Sat 04 Jan
*¨¨* I 80 80¨*LunCh TIME SPECIALS *¨* eVeRytHiNg *¨* yOu *¨* deSiRe *80 80 80 - 21
(44th st/mcdowell)
early bird gets the worm!!!!!hot sexy older blonde milf if to rock your morning - 38
(East Valley, your place washinton and 44th st area)
"BUSTY " Summer, with a TIGHT KITTY that NEEDS attention!! ##### Hott SPECIALS!!! #### - 25
(44th. st. Mcdowell)
** Available IMMEDIATELY!!** Start The Week Off RIGHT!!** STUNNING Blonde!!** Call NOW!**xXoXx* - 23
(IC / OC Avail 44th st/ Thomas)
⭐️🍒 ⭐️ATTENTION🍒 HOT NeW BeAutY 🍭Sweet 🍭N PeTITe REadY and Eager 2 PLease💕 I MaKe N@ughty L👀k - 26
(East Valley, INCALL @ 202/44th St)
:89 InCaLl SpEcIaLs Up&ReadY; SwEeT&SeXy; gIrL nExT dOoR!! :.★. incall SPECIALS - 20
(202 hwy and 44th st IN/OUT 24hrs)
*__ (A)_(M)_ (A)_ (Z) _(I)_(N)_(G) * (I)_(N)_ (C)_(A)_ (L)_(L) * (S)_(P)_(E)_ (C)_(I)_(A) _(L)_(S) * - 19
(44th Street & Washington)
80 80 80; DoNt ChEaT YoUrSeLF * TreAT YoUrSeLF LaSt DaY HeRe80 80 80 - 21
(44th st & mcdowell/ incall outcall)
***$70 Special TODAY ONLY! 44th st/McDowell *Hot and Spicy *Beauty Queen* Waiting for You NOW! - 24
(Phx North)
$60 specials~¥~ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ❤❤ H¡GHL¥ G¡F†€Ð ❤❤ §UP€R FR€AK ~¥~ Exotic Chocolate Seductress - 22
(East Valley, 44th St/ 202/ In Call Only)
$60 Specials *♥*__ *FREAKY ♥*__ EBONY *♥*__ BOMBSHELL *♥*__$60 specials - 21
(East Valley, 44th St/ 202 / In call)
☎509.859.5571 💋PETiTE BlUE-EYEd COllEGE CUTiE w/BOOtY 💎ViSitiNG fRM WA💎 - 22
(East Valley, 44th St & McDowell 💋)
*¨¨*:: __*100 SpEcIaL* ____ ×°x°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°x°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __*¨¨* - 23
(East Valley, 44th st and mcdowell)
•♥• YoUr UlTiMaTe EbOnY FaNtAsY! •♥• BoOtY LoVeRs #1ChOiCe 60Specials!! - 22
(East Valley, off 44th st)
TIGHT WeT KITTY.... NO-:¦:-ONE -:¦:-DOES -:¦:-IT -:¦:-LIKE -:¦:-ME -:¦:- MISS DEVINE.... - 19
(INCALLS(oak & 44th st) & OUTCALLS)
💦SuperSoaker💦 🇧🇬 Italian Bombshell💎New Jerseys Finest💎 💄Party Girl💄 Fètïsh Frîëñdly🍒 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Near airport 44th & Van Buren, Phoenix)
💎MUST SEE VIDEO💎Beautiful TRANSEXUAL ready 2 show U what U been missing!!VIP MEN ONLY!IN/OUT - 23
(East Valley, Airport Area/ 44th & McDowell)
💕💕💕 ♥♡ ★★★ Let Me Finish What Your Eyez Started!! 6.O.2**4.1.9**O.6.3.6. ★★★ ♡♥ 💕💕💕 - 33
(East Valley, 202&44th St/Valleywide)
•●★●•iT $t0pPeD rAiNiNg oUtSiDe, But...I'm Still All W*€*T !•●★●• }in¢a££ $p€cia£{ - 26
(East Valley, East Phx INcall (44th St & Thomas))
•❤• It Stopped Raining Outside, But...I'm Still All W*€*T !!! •❤• - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, East Phx INcall (44th St & Thomas))
✦:--: IT L()()KS G()()D ....BUT____ FEELS___ EVEN_____ BETTER :--:✦ - 19
(Phoenix, 202fwy & 44th st)
HEAT ADVISORY WARNING!! get before she's GONE! Limited time only Special! * Extraordinary Quality * - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, NE Phx/44th st/mcdowell/tempe)
- - -> Petite, beautiful, & down to earth blonde * OC (( VALLEY WiDE )) - - 41
(Central/South Phoenix, ** 0/C Valley Wide! ** ic Arcadia Area)
Fri 03 Jan
Your BEST CHOICE 💋💋 ((( ✰ A= M= A= Z= ii= N=G=✰ ))) 💔❤💛 1oO% •♥• αvαiℓabℓε! 💋 - 35
(East Valley, 44th st & McDowell / Near Airport)
___ ** _____V ___ A ___ N ___ I ___ L ___ L ___ A __________ V ___ I ___ X ___ E ___ N _____ ** __ - 22
(44th st & 202)
° TaStY ° S W ee T° ChOcOLaTe ° BiGG BooTY LoVeRs TReaT° ALL NIGHT & $PECIAL$° - 23
(East Valley, 44th st./ 202)
*¨★ .:* _SomEthing YouVE BeeN MiSSInG___ YouNG PeTiTE ItALian .★ . - 21
(44th st and indian school PhX)
Miracle _____________ Available Now ____________ Phoenix - 22
(Tempe/Phoenix inCaLL & outCaLL travel)
Miss Asian Persuasion . 100% real pictures . 100$ special - 20
(East Valley, East Valley . 44th Street (Incalls Only))
•/ L - o -N -G / Legged / SUPREMELY - S e X x eee / slender / BOMB SHELL/ - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, 202 loop and 44th Street)
AWAKEN Your Sensual FIRE Through DYNAMIC And HEALING Touch....ASK FOR THE $60 Special! - 20
($60 ((44th&202)) incall)
£ate Nite Creep'n, €arly Mornin Freak'n ★ {SnEaK •A• WaY•&• CoMe•Play} --» 8o/hhr €AR£¥bird Special - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, East Phx INcall (44th St &Thomas;))
80 80 80 EVERY ★ MANS ★ FANTASY 80 80 80 - 21
(44th street mcdowell (incalls&outcalls;))
80 80 80 K=N=O=C=K = O=U=T = B=U=S=T=Y= B=L=O=N=D=E = B=E=A=U=T=Y ★80 80 80 80(SPECIALS) - 21
(44th st and McDowell/incall outcall)
80 80 80 AvAiL aBlE °**° RiGhT °**° NoW 80 80 80 - 21
(44th mcdowell/incall outcall)
($60 Specials)~ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ❤❤ H¡GHL¥ G¡F†€Ð ❤❤ Exotic Chocolate Seductress - 22
(East Valley, 44th St/ 202/ In Call / Outcall)
60 60 60 60 ★ DoNt ChEaT YoUrSeLF * TreAT YoUrSeLF LaSt DaY HeRe ★ 60 60 60 60 - 21
(44th st and McDowell/incall outcall)
44th st & Washington**EMMA** 480~720~0157 available INCALL - 35
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phoenix 44th st & Washington Sky Harbor)
*¨¨*:: __*100 SpEcIaL* ____ ×°x°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°x°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __*¨¨* - 23
(Phoenix, 44th st and mcdowell)
48 DDD'S -Curvy & Needing some HELP! May consider trades! - 55
(Phoenix, 44th St & McDowell Private)
Well Reviewed *** H- I-G- H-L-Y ____ A-D- D-I- C-T- I-N-G ____ B-L- O-N- D-E *** - 21
(44th st and the 202)
Some Aaliyah Monae will take the Stress away... ;) ... All American, all natural.. Private residence - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, 44th st & McDowell)
__ *xXx* -:¦:-W -:¦: -e -:¦: -T __ P -:¦: -U- :¦: -s- :¦: -S -:¦ :-Y-:¦: - *xXx* __ VISITING - 19
Beautiful Sexy Blonde.... Waiting for You - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, I/C Thomas & 44th St, Phoenix)
♥IN / OUTCALL Im Trixi, your dirty secret ! ♥ Flat rates! TER reviewed, & I'm waiting! - 24
(In/Outcall @ 44th st & 202)
Thu 02 Jan
50 Moving on up! To the east side!! That's right I'm finally here ! Amazon Ms Molly wants to play! - 28
(44th street n thomas, Phoenix)
♡ ♡ §kɨℓℓʂ •T♓aT • ℊ⇡vℇ • ʗℌ⇡ℓℓʑ • ฬℯT • ℱ↻ℕ • ℛℇaXat⇡oℕ • Aℒℒ • ℕ 1 ♡ ♡ - 26
(East Valley, 44th Thomas ⋆ IC/OC ⋆ WERE EVER U WANT)
** Available IMMEDIATELY!!** Be My SUNDAY MORNING!!** STUNNING Blonde!!** Call NOW!**xXoXx* - 23
(IC / OC Avail 44th st/ Thomas)
°★° {{{ 80QV }}} {{ YOUNG }} {{ PET!TE }} {{ BRUNETTE }} {{{{ 1OOHHR }}} °★° - 20
(i-202 & 44th ST.)
80 sPeciaLs__ ☆ __S_E_X_Y_ _BLONDE_ _E_X_O_T_C___ ☆__ ☆ __ 5 sTaR 80 SPeCiALS - 21
(44th st and McDowell/incall outcall)
¯`·._.· 80 80 80 G* R* E* E *K QUEEN ❀ ° SPECIALS ° ❀ ° 80 80 80 ¯`·._.· ☆ - 21
(44th street / mcdowell)
80 80G r e e K 80 80 80 80 QUEEN ❀ ° SPECIALS ° ❀ ° ¯`·._.· ☆80 80 80 80 - 21
(44th street / mcdowell)
($60 Specials)★★•°•°• IM BACK •°•°•° CHOCOLATE•°•°•° THICK ((EBONY)) •°•°•° B O M B S H E L L •°•°★ - 22
(East Valley, 44th St/ 202/ In call/ Out call)