Mon 27 Jan
(( SpEcIaLs )) BiG BooTy * LaTiNa * FuN * SeXy (( CaLL NoW !! )) - 23
(East Valley, I-10, Tempe, Scottsdale, IN/OUT)
MISTY is a natural busty (44DD's), mature, skilled, well reviewed & affordable woman - 49
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is providing a unique TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
MISTY is mature, busty(all natural 44DD's), skilled, well reviewed & affordable who knows what to do - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY offering SPECIAL to those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru 1/31-busty, mature, & skilled - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is providing a TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
MISTY a mature, busty 44DD's, skilled, well reviewed lady who is affordable and LOVES what she does - 47
MISTY is offering SPECIAL to those I have seen before NOW thru 8/31=Busty 44DD's, skilled & reviewed - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is providing a unique TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
MISTY offering DISCOUNTl to guys seen before (back by popular demand) NOW thru 8/31=Busty & skilled - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is a mature, busty 44DD's, well reviewed, skilled, affordable lady who LOVES what she does - 47
MISTY will worship "junior" and drain him. She is busty 44DD's, skilled, and affordable too - 47
MISTY is mature, busty (all natural 44DD's), skilled, well reviewed, affordable lady who luvs "job" - 50
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe)
MISTY is a mature, busty 44DD's, skilled, talented, well reviewed on TER and affordable - 47
MISTY is well reviewed, skilled, mature, affordable busty 44DD's woman who LOVES what she does - 47
** 45 ** Flat ** Well Reviewed ** This is not a JOKE ** 45 ** Flat ** - 35
[[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] ★ [[ BLONDE ]] & [[ ßÂUi FUL ]]$100 S P E C I A LS]] - 20
$100SPECIALS ¯`'★ BlOnDe & BeAuTiFuL ☆ ★´¯) *100% EXOTIC PlAyMaTe ★´¯) - 20
Sun 12 Jan
MISTY is a mature, busty 44DD's (all natural), skilled, well reviewed woman who LOVES her "job" - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY- let me treat you like a President = President Clinton that is...let me be your Monica - 47
MISTY is skilled, mature, affordable busty 44DD's woman who Santa put in charge of bad boys - 47
Sat 11 Jan
MISTY's beach bungalow for a cool & relaxing yet draining hot time with her natural 44DD's - 47
Come to my private "island" were paradise awaits w/mature, busty, skilled, well reviewed lady Misty - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
Ready to play with a busty 44DD's, mature, skilled & well reviewed woman who will leave you happy - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY has NEW PICS, great skills, busty 44DD's, mature & affordability who will drain you!! - 47
GRACE is Back!~Classy Not Trashy~ *WEST VALLEY Out-call Only* - 48
(West Valley, West Valley Out Call)
Fri 10 Jan
LeAViN AT 2 AM _______ 80 IN/100 OUT SPCL ____ CoME PLaY _____SeXy PeTiTe NATIVE INDIAN ___IM LONELY - 20
Fun in the Sun......with Sweet Sexy Blonde Playmate!!! - 35
(10 mins EAST of Airport/ Tempe/Phoenix)
MISTY is a mature, busty (all natural 44DD's), skilled, well reviewed woman who loves her "job" - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
Ready to play with a busty 44DD's, mature, skilled & well reviewed woman who will leave you happy - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
✿ . All This SexXxyness Available NoW Pure PLEaSurE * 60 SPECIALS ✿ - 21
(I/c 20th St & Camelback: O/c You Host *)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- BLONDE KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 29
Thu 09 Jan
LeAViN AT 2 AM UP ALL NiTe_______ 60 IN/100 OUT SPCL ____ CoME PLaY WiTh A SeXy PeTiTe NATIVE INDIAN - 20
.•°•.♢°●°REAL PICS°•○♢ best MIND 💨 BL()₩iπg 💨 EXSPEARENCE you'll EVER have ♢°●°•.SEXY PICS ♢•°°•. - 27
(East Valley, ♢°● I-10 Baseline ♢°● in & out Tempe♢°●)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* E X O T I C _ J A M A I C A N_ P L A Y M A T E*-:¦:-*¨¨*. - 20
(Tempe- I-10& Baseline (In & Out))
Specials~ P E R F E C T -:¦:- P L A Y M A T E **** (Highly Reviewed) ~Specials - 22
(East Valley, Tempe In/Out I -10 & baseline)
MISTY offers SPECIAL to those men have seen before - mature, busty 44DD's, skilled & affordable - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is busty(all natural) 44DD's, mature, skilled, & well reviewed who LOVES what she does!! - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)
°♥° ___O_N _E___ ___i_N__ __A___ ___M_i_L_ L_i_O_N___ °♥ * Specials - 20
(I-10/TEMPE ((IN & OUT) Baseline)
Wed 08 Jan
Turn Up The HEAT ! ! HoTT 5 ☆ ღ F * * * MaTE ღ ! 6 0 SeXxXy SPECIALS ! - 21
(I/C Central PhxXx O/C YoU HoSt BaBy)
Mature, Thick,&Tastey; Sassy,Classy, Sweet& Very Discreet& Busty, Wanna Oil up These 38D'S? - 33
Specials~ P E R F E C T -:¦:- P L A Y M A T E **** (Highly Reviewed) ~Specials - 22
(East Valley, Tempe In/Out I -10 & baseline)
★... _W_@_N_N_A_ .... H_@_V_3 ... S_O_M_3 ...._ R_3_@_L_ ... F_U_N ! .....★ 80specials - 22
(East Valley, INCALL******** MESA & TEMPE OUTCALL Vw)
Come get lucky with MISTY a mature, busty 44DD's, skilled, well reviewed, and affordable woman - 47
.•°•.♢°●°NEL PICS°•○♢ best MIND 💨 BL()₩iπg 💨 EXSPEARENCE you'll EVER have ♢°●°•.NEW PICS ♢•°°•. - 26
(East Valley, ♢°● I-10 Elliot ♢°● in & out Tempe♢°●)
Specials *♥* Tasty ❤* _ Ebony _*❤*_ Treat *❤* *♥* Specials - 20
(East Valley, Tempe/ I/10/Elliot/In Call/ Out Call)
~~~~~Treat Your Self to an Upscale Sexy Woman with a $100 special~~~~~ - 20
(i-10 broadway tempe in/out call)
Tue 07 Jan
Specials*♥*_ ADDICTIVE _*❤* _ EBONY _*❤*_ BEAUTY *❤* *♥* Specials - 20
(East Valley, Tempe/ I/10/Elliot/In Call/ Out Call)
( ( ( ♥ ♥ _____ I _____ AM ______ YOUR___ FETISH _____ ♥ ♥ ) ) ) - 22
(East Valley, Tempe i-10 & baseline in/out)
Mon 06 Jan
New Year Specials* Your hot new ebony playmate dont miss out on holiday specials - 20
(East Valley, Tempe/ I/10/ Elliot/In Call/ Out Call)
MISTY has a SPECIAL for those guys I have SEEN BEFORE now thru August 31st so call today - 47
MISTY offering SPECIAL only to men hv seen before NOW thru Oct 31=mature, well reviewed & affordable - 50
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe)
MISTY is mature, busty (all natural 44DD's), well reviewed, skilled & affordable who LOVES her "job" - 49
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is providing a unique TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
Sun 05 Jan
MISTY is providing a unique TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
MISTY is mature, busty 44DD's, skilled, reviewed, & affordable lady who will relax you and more - 50
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe)
Sometimes U FEEL like aSLUT,Sometimes U don't,But I'M Feeling SLUTTYasHELL! Its SuperBlow Sinday24/7 - 34
☆ NeW PiCs ° ★° SeXy As °☆° *#% & °☆° As SwEeT °☆° aS hOnEy ☆ - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, TEMPE ELLIOT/ I-10 / IN / Out)
Sat 04 Jan
MISTY is mature, busty (natural 44DD's), skilled, well reviewed & affordable woman who can drain you - 49
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is well reviewed, BUSTY 44DD's, mature, well skilled, affordable and LOVES what she does - 47
—— ♥ GORGEOUS Face ♥ ——♥ BiG BooTY♥ ♥ ——♥ FuN ♥——♥ AMAZING Skill (( CALL NOW!! )) - 23
(East Valley, I-10 fwy, Tempe, scottsdale, In/ Out)
Fri 03 Jan
-*-*-*- Take an EXOTIC TRIP with Your TOUR GUIDE Leaving for Many Lands Today!!! -*-*-*- - 38
(My private condo - N. Scottsdale off 101)
MISTY is a skilled, busty, affordable, mature, & well reviewed lady who LOVES to drain & relax you - 47
MISTY has NEW PICS & is a mature, busty 44DD's, skilled, TER reviewed & affordable woman - 47
MISTY is a busty(all natural) 44DD's, mature, skilled & well reviewed woman who will leave you happy - 50
(East Valley, Tempe)