Mon 27 Jan
XCDING XPCTATION§ ﭢ The 1 YoU'll NeVe® 4get =$40Spls!$= - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
► My =KaS= GØt YoUr =OuNg= ◄ ㋡ ►$40 Spls$◄ - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202= O/C)
❀ ㋡ Lets Make Like FaBrIc S0fTnEr & ° დ SnuGGLe დ° ☞ $40 spls$ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Cuti€r Than A ®0oSteR W¡Th §ØcKs 4 ONLY. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
*☆* 4O.0o *☆* ► WiH N0 SRiNGZ AACHEd ◄ *☆* 4o.0O *☆* - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
2 ₡ut£ 2 IgN0rE BUT †he K¡nd U Dnt TakE H0mE ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Sun 12 Jan
If It L☺Oks ☞ THIS GoOd ❀ ThiNk How It FeELⓈ ✔ $40Spls ✔ - 27
(Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
SkiLLs ThÂt xCite U *☁* At a Pri©e ThaT WiLL *EnTiCe* U .$40Spls$. - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Sat 11 Jan
♥ 1 C A L L A W A Y F R O M P A R A D I S E ♥ ( MiMi LOVE ) ♥ - 19
(32st & McDowell & Anywhere for OCs!)
A SwEE Tea ThaT W@nTs 2 B -N0t T-☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
ღ♥ £i£ §ØmEtHiN Øn Th §id ♥ღ ErOtiC ExOtiC VERY HYPnOtiC !LoWSpls! - 27
(Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
DaMsl N D¡sTreSs, NeeDs Help 0uT th!s MeSs => $40.oO$
(East Valley, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
~» Cl¡cK HeRe †ø CLa¡m U® ☆ Pr¡Ze ☆ «~ ..$40.o0$.. SpLs - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Ur RighT were U BeLonG.. BehiND Me.. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix IC 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
*-:¦:-* ❤ BEAUTFUL ❤ Hot ❤ SeNsUal ❤ BombShell *-:¦:-* - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
P®TTy SmiLe, GeOrGoUs HaiR, C0Me With =ME= I'll GeT u ThErE $40.0o$ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Fri 10 Jan
Flip A CoIn ☞ H*@d ✧ At Ur Place ✧ TaiL ✧ At MiNe ☞LoWeSt Prices - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
LTs PuN!sH SaNtA E@rLy ツ No T0yS 4 Me LaSt YeAr.. ☛ $40$ Spls ☚ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
.S0mEtHinG GoT U DoWn?. 彡 .. ➷ $40 Spls$ ➹ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
~» Cl¡cK HeRe ø CLa¡m U® ☆ Pr¡Ze ☆ «~ ..$40.o0$.. SpLs - 29
(East Valley, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Thu 09 Jan
£OoKs Of an Âng£ ♀ ßu SkillS Øf a §iNnR ☿ ► Spls.$40.Spls ◄ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & McDowell =off 202=)
✭ ☆° DIrtY £i£ RdHaD that £iVeS Net door °☆ ✭ $SuPr low raTes$ - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell = Outcalls =)
►SuGaR & SpiCe, EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe ◄- - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202= OC)
☞ RuDe ChIcKs? FAKE Pics? ☆ KnOcK OuT PaCkAgE Here☆ ☞ $40spls - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Wed 08 Jan
ೋ☆ When Happily Ever After Fails ☆ Ur PurFeCt LiL PaCkaGe ☆ೋ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
㋡ SpR£@diN MORE †haN Just SmiLes -☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
M A K E Y O U R D R E A M S C O M E T R U E W/ ( ALL NEW PICS!! ) - 19
(incalls: 32st & McDowell & outcalls)
×❤× GoOd GiR£ ~ NÂuGhty Haßits ×❤ ×╚» PurFeCt ChOice «╝ - 27
(Phx incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Tue 07 Jan
SiNSuAL SeduCTIoN =With= N0 ENTERrUpTioN ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
PuLL My hAiR Grab My Waist × ArCh My BaCk On My F☻Ce - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
°ღ° DePrIvEd Woman w/ °ღ° NaUgHY InN§iOn§ °ღ° ~$40 Spls$~ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =202=)
~» Cl¡cK HeRe ø CLa¡m U® ☆ Pr¡Ze ☆ «~ ..$40.o0$.. SpLs - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Øo CuT 2 IgNorE ღ But The K!nd U DonT ake H0mE °° ► $40 Spls$ ◄ °° - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202= OC's)
GivE Me @ ₦iCkLe & I'll T¡cKLe Ur Pi©Kle ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix IC 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
From ✧ FaNtAsY 2 REALITY ✧ & Everything ☞In BeTwEeN «╝ =LoW SplS= - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =OC avai=)
BLoNdEs R FuN =BUT= ReDHeADs KnOw MoRe Than 1 PoSiTiOn $40Spls$ - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
My 2 FaV0RitE LeTTers ® Ee & zZz ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix IC 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Cuti€r Than A ®0oSteR W¡Th §ØcKs 4 ONLY. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
~» Cl¡cK HeRe ø CLa¡m U® ☆ Pr¡Ze ☆ «~ $40.o0$ SpLs - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
> If I W@s A B0oGeR* YoU'd ➷ PiCk Me ➹ 1st ☆ $40$Spls ☆ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Mon 06 Jan
°♥ ❤ GrEaT ThInGs CoMe N small PaCKaGeS ❤ ♥° ~» $40Spls «~ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & McDowell =off 202=)
Sun 05 Jan
ツ MaTrEss AeRobiCs ツ While SmUgGLeiNg Tic-TaCs ~» $40 Mrn Spls «~ - 27
(Phx Incall / 32st & McDowell =off 202=)
Y.O.U.R _ °❤° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °❤° _ S.E.C.R.E.T ➷ $40 Spls$ ➹ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
..WeLL. .. .S¡nCe Iam DÃwN Hâ¬râ¬. .. => $40.oO
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix Incall = 32st Mcdowell= off 202)
SkiLLs ThÂt xCite U *☁* At a Pri©e ThaT WiLL *EnTiCe* U .$40Spls$ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Sat 04 Jan
PuLL My hAiR Grab My Waist × ArCh My BaCk On My F☻Ce - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
ღ♥ £i£ §ØmEtHiN Øn Th §id ♥ღ ErOtiC ExOtiC VERY HYPnOtiC !LoWSpls! - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =OC avai=)
= YoUr ☆° N@sTy °☆ L¡L ☆ TreAt = ➷ DeTAILs $40$ INside ➹ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
Fri 03 Jan
PlEasE Tell Ur P@ntS its NOT PoliTe 2 P0inT ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
ツ ByPaSs The Bu£L§h*i☿ ツ & Just Get NÂkd ► Spls.$40.Spls ◄ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & McDowell =off 202=)
W¡F GoT U ßluE? 4GeT W¡tH Me ➷ DeTAILs INside ➹ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
SwEe, SѼf & SKiLleD ツ EsCapE 4 A MomEnt ~» $40 ツ Spls «~ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
..╠╣eY.. £0ok WhaT ¡ ©An D0 ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ !! ON SALE !! - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix IC 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Cutir Than A ®0oSteR W¡Th §ØcKs 4 ONLY. ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell = off 202 =)
► Ber ThAn A ฿L0nDE ◄ NaiL ThiS $40 ø¤º°Spls ø¤º° - 27
(Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
Thu 02 Jan