Tue 07 Jan
ITs One Of a KIND "Not Like THE Rest"A REAL GOOD Time Don't Settle For Less!! - 49
(Phx North, I-17 & Dunlap)
[[ Incall Specials ]] 100 Incall Sexy Latina ° You will ♥ how I treat U and please U right! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix (I-17 & Dunlap))
💯INCALL SPECIALS💋💕KATIE 💋💕 (480)669-3896💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 21
(I17 and dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
ೋI Know You've Had A Long Day _So Let Ms.Mocha_Your Caramel Goodness Help You Unwindೋ - 35
(Dunlap Area)
High Quality Escort, Top Notch Add, Real Girl, LOW PRICE! SUNSHINE! Call Now! - 24
(Scottsdale/ Phoenix / 17 & Dunlap)
CHoCoLate COVerD PoRn StAr iS HaVInG A pArTy In HER pAnTIeS & EvEry OnE iS iN InVitEd UNZiP & ReLaX
(Dunlap & I -17 >>DICREET LOC.)
CHoCoLate COVerD PoRn StAr iS HaVInG A pArTy In HER pAnTIeS & EvEry OnE iS iN InVitEd UNZiP & ReLaX - 31
(Dunlap & I -17 >>DICREET LOC.)
•♥• [ BUSTY ] •♥• [ SEXY ] •♥• [ UPSCALE ] •♥• [ BLONDE ] •♥• 100 SPECIALS - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
•♥• [ BUSTY ] •♥• [ SExY ] •♥• [ UPSCALE ] •♥• [ BLONDE ] •♥• 100 SPECIALS - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
[-[- BIG -]-] ♡ [-[- STEP -] -]♡ ;[-[- ABOVE -]-] ;[-[- THE-]-] [ [ REST ] ] #1 provider - 22
(Phx North, East DUNLAP Incalls)
~•❀•~ *♥ BiG BoOty PLAYMATE :•❤•: ++ Special's 65/95++ :•❤•: FUN MIXED HOTTIE ♥* ~•❀•~ - 23
(Phx North, I -17 & Dunlap outcalls valleywide)
✔BIG BOOBS—— ✔SEDUCTIVE! —--✔ FUN PLAYMATE! —— ✔BLONDE____ 100 Specials - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
The Ultimate proven Provider! Outcall Specials! Call Me! ( Available All Day And Night )! Call me! - 24
(North Phoenix / I-17 & Dunlap)
The Ultimate proven Provider! Outcall Specials! Call Me! ( Available All Day And Night )! Call me! - 24
(North Phoenix / I-17 & Dunlap)
• ★SuPeR sExY •★• GoRgEoUs bLOnDE• ★cLaSSy PrOviDeR •★• 100 sPeCiAlS - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
❤ ——SINFULLY ••❤•• SWEET ——❤ BLONDE BomBShell ——TREAT ❤ $100 Special - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ ✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ - 80 special♡☆623☆980☆0892♤♡♢♧ - 21
(Phx North, 21st ave and dunlap)
(¯`•♥•´¯) S_M_¤_K_i_N :¦: H_¤_T :¦: B L o N d E:|: B_A_R_B_I_ (¯`•♥•´¯) 100 SpEcIaLs - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
Real Pics..New H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E 💋💋 incall an outcall 480-737-7620 - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, cactus/dunlap area)
☆ 🍒NeW BOOTY 🍒xXOTiC LATiNA💋TH€ B € ST BBW B€@uTy ☆ 🍒 💋 ☆ ☆ SW€€T As H€AV€N N@UGHT¥ As H€LL ☆ - 21
(:: Dunlap & 7th St Incalls ::, Phoenix, Phx North)
NaUgHTy !! & SuBMiSSiVe " BUSTY M.I.L.F". with natural 34-DD's!And Ready to PLeAse- - 35
(I 17 and dunlap)
Janna's Best ecoimic value on Back Page 75 a full hr avail. till 8 tonight - 30
(I17 and Dunlap in call only)
((JUiCY BoOTY)) (5 ☆SeRv!Ce) GOrGeoUs*SeXy DoLl FAcE CuTiE ((SpEcIaLs)) TGIF.... - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave Dunlap *Incall*Outcall everywhere)
♛ DoN.t You OnLy DeSerVe THe BeSt >> GIvE YoUrSeLf A CH@C@LaTe { G>F>E } TrEaT{ NeW PIcS } - 31
Gentlemen's ** N* A*U*G*H*T*Y ** T*H*E*R*A*P*H*Y - 47
(Phx North, (Near 1-17 ) Between Dunlap&Glendale; Av)
Gentelmens SpecialJanna's Beautiful New Pix 60 1/2 Hr No scam Avail. till 8 tonight - 30
(In Call Only My Place I 17 and Dunlap)
🆕💜Ex0TiC BBW 💦Hav€ U Wantin MORE ➡WaT€RM0👅Th 💦🅱€ST Skillss 🍒💦💧⬆➋➍/➆ 【×💋× 70/100/160 - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, i17 & DUNLAP INCALLS)
Energetic, not ashamed High Volume Beauty with a Tight Grip! - 20
(Phx North, Near I-17 & Dunlap, Private residence)
🎀🎀 Brand New Baby 🎀 Ready to Play 🎀 Specials All Night Long 🎀🎀 - 23
(I-17 and Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
**BEAUTIFUL BLONDE** [×❤×] C O M P L E T E L Y [×❤×] I R R E S I S T I B L E [×❤×] - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
★Back in Town ★Sexy Asian playmate★ New Pictures added¡¡ ★ - 25
(Phx North, i-17 & Dunlap Ave In/outcall)
★ AN iRR£§i§TißL PETiTE ASiAN CALi GiRL★ $100 sPeCiALs - 19
(i-17 & Peoria/Dunlap, Phoenix, i/c & o/c)
*ೋ $amantha ././ CLA$SY, TOP N0TCH, W/ IRRE€I$TIABL€ B0DY 2 MAtCH ❥ CAlL N0W! - 33
(Phx North, Outcall X0X0 Valley Wide! ~*~ Avail NOW!)
All NATURAL 100%.. 36DD BLASTOFF BOYS with Me.. I'm AVALIABLE 100incall - 37
(Phx North, I-17/Dunlap)
♛ All you need is 2 reaons to come see me ☑ Great ass ☑ Great Service
:?: ★ :?: SUpeR sWeeT brUnEtTE whOs OPeN miNDed :?: ★ :?:new # - 20
(East Valley, phoenix dunlap i-17)
SOUTH AMERICAN BEAUTY _____ ALL DAY ______ 60 SpEcIaLs _____ ALL NIGHT ______ _____ CLICK HERE _ - 27
Southern sweet Treat with Chicago Style INCALL*** 75**** - 35
SOUTH AMERICAN BEAUTY _____ ALL DAY ______ 60 SpEcIaLs _____ ALL NIGHT ______ 60 _____ CLICK HERE _ - 27
(¯`•♥•´¯) S_M_¤_K_i_N :¦: H_¤_T :¦: B L o N d E:|: B_A_R_B_I_ (¯`•♥•´¯) - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i ——— •★• 100 SPECIALS •★ - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i ——— •★• 100 SPECIAL •★ - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
💋NEW PUERTO RICAN HOTTIE💋💋💋Come Play with me💋(305)992-4292💋I'm waiting for you - 21
(I17 and dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
CuM FeEL My @ZzZ>> EbOnY LeWiNsKi SaY Do YoUr WOoD SuM GoOd ThE PeVerTeD EbOnY NyMpHO Un-ZiP N ReL@X
° Lets Make This EXCITING °° My AmAZiNg SkiLLs °° ~ HoT~ & ReADy All NiTe - 21
(Phx North, I-17 Dunlap {{ incall only visiting }})
Incredibly Cute and Playful Latina/Black Lady - 24 (125 Special today only) - 24
(7th Steet and Dunlap)
°★* ★ INCaLL SpCLs / NeW Pix STRaWBeRRy BLoNDe ° VeRy WeLL ReViEWeD ★* - 25
(Phx North, off 17 fwy / peoria / dunlap)