Sat 11 Jan
***Oh my god baby that's it right into my golden heat. let's melt - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, Thomas and I 17)
♡ (((SeXY COeDS )))♡ GoOD GiRLS gONE BaD ♡ (((CoLLEgE gIRlS Do IT bEtTA!!!))) - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, thomas and 17)
Thu 09 Jan
BiG BOOtY LoVeRs THiCK CURVY BLUE EyEd Hottie 70 quick Special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, incalls only I-17 and Thomas)
Wed 08 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
♡ (((SEXy COlLEGE Qt))♡ CuD UsE a HElPiNG HANd ♡ (((You'Ll lUV My GrATtiTUdE))) - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, thomas and 17)
Sat 04 Jan