Mon 27 Jan
STOP!! Gentlemen AFTERNOON SPECIAL 75 Roses under 1 hour call early for appt today - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
STOP!! Gentlemen SPECIAL 95 Roses under 1 hour call early for appt today - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
♥ M=U=L =T=I=P =L=E ♥ W=A=Y=S /2/ S - A - T - I- S - F -Y ♥ Y=O=U ♥ - 33
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51)
Classy Cougar Upscale Men Only SPECIAL 100 Roses under 1 hourYOU NEED attention now call - 45
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Sun 12 Jan
STOP!! Gentlemen SPECIAL 95 Roses under 1 hour Extremely Relaxing Call NOW - 45
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Sat 11 Jan
Gentlemen relax your mind and soul with Roxy 75 Roses under 1 Hour Let Me - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Fri 10 Jan
Sexy ❤ petite PLAYMATE ❤ READY to ❤ have FUN with ❤ YOU - 34
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51)
Goddess Devi Ma Hippie Bushy Priestess of Passion for a REAL Monsoon of AMRITA - 38
(Thomas by hwy 51)
STOP!! Gentlemen SPECIAL 95 Roses under 1 hour call for APPT TODAY - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Gentlemen SATURDAY SPECIAL 75 Roses under 1 hour call early for appt today - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
°°_p E T i T e, blonde, ACC0MmiDATiNG && °°_ A V A l i A b L E * N 0 W_ \\* - 38
(East Valley, Hwy 51 and EAST THOMas)
Thu 09 Jan
STOP!! Gentlemen SPECIAL 95 Roses under 1 hour call for Appt Today - 45
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
STOP!! Gentlemen SPECIAL 95 Roses under 1 hourYOU NEED attention now call - 45
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Wed 08 Jan
STOP!! Gentlemen TUESDAY morning SPECIAL 75 Roses under 1 hour call early for appt today - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
Tue 07 Jan
{ G oo D - M oRninG } --------- * ❤.* L✪ ✪ K --------- - 33
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51)
Goddess of White Light, Open your Heart Center thurs fri with Goddess Devi Ma - 38
(hwy 51 and Thomas)
Gentlemen MONDAY MORNING SPECIAL 75 Roses under 1 hour call early for appt today - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, THOMAS AND HWY 51 close to Airport)
°°_p E T i T E, only 120 SPECIAL in call only ** - 38
(Phx North, the Hwy 51 & Thomas (Central Phoenix))
Mon 06 Jan
°°_p E T i T E; AC0MmiDATiNG && °°_ A V A l i A b L E * N 0 W_ \\*X0X0*\ \ - 38
(Phx North, the Hwy 51 & Thomas (Central Phoenix))
Fri 03 Jan