Mon 27 Jan
Special 1/3/0, A Cute Asian Girls Don't like me,don't play!! - 160
-:¦:-NAUGHTY GIRL ALERT-:¦:- SeXy -:¦:- ♛ ErOtIc ♛ x-X-x ~ HIGHLY AddICtiVE - 21
(44th st and the 202)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
AriZona's Favorite Beauty__** *~* CoMe AnD SeE WHY *~*Very Well Reviewed!!* - 21
(44th st and the 202)
Fri 10 Jan
A Sexy Malaysia Chinese Girl is ready to Please you ! Are you ready ? - 160
((202 & 44th St[Chinese Cultural Center]))
(¯`'.¸o° ♥ o°iT'S My PLeASuRe To PleAsE yOu°o ♥ °o¸.'´¯) - 23
(44th st and mcdowell (n. of 202))
Thu 09 Jan
°°★°°S U P E R °°★°° S E X Y - °°★°° SpeCialS °°★°° - 33
(Central/South Phoenix, 44th St & Washington)
Affordabe Asian Beauty *** Maggie *** would encourage you to take closer look of me - 23
(S Phx / Scottsdale)
Wed 08 Jan
*★* 80 SUMMER $PECIALS!! BEAUTIFUL Blonde BOMSHELL, SKILLED, & ALL Natural! *★* - 21
(East Valley, SKY HARBOR NORTH, 44th st and LOOP 202)
> L {***} {***} K > ( i GET iT JUiCY 4 YA ) - 25
(loop 202 and 44th ST exit (airport))
* ✱ WhAt ✦* DrEaMs * ★ ArE * ☆ MaDe ✰ Of ! TiGhT & BuStY MILF
(Just Off The 202 Loop and 44th St, Phx)
Tue 07 Jan
(¯`'.¸☆ G o R G e o U S (¯`'.¸❀ ERoTiC ❀¸.'´¯) P L a Y M a T e ☆¸.'´¯) - 21
(44th st and the 202)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
oOo* iTaliAn* _____ oOo* OoZiNg SeX aPpEaL*oOo oOo* NaUgHtY &NeW; To ArEa - 21
(44th st and the 202)
Jacuzzi Massage Special - Asian Portuguese - In/Out Calls 24/7 - 28
(East Valley, Phoenix 44th St and McDowell Rd off 202)
Sat 04 Jan
⭐️🍒 ⭐️ATTENTION🍒 HOT NeW BeAutY 🍭Sweet 🍭N PeTITe REadY and Eager 2 PLease💕 I MaKe N@ughty L👀k - 26
(East Valley, INCALL @ 202/44th St)
:89 InCaLl SpEcIaLs Up&ReadY; SwEeT&SeXy; gIrL nExT dOoR!! :.★. incall SPECIALS - 20
(202 hwy and 44th st IN/OUT 24hrs)
- - -> Petite, beautiful, & down to earth blonde * OC (( VALLEY WiDE )) - - 41
(Central/South Phoenix, ** 0/C Valley Wide! ** ic Arcadia Area)
Fri 03 Jan