Fri 10 Jan
= J_U_S_T = __ _ __ = W_H_A_T = __ _ __ = Y_O_U = __ _ __ = D_E_S_I_R _E = - 19
❤❤I will do ANYTHING your wife & girlfriend won't!!!❤❤50 Special❤❤ - 25
(East Valley, Chandler Area-Price Road/101 or 202)
Thu 09 Jan
East Valley $100 specials!!! Upscale Tender Ebony MUST SEE. Feel and taste.....New Pics & Number - 19
(202 and Scottsdale rd...INCALLS)
❤❤I will do ANYTHING your wife & girlfriend won't❤❤ - 25
(East Valley, Chandler Mall-Price Rd/101 or 202 Incall)
Tue 07 Jan
Looking for love in all the wrong places??? Scottsdale, Tempe and east valley.. OUTCALLS TOO - 26
(202 and Scottsdale rd./ outcall your bed)
Sun 05 Jan
:*: ☎:*: WhaT R U CraVing... KanDy ShoP iS noW Open!! :*: ☎:*: - 21
(East Valley, Scottsdale Rd off 202, in and outcall)
Sat 04 Jan
_•(——— •★___ H_O _T____— ———NEW — —BRUNETTE— ——— —NEW — —___B_ O _M_B_S_H_E_L_L_ ★•—) - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, 202 & SCOTTSDALE RD IN&OUTCALL;)
Thu 02 Jan