Mon 27 Jan
Are you an independent LADY? Could you use a safe, clean, incall location in east valley? - 40
(Phoenix, Arizona)
XCDING XPCTATION§ ﭢ The 1 YoU'll NeVe® 4get =$40Spls!$= - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
This Southern Girl Will Rock Your World!!!! Specials all night - 30
(East Valley, Phoenix, valleywide)
Specials 80hhr ♡♥☆ Sneakkk away ★☆♥ no RUSHINg. Come SEE ME. love oldermen im hailey - 25
(East Valley, ♡★scottsdale rd n 202 my place incall★♡)
*****¡NDuLG ¡N a 5★ EBONY ~ ToP NoTCH RoT¡C XPLoS¡ oN!!!***** Up All Nite***** - 22
(202 E OR 60 E FWY INCALL)
🙈🙉🙊MMMMM specials 100hh ⏰NO RUSH 🍷🎰 White girl love OLDER men👴💋 . - 25
(East Valley, incall Scottsdale rd 202 My place privat)
► My =KaS= GØt YoUr =OuNg= ◄ ㋡ ►$40 Spls$◄ - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202= O/C)
LOVE 2 PLaY ( iM ThE ULtIMaTE PaCKaGE) BraINS + BooTY + BeAuTY = CuTiE ( aLWaYS On dUtY ) *OUTCALLS* - 21
(44st & Thomas Incall &Outcalls;!!)
luvs 2 party (The Ultimate Package) Brains + Booty + Beauty= Cutie (Always on Duty) Lots Of PICS - 21
Lost My Teddy Bear ~ CaN I sLeEp WiTh U? Legs, Red(head), Lips & Nipps! ->$40 - 25
(Phx InCaLl/ 47st & Thomas ( off the 202))
❀ ㋡ Lets Make Like FaBrIc S0fTnEr & ° დ SnuGGLe დ° ☞ $40 spls$ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
LACtaTATING t & SeXxXy = HOtTt & TASTY..PREGNANT __* B _L _O _N _D _E *__ - 23
(202 Tempe Incall/Outcalls)
🙌 Hold Up!! Wait A☝️ Minute🕙 PuT ❣A LittLe Lu©I In It•🎀 🎀•StArT With A TouCh°💜°End With a SMILE - 24
(East Valley, INCALL(202/52nd St) OUTCALL SPECIALS, Phoenix)
= H O T = _________=N A U G H T Y= ______ =D I R T Y= _______ = B L O N D E = ______ = F A N T A S Y - 20
(East Valley, OUTCALLS & INCALL (202 & Scottsdale Road)
💟💕👑 [τhεε βest] [εxotic] Blondie⭐ℓet ME Show U 💖⭐💖visitig from California👑💟💕 - 23
(Outcall Specials, Phoenix, West Valley)
Cuti€r Than A ®0oSteR W¡Th §ØcKs 4 ONLY. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Cuti€r Than A ®0oSteR W¡Th §ØcKs 4 ONLY. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 48st & Thomasl =off 202=)
█ CLicK HeRe! ! ! █ **HoT + BLoNdE + MiLF**36DD's ** Private Upscale I/C*- - 37
*¨¨* CAUTION -:¦: *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* *¨¨* ADDICTION -:¦:- -:¦:- - *¨¨* - 23
(Phoenix, I 10 & Baseline Rd/ Outcall Ava.)
°° ChEAper Thaη ThE 1 0n ToP °° ~>50.oO SplS~< - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Thomas (off 202))
BusTy CurvY Asian PLAYMATE visiting from California!! SPECIALS!!!! - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, 202 and Scottsdale Rd. incall outcalls)
BusTy CurvY Asian PLAYMATE visiting from California 24 HRS!! SPECIALS!!!! - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, 202 and Scottsdale Rd. incall outcalls)
✭ BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL 4 U Just the way you like it :-) ☎ 480 - 414 - 4569 ✭ - 30
50/Special ♥Amanda~incall~ 4802017615* 202/scottsdale rd √√√THONGS OFF - 33
(East Valley, 202/Scottsdale rd---Tempe)
~50 incall The Best Honeyhole BLONDIE 4802017615 Tempe== 202@Scottsdale rd - 32
(East Valley, Tempe@ scottsdale rd@202)
50/Special ♥Amanda♥~incall~ 4802017615 202/Mclintock---Tempe - 33
(East Valley, 202/Mclintock---Tempe)
(50 incall))NOONERS~ 4802017615 ~Amanda~~ Tempe~ 202/Scottsdale rd - 33
(East Valley, tempe===202/scottsdale rd ~~ASU AREA)
*☆* 4O.0o *☆* ► WiH N0 SRiNGZ AACHEd ◄ *☆* 4o.0O *☆* - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
*☆* 4O.0o *☆* ► Wi†H N0 S†RiNGZ A††ACHEd ◄ *☆* 4o.0O *☆* - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 47st &Thomas; =off 202=)
*☆* 4o.0O *☆* H0LidaY CheeR with ☆☛ My ReeR☚☆ - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix Incall = 47st & Thomas = off 202)
*☆* 4O.0o *☆* ► Wi†H N0 S†RiNGZ A††ACHEd ◄ *☆* 4o.0O *☆* - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix Incall = 47st & Thomas = off 202)
2 ₡ut£ 2 IgN0rE BUT †he K¡nd U Dnt TakE H0mE ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
32 st and 202 right now Sexy Young Ebony waiting for you available now Outcalls/incall east Phoenix - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Outcalls all areas/incall off 202, Phoenix)
150hr PRIvaTE HOMe NO rushing! safe clean ENVIORMENT iam ANGEL... - 24
(East Valley, tempe (Private Residence)incall -i10 202)
❌⭕❌⭕ BEAUTIFUL BLONDE ❌⭕❌⭕VIDEO❌⭕❌⭕🎀⭐️❄Blonde BombShell ❄⭐❌⭕❌⭕🌙 P⃣E⃣R⃣F⃣E⃣C⃣T❌⭕❌⭕ ❌⭕❌⭕ - 26
(202 & Scottsdale rd ●■▪INCALL ONLY, East Valley, Phoenix)
▃❤▃video▃❤▃▃▃▃▃S▃▃▃▃▃ E ▃▃▃▃▃X ▃▃▃▃▃Y▃▃▃▃▃ ☑ REVEIWED▃▃▃▃B▃▃▃▃▃ L ▃▃▃▃▃O▃▃▃▃▃N ▃▃▃▃▃ D▃▃▃▃E - 26
(202 fwy & 44th st. 📞☎ INCALL ONLY, East Valley, Phoenix)
Sun 12 Jan
*¨¨* PreTtY *¨* AnD *¨* PLeaSes *¨* PriKs *¨¨* PrOmPtLy *¨¨*&*¨¨* ProPeRLy - 34
(East Valley, Near The Scottsdale Fashion Square)
((Super Busty Sexxy Bombshell)) (( 160 )) (( Let me Show You how its Done)) - 20
(East Valley, Scottsdale rd & 202 TEMPE Incall upscale)
If It L☺Oks ☞ THIS GoOd ❀ ThiNk How It FeELⓈ ✔ $40Spls ✔ - 27
(Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
♥ Early ♥ Morning ♥ Specials ♥ )╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) ♥ Elite Companion ♥ click ╚» - 27
(East Valley, 44th St/ 202 /Incall)
EbOnY Highclass Beauty ROSE... Specials all weekend - 22
SkiLLs ThÂt xCite U *☁* At a Pri©e ThaT WiLL *EnTiCe* U .$40Spls$. - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
G O R G E O U S ----- E R O T I C ----- P A S S I O N A T E ----- G F E _ P L A Y M A T E - 30
Sat 11 Jan
A SwEE Tea ThaT W@nTs 2 B -N0t T-☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
!! ♥ U R * S E X Y * F E T T I S H WoW- $ 8 0 incall specials !♥ 805- 202- 1786 ♥! - 21
(Phoenix, I-10 FRWY incall/outcall)
~*~* Sunday's Specials Treat *~*~ Stunning SAVANAH~*~* - 25
(East Valley, pheonix,mesa,tempe,scottsdale,all areas)
STOP$100!!! 🌹SOFIA Brazilian Beauty🌹INCALL -Let Me RUB U in All the Right Places 💘623*206*4742 - 25
(Phx North, Tempe-202 & Scottsdale Rd.-INCALL)
PRIvaTE HOMe NO rushing! safe clean ENVIORMENT iam ANGEL... - 24
(East Valley, tempe (Private Residence)incall -i10 202)
New in Town Absolutely Young Gorgeous Oriental Girl. IC or OC ~~24/7 - 30
(Phx / Scottsdale / Tempe)
♡◇◇🌹Incall available Irish-Italian Sweetheart in Scottsdale " or Oc"☆ ☆♡☆♡ - 30
(East Valley, Incall Scottsdale & 202/ OC Valleywide, Phoenix)
ღ♥ £i£ §ØmEtHiN Øn Th §id ♥ღ ErOtiC ExOtiC VERY HYPnOtiC !LoWSpls! - 27
(Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
DaMsl N D¡sTreSs, NeeDs Help 0uT th!s MeSs => $40.oO$
(East Valley, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
~» Cl¡cK HeRe †ø CLa¡m U® ☆ Pr¡Ze ☆ «~ ..$40.o0$.. SpLs - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯*Y0UNG & iRRESiStABLE UPSCAlE $PiNNER READy 4 U! 0UTCALl AVAiL. N0W ¸.·´¯* N£VA£H.X0X0 - 22
(East Valley, OC:VALl£Y WiD£ ღ iNCALl:202/40S)
Start with A T0UcH ☆☛ End wiTh A SmiLe☚☆ *☆* 4o.0O *☆* - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix Incall =off 202=)
(¯`☆`¯) -:¦:- SexXxy -:¦:- Playmate (¯`☆`¯) -:¦:- Naughty -:¦:- (¯`☆`¯) - 18
(INCALL 101 202 tempe /OUTCALLS (all over)
NOW!!!★ 50 Incall ★ ★ Amanda★ ★ 4802017615 Scottsdale rd@202~ Blondie! - 32
(East Valley, Tempe@ scottsdale rd@202)
NEW BooBs (A V A I L A B L E))$80 👠(A V A I L A B L E)💄(A V A I L A B L E))🎀((A V A I L A B L E))👑👑 - 21
(East Valley, Incall 202/SCOTTSDALE RD Out/VALLEYWIDE)
LoW On DoUgH?«╝ I DONT SAY NO!«╝ Had the Rest.. Iam The BEST!! $40 UP LATE!!! - 26
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Thomas (on 202 & 143))
If I Were A BoOgEr* U ->PiCk ->Me ->1st Cum On U KnOw U WaNnA lOOk-> $40 - 25
(Phx Incall/ 47st & thomas (off 202))
...EMMA…. 48o 205 69 57 ....202(santan) & power... INCALL & (some) OUTCALL . . available - 35
(East Valley, Mesa, chandler, tempe, scottsdale, Phoenix)
*-:¦:-* ❤ BEAUTFUL ❤ Hot ❤ SeNsUal ❤ BombShell *-:¦:-* - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
P®TTy SmiLe, GeOrGoUs HaiR, C0Me With =ME= I'll GeT u ThErE $40.0o$ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
PLEASE READ [ PRETTY ] ♡ [ PETITE ] ♡ [ WELL REVIEWED ] ♡ [ 100% REAL ] - 22
(East Valley, 202 & Scottsdale rd (Incall $pecial))
█████ ◆ THE # 1 HOTTEST ◆ █████ ◆ MATURE PLAYMATE ◆ █████ ◆ AVAILABLE NOW ◆ - 41
(East Valley, East Valley-private residence)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy LAtiNa •★• GoRgEoUs & KiNkY• ★ tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR 50$$ sPeCiALs • ★ Come Party •★• - 20
(East Valley, I-10/ Tempe, az/52nd / Broadway)
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, 💓Phoenix Incall Off 202 Fwy💓)
ೋ * -:¦:- * A lil xmas treat! brunette hottie * -:¦:- * AVAILABLE * -:¦:- * ೋ - 20
(East Valley, (north phx) 27th ave and yorkshire)
Fri 10 Jan