Incall only - 37
(Phoenix, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
sexy senual body rub 120 flat rate/ incall trisha 480 5263579 scottsdale adult body rub - 45
(Phoenix, scottsdale private)
SCOTTSDALE) 💦💕👑 THE PERFECT tReaT🍭💋 [[Click me]]👑 Try ME💋 ENJOY💋{_ME_}👑 ❌⭕️❤️ (SCOTTSDALE) - 21
INDULGE Yourself with a Beautiful, Sexy, BUSTY BLONDE!!! Last 2 Days!! - 32
(Phoenix, North Phoenix / pv mall area)
~~~ VA VA VOM ~ Voluptuous MYA ~ THICK as HONEY ~Back Jan 13 Friday - 35
(Phoenix, 51ST AVE-PEORIA North/East corner USAspa)
LAST NIGHT! FRIDAY Only! 100% Independent! Great Reviews! MATURE BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
((( Stress releasing bodyrubs))) 50 reasons to call me,flat rate,for first time clients.===36 DD's - 29
(Phoenix, incall/private/32nd st,and Union Hills)
MYA'S SEDUCTIVE TOUCH OOH LA LA ~~ the real deal not fake~only the best for you..... - 35
(Phoenix, PEORIA/51ST AVE......)
~ Gorgeous brunette $$ Specials all weekend $ 50 roses(flat rate) for first time clients ~ - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
WARNING!I'm a good girl,gone bad • Incalls $70 • Full bodyrubs with mutual touching • DD's - 37
(Phoenix, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
~ Specials all day!! Exotic looking brunette/ $50,new clients,flat rate,stress releasing rubs - 29
(32nd st and Union Hills)
I'll be back August 15th! 100% Independent! Great Reviews! MATURE BUSTY BOMBSHELL 602-769-1691 - 40
(101 & SCOTTSDALE RD - INCALL ONLY, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
Tue 07 Jan
~~~ VA VA VOM ~ Voluptuous MYA ~ THICK as HONEY~ open 7am~7pm SUNDAY~SAT - 35
(Phoenix, 51ST AVE-PEORIA North/East corner USAspa)
Independent • Incall only • Busty brunette DD's all natural • Specials 70 roses - 37
(Phoenix, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
**** I love to have fun,love what I do * Incall specials * Private incall only ***** - 37
(Phoenix, North east Phoenix)
EbOnY CuTiE WiTh A BlG SmIlE and BoOtY to MaTcH***CoMe on OvEr !!! - 32
(Phoenix, 35thAve/Thunderbird(nw corner))
((( Stress releasing bodyrubs))) 50 reasons to call me,flat rate,for first time clients.===36 DD's - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)
Mon 06 Jan
X*X**Classy BEAUTY For DISTINGUISHED Client ** Current Model* Face Pic * North SCOTTSDALE * - 30
(101 & RAINTREE *** Private Residence)
SWEET PRETTY & CLASSY BLONDE desired touch}}Sexy Sensual massage - 39
(Phoenix, OUTCALL ONLY-Scottsdale/N.Phx)
Specials all day! Fifty, flat rate for new clients! 42 DD's - 29
(Phoenix, incall /north Phoenix /private)
Come Experience a Body Rub at my Private Location! Sexy Blonde Looking for Regulars! - 27
(10 Mins. North of Tempe/ScottsdaleBorder)
Sun 05 Jan
ೋSexy, Exotic Brunette for relaxing BodyRubs in N Scottsdale. Sat & Sun2, 60hh * 100hrೋ - 27
(North Scottsdale, Incall Only)
ೋSexy, Exotic Brunette for relaxing BodyRubs in N. Scottsdale & Glendale 60hh * 100hrೋ - 27
(North Scottsdale, Incall Only)
((( Stress releasing bodyrubs ))) fifty,flat rate intro bodyrubs,hot brunette!!! - 29
(Phoenix, incall/private/32nd st,and Union Hills)
~*~ Sexy,curvy * Prostate massage * Specials today ~*~ - 37
(Phoenix, N.Phx/Paradise Valley safe neighborhood)
Sat 04 Jan
♠ Specials,for 1st time clients,fifty flat rate,Complete, bodyrubs / 42 dd's ♠ - 29
(Phoenix, incall /north Phoenix /private)
~ Specials all week //// 50 roses....1st time clients ~ Hot milf ~ 36 DD's/ Sexy brunette - 29
(incall/north Phoenix)