Mon 06 Jan
🍦🍬 Sweet Morning Treat 🍬🍦 Curvy Redhead Pleaser Ready for You 😜💋💋 - 33
(I17 & Dunlap InCall Only @hotel, Phoenix, Phx North)
• ★SuPeR sExY •★• GoRgEoUs bLOnDE• ★cLaSSy PrOviDeR •★• 100 sPeCiAlS - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
💯SPECIALS💋💕KATIE 💋💕 (480)-669-3896💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 23
(I17 and dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
** Specials 2Day Only **Sweet Petite Bombshell **VISITING** Dont Miss Me!!! - 28
(Phx North, I-17 North/ dunlap)
★SEXY★ MiXeD Big BOoTy★BombShell ★ EyE CaNdY((Special)) 55 kisses - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
sexy, fun blonde bombshell that will show u a good time! xoxo - 24
(Dunlap & Cavecreek, Phoenix, Phx North)
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i ——— •★• 100 SPECIAL •★ - 24
(Phx North, I17 and dunlap)
°o♥o°I WANT U IN MY M0UTH ♥ Incall Special °o♥o° Nasty Busty Latina °o♥o° - 25
(I-17 & DUNLAP (PHX)
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i ——— •★• 100 SPECIALS •★ - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
💋💄NEW PIXxX♥Fetish Friendly♥Gf€♥Monday morning specialso 4805482287💄💋 - 25
(Ic= 19thave & dunlap -- Oc also avail., Phoenix, West Valley)
NaUgHTy !! & SuBMiSSiVe " BUSTY M.I.L.F". with natural 34-DD's!! And Ready to PLeAse! - - 35
(I 117 and Dunlap)
Natural Strawberry Blonde Goddess.. Absolute Sweetheart.. Very Sensual with Extraordinary Talents.. - 21
(East Valley, I17 and Dunlap, North Phoenix, Phoenix)
My ****** TouCH ***** IS ****** MaGiC ****** SeXY ******** JuiCy ******* WomAn - 44
(Phx North, 7th Street and Dunlap)
Mz. $hanel Leqsis &lady; Crystal Mixed ®ican&Blk; 100%.. ©aramel Tone §mooth §kin - 20
(West Valley, 19th ave metro mall area dunlap)
❤MORNING INCALL SPECIAL✨BAMBI💄💎Beautiful Goddess 🌹🌺💄Come play with me.... I'm waiting❤✨💎💍 - 23
(I17 and dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
**Leaving Soon Click Now*Cali Dream Girl*** - 23
(West Valley, Dunlap Glendale all phoenix Scottsdale)
ITs One Of a KIND "Not Like THE Rest"A REAL GOOD Time Don't Settle For Less ss!! - 49
(Phx North, I-17 & Dunlap)
[[ Incall Specials ]] 100 Incall Sexy Latina ° You will ♥how I treat You & Please U Right! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, CENTRAL PHOENIX (I-17 & Dunlap))
[[ Incall Specials ]] 100 Incall Sexy Latina ° You will ♥ how I treat U and please U right! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
----😱😍HUGE TITS😍😱 yummy MIX 80 SPECiAL🌟🌟 L A S T DAY !!!!!! ----- 💢💥80 SPECIAL 8⃣0⃣ ‼️Don't Miss Out ! - 24
(Phx North, i17 & Dunlap hotel friendly incalls)
◆*:. ★ Heaveny $60 special by your true Angel◆*:. ★ TONIGHT ONLY - 18
(West Valley, Dunlap and the I17)
★• FIVE StaR TrEatMenT •★• PURE DeLiGhT •★• BlONdE BoMbShElL•★• 100 SpEcIaLs - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
★• FIVE StaR TrEatMenT •★• PURE DeLiGhT •★• BlONdE BoMbShElL•★• 100 SpEcIaLs - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
* ____________ * FLEXIBLE & erotic * ____________* young milky pleaser *____ *ur secret girlfriend - 21
(I-17 & DUNLAP)
O"I ThInK F@St! BuT My $60 SuPeR SOaKeR iS ReAl (SlOW) + A CHOCoLaTE TiGHt PInK Pu$$Y - 31
(Dunlap & I -17 >> A SAFE CLEAN LOC.)
# ❶ Choice *¨.COkE BoTTLe ShApE ❤ CuTe FaCe❤ AnD SkILLs Off ThE RiChTeR ScALe - 20
(I-17 / DUNLAP 24/7)
✔ CAUTION -:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- ; ADDICTION! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, West Dunlap Avenue (Incalls Only))
*&* 100 INCALL *&* AMAZING SKILLS! Exotic beauty that will have you wanting more!!! EAGER TO PLEASE! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & DUNLAP))
>>=> Sexxy Exxotic Native Beauty Incalls $80 Special, i17 / Dunlap Outcalls Valleywide - 27
(Phoenix i17 / Dunlap Incall / Outcall)
All the Right Curves and a great attitude ! come enjoy breakfast the Right way ! - 41
(35th ave and Dunlap area)
Sun 05 Jan
SpECiAlS❕💎100% Rεaℓ ρℓαγmαtε 💎 🎀 INCALLS σnℓу👔🐰 - 21 - 21 - 21
(Noth Phx Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
SeXy Blonde Petite lil Freak Always shower Fun 100/175 ready now up late + small & blonde - 19
(Phx North, Dunlap & i17/ In&Out;)
Nice and Sexy.. Early Birds bring me your WORM.. I'm AVALIABLE 100incall - 35
(Phx North, I-17/Dunlap)
~Kinky Petite Freak~ Jaw Dropping Hottie AVALIABLE now ❤️ - 22
(Phx North, I-17 and Dunlap (incall only))
💋💋Asian miXeD WiTh A SpiCe of EuroPean💋💋$$$70qv special - 22
(I-17 & Dunlap road, Phoenix, Phx North)
$80/$160 ______ P E T I T E . A S I A N . A M A Z I N G _______ $80/$160 - 24
(Phx North, I - 17 & DUNLAP)
80 Incalls * How Can U Resit ? A Cute Big Booty All Natural Country Doll Face Blonde ~Habla Espanol~ - 22
(Phx North, Dunlap & 43av $80 incall)
( 8 o ) SPECIALS ×× Dark Haired Vixxen ×× specials ( 8 o ) - 21
(SPECIALS right now ( i-17 & dunlap ))
80 roses special+GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE! SEXY ,DD, blue eyes, brunette...BE SATISFIED . CALL ME.... - 25
(Phx North, DUNLAP AND 19TH AVE)
💋❤💋 $80 Hh CoMe GeT your HoTt + KiNkY & TiGhT. ReD H@@D VaNiLlA. FlAvOr 💋❤💋 InCaLl. special - 31
(I 17 dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
☆ ExpNrienCe tHe ThRilL ☆ & UlTimaTe SAtisfActiOn ☆ 4 uR EverY deSire ☆ - 21
(Phx North, I-17 & DUNLAP)
EXOTIC €BoNY......KIA!! Specials.(X) ®ATED , CURVY Kia ... IN & OUT CALLS CLICK Here!! - 22
°★* •★• $80 INCaLL SpCLs • STRaWBeRRy BLoNDe ° NeW PiCs• ★*• ★° - 25
(Phx North, off 17 fwy / peoria / dunlap)
*★ $80 INCaLL SpCLs / NeW PiX STRaWBeRRy BLoNDe ° VeRy WeLL ReViEWeD ★* - 25
(Phx North, off 17 fwy / peoria / dunlap)
======= 60 SPECIALS ======= 60 ======== SPECIALS ======= 24/7 Specials ====== 60 ===== - 26
~~~~~~~~~ 60 SpEcIaLs ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ CARAMEL CUTIE WITH A BOOTY ~~~ ~~~~~~60 ~~~~~~~ ~~~60~~~~~~~
$60 NEW" ❤️ EveryOne's Favorite Girl -Aiming to Please Your Every Needߒˠ$100 Specials! - 21
(West Valley, Dunlap Incalls & Speedy OutCalls!)
160hr. high class, UPscale MEN only if YOUR ready to RELAX 40 n OLDER my house!!! - 22
(West Valley, my place 43rd ave dunlap priv loc.)
:!::!: 100 Incall :!::!: Sweet Latina w/ a killer body~I Enjoy what I do... So will YOU! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
{{{ 100 Incall Special }}}} THEY CALL ME KITTEN... WANNA MAKE ME PURR !!!Ready to play! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, CENTRAL PHOENIX (I-17 & Dunlap))
100 INCALL...SEXY & SWEET.The perfect treat! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
* 100 INCALL * £rotic FREAKY LATINA... My M0UTH will start Your weekend the off w/ an EXPLOSION!!!♥♥ - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & DUNLAP))
:!:!: 100 Incall :!: Sweet & Latina w\a Killer Body~I ENJOY what I do..So will YOU - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, CENTRAL PHOENIX (I-17 & Dunlap))
100 roses special + GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE! SEXY ,DD, blue eyes, brunette...BE SATISFIED . CALL ME.... - 25
(Phx North, DUNLAP AND 19TH AVE)
100 INCALL*** SOFT SEXY Latina w/ a nice booty.FUN Safe & Relaxing. ALWAYS dressed sexy.LATINA 4 U!! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & DUNLAP))
•°•100 INCALL•°• Jaw dropping exotic beauty. Sugar & Spice and everything nice! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
100 INCALL... SEXY, SILKY & SWEET.The perfect treat 4 you! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
[[ 100 Incall Specials ]] Im Your Girl & Spend time w/ me & Smile 4 Days! I will please u endlessly! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Metro Phoenix ( I-17 & Dunlap))
100% All NATURAL 36DD.. Boys do you want to be HAPPY, Come and PLAY. I'm AVALIABLE 100incall - 37
(Phx North, I-17/Dunlap)
100 OutCall = WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} CURVES {T:H:I:C:K} # 1 Party Girl (I-17 & DUNLAP - 21
((OutCalls) All Over (InCall) i-17 DUNLAP)