Mon 27 Jan
Tuesday Open till 8:pm😻Open UR Gift Daddy💋💋 Sofia 💋💋Northern💋💋 Easy Directions 😻😻Incall Only - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
🐱🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷ⓣⓗⓐⓝ EvER & Ur ⓕⓐⓥⓞⓡⓘⓣe 🌺 Exotic Beauty💋 CALL ME 👣🌺¥ÕU wÕn† F¡nD Ân¥†h¡Ng - 21
(I17 northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
💦💦Start your week off with ME👙 CALL NOW!!💦💦 Sweet Juicy 💞💋💋playmate 💯 Ready to Play💕💦💦 Incall - 20
(Northern INCALL 💕, Phoenix, Phx North)
SPECIALS!【A_S_S LoVERS #1PiCK】【uℓtiℳαtε NaStY GiRL】❤【✪•°💋ΑβsσLϑτε FreaK 💋°•】【PerfecT - 26
(I17 northern outcalls, Phoenix, Phx North)
Merry Merry Christmas GentleMen, Have No Fear Cougarlicious Is Hear - 51
(I-17 Northern & 35th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Latina & Filipina👅👅Maya💖💞Can have Yu Hooked* juicyEverything. I'm back - 22
(Northern 35th, Phoenix, Phx North)
Hot buBBlEe & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
HaVe U eVeR HaD the WhOLe paCKaGe**take a l@@k - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
**° GrEEn EyEd FrEaK iN dA sHeEtS°** SpEcIaLs** - 27
(Phx North, phoenix, peoria, glendale, northern)
🚿Free Shower💋$120❣😻Open UR Gift Daddy💋💋 Big Booty April💋💋Glendale💋💋 Easy Directions 😻😻Incall Only - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
COme FinD oUT WhAt u"v BeEn MiSsInG!!!!! L@@k - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
CaTCh Me When u CAn, when u do I will take care of u - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
CaTCh A bREath Of fReSh AiR WITh Me l@@K😂 - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
51=cougar & cougar+Michelle= pleasure, fun & Satisfaction - 51
(I 17 Northern & 35Th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
4243782534✔🎯✔🎯✔🎯 BLoNde RiGht On TaRgEt!! 💋 What YOUve BeeN L👀okinG FoR!! 🎯✔🎯✔🎯 - 20
(I17 northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋$120❣😻Open UR Gift Daddy💋💋 Big Booty April💋💋Northern💋💋 Easy Directions 😻😻Incall Only - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 12 Jan
Hot BubBLy & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Specials❤ThE PeReCt LiTtLe LaTiNa❤Specials❤SeXy ExOtIC CuTiE BiG BoOtY♥Si Habla Espanol♥ - 26
(i17/northern/outcall specials, Phoenix, Phx North)
Incall special 4806693896 Blonde 💕 right and tight waiting to 🌬you away , stop looking 💋 Kelli bunny - 19
(I17 and northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
Simply Stunning!!! with a Spark, to light up your life !!!!!!!!!!!! - 48
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern / /in calls only)
lly inToXiCaTiNg AdDictiNG 😃 uNiQue & DiScReEt L@@K - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sat 11 Jan
💎SeXy 💦 White°LaTinA MIx💋 BBW ★ FREaky ★YOUng 💦 NeW 👑 💯 GREAT RATeS - 20
(Northern & 12th St Incalls!!, Phoenix, Phx North)
✨✨SPECiALS✨✨ BODY Of A GODDESS _______ 🌟💫PURE ☁🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳⛅🔘🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅🌟《《 Chocolate 🍫 ★ Bunny 》》🌟💫 - 22
(incall I-17 Northern 60 afterwork spec, Phoenix, Phx North)
Roses R Red Violets R Blue its 2016 let me Take of U - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I'M BACK📲💋🍭🍬 100% R E A L 💕tastyCALiTreat 🌺🍒🍓🍰 BestOut😘 Try me don't miss out💋 - 20
(1-17/ NORTHERN AVE, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
Cougar 52 Hot Real 100℅% seXy Experienced woman - 52
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
BBW***GENTLEMEN Johnson Doctor Scheduling Office Visits* - 49
(Phx North, I-17 & Northern Ave Phoenix)
Incall and Outcall SPECIALS💋💕KATIE 💋💕 (480)-669-3896💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 21
(I17 and northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sizzling, Intoxicating, Beautiful 51 Year Old Cougar - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sexy Sexy Sexy Hot cougar sensual soft touch - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Only An Experienced cOuGer could Take care if uR needs 52 - 52
(I 17 Northern & 35Th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K L@@k L@@k CLasSy, SasSy, beaUTiFul , & FaNcY - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Hi My name is MicHeLle And cuGaRLishuS is SOoooooo DelicOUS 51 l and .................p - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 10 Jan
TuesDay Open till 7pm😻Open UR Gift Daddy💋💋 Elizabeth & Gf 💋💋Northern💋💋 Easy Directions 😻😻Incall Only - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
💝💕💋 EXotiC BOMBshell 💋💕💝 WaiTiNG fOr YOU 🍭🍬💋💋let me make ur dreams come true - 27
(I/17 northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
SUP€R FR€AK¥_ *!*BiG BOOTY*!*__ *!* ASiAN + LAT!NA *!*__ *!* GREAT RATES *!*__*!* ( AMAZiNG SKiLLS ) - 20
(15HWY / 17HWY..NORTHERN AVE.. INCALL, Phoenix, Phx North)
*****SEXY BRAZILIAN--CHECK my NEW pics :)-- full body SENSUAL massage $100 ***** - 27
(Glendale-51st ave & Northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
$parkyy wants Yu . Magical m👅uth. I ❤2sho off . iCan keep us WARMM 👑💦& comfortable . KumCee me🔜 - 21
(northern n 35th/ oc local, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@k REal as u can get 4 being 51 L@@k L@@k L@@@k - 51
(Northern & 35th Ave off I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
If u DOnt CaLL Me & coMe CMe U doNT ko nOW What Your Missing 52 - 52
(I-17 Northern & 35th Ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Thu 09 Jan
Traveling Down 27th ave?! You'll see me walkin!! pick up One or 2 for twice the fun! - 30
(north side//i17 n northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sexy & Sweet this Cougar you got 2 Meet - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
:) * * * *RAVEN"s Vist Will Leave You With A Smile* * * * :) - 22
(Phx North, phoenix north , i17 an northern)
I Moved Closer 2U Baby❣❣▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ❌🔴❌🔴▃▃▃❌🔴❌🔴▃▃▃【 OPEN Northern/27th Ave 】▃▃▃▃▃B2B▃▃▃▃【 - 30
(27th Ave/Northern/ Glendale/Peoria/I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Exceptionally SizzLiNg & A BoDy U Cant Resist this Cougar - 52
(Northern & 35th Ave off I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
sNeaK awaaykUMM2 $PARkyy👅iFixx all problems💋💦💌my menu is AmaZingg👑 sum1 to remember 🌟🌟 - 21
(hosting near northern n 35th, Phoenix, Phx North)
sNeaaK awaay. kUMM2 $PARkyy 💦👅👅 . i aL₩a¥§ dO myy 💋BEsTT💋 spaRkyy the GurrL unEEd 💦💌 - 21
(northern n 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋 $parkyy🌹 $pclzs🍀 b that LuckyMan, 😘rush hour relaxation👅💋 magical m👅uth .t!ght&RIGHT;💦 - 20
(Northern❤ i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Petite Curvy Big Booty Outgoing Senual Freak - 22
(i17 Northern Incall /valleywide outcalls, Phoenix, Phx North)
Come Treat Yourself Cali Diamond Is Back!!!! Tight & Juicy - 21
(I-17 & Northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
•✿•*¨♥¨*• BLONDE✪✪ D✪LL (¯`'• ★•'´¯) SeXy (¯`'• ★•'´¯) DR✪P DEAD G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿ - 23
(Phx North, North Phoenix Glendale 17fwy Northern)
🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ🌟Ẹ¥Ẹ💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 ŦØP💛 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ 70$ SpECiAL - 23
(Incall i17 and northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
Unforgetabley SenSual & Spanken Hot Body and Beautiful 51 yes Cougar - 51
(I-17 off northern and 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@oking @ her pics iZ a TeAze, dIal my # & u'll b pLEased - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
C U M 😘get a taste 👅💋of my WILD Side. Sweet enough for Dessert 💗supAFr3Ak jus 4yu 🍦👅💋🍀 - 20
(northern n 35th ave, Phoenix, Phx North)
Incall or Outcall SPECIALS💋💕KATIE 💋💕 (480)-669-3896💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 21
(I-17 and Northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
【💘ყΘϑя Θη℮ Aηd Θηℓყ💘】[💙]【💋ϑℓԵ¡ⴅαԵ℮ ĦΘԵԵi℮💋】[💙]【🌟ωαηԵ Եø ρℓαყ?📞Cαℓℓ ⴅ℮🌟】 - 21
(i17&northern;, Phoenix, Phx North)
Gentleman Take A Look at this Cougar, when you do I'll be waiting for you. - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K!!! Deliciously Cougarlicious Petitely Sexy - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Tue 07 Jan
Incall SPECIALS💋💕KATIE 💋💕 (480)-669-3896💋💕 all natural (๏人 ๏) 36f 💋💕 - 23
(I17 and Northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
Incall special6232100487 Blonde 💕 right and tight waiting to 🌬you away , stop looking 💋 Kelli bunny - 19
(I17 and northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
👉👉👏🆕Highly reviewed 🍒🐱 Latina bombshell💋 💯private upscale incall!👌 - 24
(16st & northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋Sunday Fun day💋I'm all you need and more call for my 100🌹'S Hh specials - - 19
(Northern, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋 $parkyy🌹 $pclzs🍀 b that LuckyMan, 😘 very passi0Nate👅💋 magical m👅uth - 20
(Northern 35th ave, oc if local❤, Phoenix, Phx North)