Tue 25 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
**** My Mouth Of Gold Will Have Your Popsicle Melting Like It's Never Melted Before **** - 43
(Tucson, Tucson Eastside)
🎀💄👠💅 LAST NiGHT! NEW 🔥HOT (((2 GIRL)))! 💯%REAL PiCS!📷 ((SPECIALS!)) 💅👠💄🎀 - 20
(Phx North, North Phx, 2 Girl Available)
🎁🎉Party girl👠👣Fetish Friendly🌺In Town With A Desire To Satisfy You To The Fullest 💋 ★Luscious - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN incall)
☺ Let me delight you with my DOUBLE D's • Incall only in north Phoenix • Specials • VIP☺ - 37
(Phx North, Incall only in north Phx)
♡♡Puerto Rican / Blk Playmate Ready to Play ♡ ♡ ☆ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, valleywide outcalls only)
BiG B00BS.. SwEEt NYC GiRLZ...... LaTiNas & A WhIte GIrL 💗😍💅💧👌👍 CALL NOW!!! - 24
(Phoenix, phoenix in/out)
(( ♥♥BLONDE♥ ♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥COLLEGE CUTIE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥AVAiLABLE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥NOW ♥)) - 27
(Phoenix, **___Near ASU--Off 202___**)
*XOXO*70hh &100h SPECIAlS ALL DAY!!! _*_Limited Time Only!_ *_ Beautiful Body _*_ Sexy Latina *XOXO - 18
(East Valley, Mesa Area_ 60FWY and Dobson Ave.)
×X× C - U - R - V - Y - ××SeXxY ×× P - L - A - Y - M - A - T - E -×X× MiSs Nevaeh - 20
(INCALLa and OUTCALLS valleywide)
"Yes, S E X and Golf ⛳ Are The Two Things You Can Enjoy Even If You’re Not Good At Them.” - 44
(North Phoenix On The 19th⛳, Phoenix, Phx North)
XoxOXo_ _ _ Best_ _ _ in_ _ _ Show_ _ {{{ A_S_I_A_N_}}}_ _ _ _ _NUM #1_ _ _ B_ a_ b_ e_ _ _ - 21
(1-17 incalls and outcalls)
XoXo Double Trouble!! We are waiting for you. You will be satisfied! $pecial 120 - 26
(Phx North, North Phoenix INCALL ONLY)
×°x°× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST ×°x°× - 18
~ ~°*° XOXOXO Caution maybe be A* D* D* I* C* T* I* V* E* ~ ~°*° 100% INDEPENDENT °*°~ ~ - 21
(East Valley, tempe incall)
XO_70hh &100h SPECIAlS ALL DAY!!! _*_Limited Time Only!_ *_ Beautiful Body _*_ Sexy Latina _*_*_ - 18
Wow thanks NEXT DAY Thurs Fri Sat Sun! ~PASSIONATE~ With Smokin Hot Blonde MILF - 38
(central PHX or outcall AFTER 7pm)
WoW ! Gum Drop Nipples! A Sexy Mature Fun Beauty Kissable & Available $80/$150 Just Read My Reviews - 37
(East Valley, Indian & 32 st Area Upscale Location)
WoW!!! A BeaUtifuL seXy Busty laDy is rEadY for soMe Fun!! ic AvailAble Now!!! - 35
(Phx North, n phx ic)
★*★—★ Y O U R ★ B E S T ★ K E P T ★ S E C R E T ★——★*★ - 21
(Phoenix, Phx North, your office, hotel,home :))
XXX RaTeD ----- * ------ * ------- * PlAyMaTe Of tHe WeEk ----- * ------ * ------- * SpEcIaLs
[xXx] :*: ♥ :*: Naughty Playmate (((CALL NOW))) Naughty Playmate :*: ♥ :*: [xXx]
xoxo Treat yourself to Something Special Today Let me Show you How xoxo - 24
(Biltmore/East Phoenix)
WOW!! SUPER HOT RED HEAD!!! ( ! ) SWEET& SEXY!!! {BUSTY} ( . ) Y ( . ) LUV WHAT I DO private hm - 39
XxX PLATINUM Blonde! Always AvaiLable Come Play with me! Start The Week Right Here! Leaving Soon!!
(In Tempe - PHX / Out All Over)
* ( upscale ) * ( BRUNETTE ) * (hottie) * * ( ready NOW! )* - 21
(East Valley, Scottsdale/Phx OUTCALL)
UPSCALE ____ INDEPENDENT _____ Thai MIxed BOMBSHELL _____ **** Great REVIEWS! - 21
(West Valley, Northern scottsdale incall/outcall)
NEW !!2GiRLS!! ×X×V!SiT!NG ×X× N A U GH T Y | G.F.E | **wet & WiLD** PRo~ViD3RS - 21
(iN &__0UTCaLLS ___ i-17 & BELL)
👑👙ⓊⓟⓈⓒⓐⓛⓔ OuTCallS👉🏽👉🏽NEW Reᗩᒪ ᑭiᑕᔕ📸💥ᔕEXY BARBIE🍭🌟 - 23
(N Phoenix, Scottsdale, Biltmore, Phoenix, Phx North)
°·.·´° ¯*' UpScaLe Exotic ( PlayMaTe )'* MixEd * $100 * HoT SeductiVe Fun ReLaxED ..·´ ¯*.* - 24
(Old Town Scottsdale In/Out)
UpScale Brunette Beauty ✔ Yes, 100% REAL Pics! ✔ Gentlemen Only! Call Gabby 623.282.2429 ✔ - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phoenix North incall only, Phx North, West Valley)
-:¦:- UpScale BlOnDe BaBe -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE ** $PeCIal$ - 20
(West Valley, BELL RD ... I-17 __ INCALLS ONLY)
TWISTED LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
🔥💦👅Up all night long!!!Upscale top provider waiting to satisfy you!!Come take a load off💦💦👅💋 - 28
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phoenix/Mesa/Chandler,& surrounding area)
TWO LITTLE SCHOOL GIRLS UPSCALE without the upscale donation. Super Reviews. Incall Only - 22
(Central Phoenix Just North Of Downtown)
—— ———————— • ★• UNRAP• ★• ME• ★• ITALIAN • ★• PLAYMATE • ★ • SPECIAL • ★ •—————————— • ★ - 35
(East Valley, Border of Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tempe)
TWISTED LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
**Tryna end with a BANG!! LAST NIGHT IN TOWN for SweetCARAMEL check out my SWEET SPECIALS!! - 19
(I-10 and Chandler or Your place)
___* U _N _F _O _R _G _E _T _T _A _B _L _E *_____* YOUNG & FRESH *_____* H _O _T _T _I E * ____ - 20
(101 Indian school INCALL SCOTTSDALE)
Tuesday Open till 8:pm😻Open UR Gift Daddy💋💋 Sofia 💋💋Northern💋💋 Easy Directions 😻😻Incall Only - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
~**~ Truly BeautifuL, Very CleaN, GrEaT PersOnalitY, DramA & DruG FrEE ~**~ - 27
(West Valley, ~ My place Peoria/ Glendale area ~)
TOTALLY Open -Minded; HoW about You?? Lets get together At your place....*** hrs 6pm-2am - 35
(East Valley, Phoenix, YOUR PLACE)
★TOP😉quality& I can guarantee satisfaction.💦[✔] #❶ Top Provider [✔] VERY ADDICTIVE, Exotic & »——» 💞 - 21
(East Valley, Scottsdale)
Two Women and You -- Fantasy Tale Chapter 1: Its All About You - 37
(Private Central Scottsdale Residence)
TWO LITTLE SCHOOL GIRLS UPSCALE without the upscale donation. Super Reviews. Incall Only - 22
(Central Phoenix Just North Of Downtown)
Tuesday's Sweet Tooth Fix ★ $$50 I_N_C_A_L_L--- S_P_E_C_I_A_L - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, central phoenix)
Top Knotch Cutie_ _ _ _ A_ _ _ s_ _ i_ _ a_ _ _ n_ _ _ On Duty_ _ _ _ GFE_ _ _ _ Playmate_ _ _ _ _ _ - 21
(off the 1-17 in and out)
: : ___ ^_^ :: ___To Sweet C h o c o l a t e Treats, INDULGE. ♥ ___ :: ^_^ ::____ :: - 22
(TIGHTEST) (¯`'.¸o ° ★° FRESH SCHOOL GIRL° ★ ° o ¸.' ´¯) (PUSSY) - 19
(INCALLS(baseline & AZ mills) & OUTCALLS)
* 5 STAR SERVICE *** UpScALe & DiScReTe ..... CuM GeT _ WeT N' WiLd, FeTiShEs N' RoLePlAy - 21
Top Knotch _ _ _ BABE_ _ _ _ GorgeOUS HOTTIE_ _ _ _ #1 PLaymate _ _ _ UpsCALE beauty_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 21
(oldtown scottsdale incall and outcall)