Mon 27 Jan
Try Something New! Domination and Fetish with ✨Mistress Samantha✨ - 31
(35th ave Bell Rd, Phoenix, Phx North)
]↔[🔴T SPECiAL❤🔥❤]↔[🔴t LATiNAs ❤🔥❤AVAiLABLE Now❤🔥❤Jenny&CAnDY;❤🔥❤#1 Service ❤🔥❤ - 27
(28th Dr./Cactus/I-17Fwy/35th Ave/PEORIA, Phoenix, Phx North)
☎️@- n o w!!! n O W !!! Wedsnday nite 🔴 C 💋 L ☎️ I 💋 C ☎️ K 💋 🐓 C💋 L ☎️ I 🐔C☎️ K 🐓 🎼 P 💋 A ☎️ P💋 I 💋💰 - 25
(35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
Merry Merry Christmas GentleMen, Have No Fear Cougarlicious Is Hear - 51
(I-17 Northern & 35th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Hot buBBlEe & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
HaVe U eVeR HaD the WhOLe paCKaGe**take a l@@k - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
COme FinD oUT WhAt u"v BeEn MiSsInG!!!!! L@@k - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
CaTCh Me When u CAn, when u do I will take care of u - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
CaTCh A bREath Of fReSh AiR WITh Me l@@K😂 - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
51=cougar & cougar+Michelle= pleasure, fun & Satisfaction - 51
(I 17 Northern & 35Th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
3 Sexy Girls🚨🔥🚨InCall OnlY🔥👑🔥King Treatment💋#1 Vixens Brianna,Chloe & Gf🚨🔥🚨 - 23
(28th Dr./Cactus/I-17Fwy/35th Ave/PEORIA, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120 Nude Fun Grand Opening Promotion! Sexy petite Busty Girls Real pics Nuru slides - 21
(35th ave south of greenway private, Phoenix, Phx North)
$120(.)(.) FuLL rub No tipping required!★HARD???Pink Kittys petite Busty Girls Real pics Nuru slides - 21
(35th ave south of greenway private, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 12 Jan
Hot BubBLy & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
🔥]~[🔴T🔥Girl Sofia & Madyson 😈💲150 Flat Rate💋Can Kool U Off Baby😈#1Vixens in Town🆓🚿 - 27
(35th Ave/Greenway/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
🚨🎯🎯🚨]-[🔴T Bl0NdE🚨🎯🎯🚨Naughty Girl 🚨🎯🎯🚨Available Now🚨🎯🎯🚨SPECIALS🚨🎯🚨TIP INCLUDED🚨 - 22
(Glendale/I-17fwy/27th Ave/Airport/35th, Phoenix, Phx North)
lly inToXiCaTiNg AdDictiNG 😃 uNiQue & DiScReEt L@@K - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sat 11 Jan
Sexy brunette only here for a limited time(INCALLS) - 24
(35th ave and Peoria, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
Roses R Red Violets R Blue its 2016 let me Take of U - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Cougar 52 Hot Real 100℅% seXy Experienced woman - 52
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sizzling, Intoxicating, Beautiful 51 Year Old Cougar - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sexy Sexy Sexy Hot cougar sensual soft touch - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Only An Experienced cOuGer could Take care if uR needs 52 - 52
(I 17 Northern & 35Th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K L@@k L@@k CLasSy, SasSy, beaUTiFul , & FaNcY - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Hi My name is MicHeLle And cuGaRLishuS is SOoooooo DelicOUS 51 l and .................p - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 10 Jan
❤️✿✿✿❤️]↔[🔴T♨]↔[🔴T ❤✿✿✿❤️ Available Now❤️✿✿✿❤️ TIP INCLUDED❤✿✿✿❤BEST SERVICE IN AZ❤SofiaNCandy❤ - 27
(35th Ave/Greenway/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@k REal as u can get 4 being 51 L@@k L@@k L@@@k - 51
(Northern & 35th Ave off I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
If u DOnt CaLL Me & coMe CMe U doNT ko nOW What Your Missing 52 - 52
(I-17 Northern & 35th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Thu 09 Jan
❤️✿✿✿❤️]↔[🔴T♨]↔[🔴T ❤✿✿✿❤️ Available Now❤️✿✿✿❤️ TIP INCLUDED❤✿✿✿❤BEST SERVICE IN AZ❤Mady N Brianna - 27
(35th Ave/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy/101Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
🔥]~[🔴T🔥Girl LailaJai&Cassie;😈💲150 Flat Rate💋Can Kool U Off Baby😈#1Vixens in Town🆓🚿 - 27
(35th Ave/Greenway/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sexy & Sweet this Cougar you got 2 Meet - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Exceptionally SizzLiNg & A BoDy U Cant Resist this Cougar - 52
(Northern & 35th Ave off I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
sNeaaK awaay. kUMM2 $PARkyy 💦👅👅 . i aL₩a¥§ dO myy 💋BEsTT💋 spaRkyy the GurrL unEEd 💦💌 - 21
(northern n 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Unforgetabley SenSual & Spanken Hot Body and Beautiful 51 yes Cougar - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@oking @ her pics iZ a TeAze, dIal my # & u'll b pLEased - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
C U M 😘get a taste 👅💋of my WILD Side. Sweet enough for Dessert 💗supAFr3Ak jus 4yu 🍦👅💋🍀 - 20
(northern n 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Gentleman Take A Look at this Cougar, when you do I'll be waiting for you. - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
🍊Peaches & Creamy 🍊EVIE🌪 🌟🌬EROTIC🌪 ParTy 🌟🌬Laid Back 🌬🌟6236660150🌬🌟 My Place🌬OR YOURS☎- - 31
(35th ave & union hills & YOUR PLACE, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K!!! Deliciously Cougarlicious Petitely Sexy - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Tue 07 Jan
Nurse Lilly is back at BRAND NEW location! Come take a LOAD OFF $120 Complete Happy Flat fee - 30
(35th ave/ n. of GREENWAY discreet incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋 $parkyy🌹 $pclzs🍀 b that LuckyMan, 😘 very passi0Nate👅💋 magical m👅uth - 20
(Northern 35th ave, oc if local❤, Phoenix, Phx North)
RiSe & ShInE EarLy BirdS & StaRt Your mORning With .....L@@k - 51
(I 17 Northern & 35Th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
MmmmmmmmmmM 52 ThIs cOuGar wants 2 take if you - 52
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
⭐₮ H E ⭐ G i R L⭐ Θ F ⭐ Y Θ U R⭐D R E Λ M δ⭐ 🌸 E X O T I C 🌸 P R i N C E δ δ!! 🌸 - 21 - 21 - 21
(North 35th ave /, Phoenix, Phx North)
Mon 06 Jan
😈Sexy Cassie & Naughty Sofia💲150💯% Best Flat Rate⭐Private New Upscale Spa❤#1 VIXENS DISCOUNT ❤ - 27
(35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
Exceptionally SizzLiNg & A BoDy U Cant Resist this Cougar - 52
(Northern & 35th Ave off I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
sNeaaK awaay. kUMM2 $PARkyy👅goodie$ 🍭i aLwa¥§ dO myy 💋BEsTT💋 spaRkyy the GurrL unEEd 💦💌my menu - 21
(northern n 35th ave! Hostin, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 05 Jan
]↔[🔴T SPECiAL❤🔥❤]↔[🔴t LATiNAs ❤🔥❤AVAiLABLE Now❤🔥❤ANGiE&CAnDY;❤🔥❤TiP INClUDED❤🔥❤ - 27
(35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
DaNgErOusLy.seXY & FuLL oF Fun L@@k😃!!!!!! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sat 04 Jan
❤️NEW✿✿✿❤️]↔[💋T♨]↔[💋T ❤✿✿✿❤️ Available Now Till Midnight❤✿✿✿❤BEST SERVICE IN AZ❤Bailey & Candy - 29
(28th Dr./Cactus/I-17Fwy/35th Ave/PEORIA, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 03 Jan
🚨🎯🎯🚨 ]↔[🔴T Special🚨🎯🎯🚨HOT MoMMaS 🚨🎯🎯🚨Available Now🚨🎯🎯🚨CaSS/CAnD🚨🎯🚨TIP INCLUDED🚨 - 27
(35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
ExPEriEnCEd, PlEAsUrEd 51 YeAr OlD SeXy WOmAn L@@K😉 - 51
(I-17 Northern & 35th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
52 ThIs CoUgAr kNoWs ExAcTly wht 2 Do - 52
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
3 Sexy Girls🚨🔥🚨InCall OnlY🔥👑🔥King Treatment💋#1 Vixens Bri, Cassie & Chloe 🚨🔥🚨 - 27
(28th Dr./Cactus/I-17Fwy/35th Ave/PEORIA, Phoenix, Phx North)
💲150 Flat Fee🌟InCall OnlY👑King Treatment💋#1 Vixens Brianna&Cassie;🍒💟 - 27
(35th Ave/Thunderbird/I-17/101/Greenway/C, Phoenix, Phx North)
🚨🔥🚨💲150 Flat Fee🚨🔥🚨InCall OnlY🔥👑🔥King Treatment💋#1 Vixens Bri & Cassie 🚨🔥🚨 - 27
(35th Ave/Thunderbird/I-17/101/Greenway/C, Phoenix, Phx North)
😈😈SOPHIA 😈@vail thursday BIANCa 😈till 😈midnight😈😈😈😈😈 - 25
(35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)
PEACHES 🍦🍦 ------ CREAMY EVIE 🍦🍦Vanilla Dream------🍦🍦--- NOW6236660150----🍦🍦 - 31
(35th ave & union hills, Phoenix, Phx North)
Thu 02 Jan
Sexy brunette only here for a limited time(INCALLS) - 24
(35th ave and Peoria, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
NeW sEXy PiX loves pleasing & ReLAxiNg environment cOUgAr 51 - 51
(35th ave & northern, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North)