Mon 27 Jan
Petite, blonde,sexy Day after, Valentine for you...TODAY ONLY 120 SPECIAL - 38
(East Valley, North Phoenix (I17 & Bell))
5 STAR TREAT ♥ Th!cK Th!GhS __1★ ★ % WHiTe GiRL JUICY BoOtTy - 22
(Phx North, OFF OF I-17 NEAR BELL RD.(North Phx))
Sat 11 Jan
♥S U P E R **♥** S E X Y♥ - 21
(Phx North, off I-17 & Bell Rd)
!!!!Look no further!!!! 80HR right now LUNCH SPECIALS Wont last long - 21
(Phx North, phoenix off Bell Rd)
*(*(*ExOtIc & SeDuCTive*)*)* The Stunning Brooke Rose (CurVy BlOnDe PlaYmAte) * IN TEMPE - 22
(Phx North, North Phx (Bell Rd. off of hwy I-17))
Fri 10 Jan
JNew Exotic Barbie Ready To Play! Real PIcs! Look No Futher,Dominican and Mexican Mix - 21
(East Valley, incall outcalls 177 bell rd)
[ [ [ come PLAY!!! with this HOT LATINA!!! ] ] ] BLONDE & EXOTIC - 21
(Phx North, OFF THE 17 FWY ON BELL RD.)
__» BACK IN TOWN. .Come have fun with JULISSA* (InCall Specials) VeRy SeXy & PeTiTe - 21
(off the i17 and Bell rd)
; after V A l E N T i N E S d A y_°°_S p E C i A l ❤ °°_$120 i N C A L l_ \\*X0X0*\\ - 38
(Phx North, 19Th ave. & Bell Rd.)
**sEXy NEW LaTina/ WhiTE** 80~ speCiALS.. ***Available all nigHT!!*** - 21
(Phx North, off the 17 exit on bell rd.)
Thu 09 Jan
~~**~~** Late Night Specials Sexy Sarah **~~**~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
*°*°CICI wants to play!°*°fun,flirty ,*°°brunette **°AVAIL now! - 23
(West Valley, bell rd off the I-17)
MY LAST DAYS in town... this is your chance to see me before i leave I/C only - 18
(Scottsdale & 202)
Wed 08 Jan
Jennifer is looking for someone to put her Latina fire out (new#)(new pics) - 21
(Ic only off of bell rd and I-17)
__» BACK IN TOWN. .Come have fun with JULISSA* InCall Specials) VeRy SeXy & PeTiTe - 21
(off the i17 and bell rd)
Tue 07 Jan
Stop to see these 36D's there all Natural beautys!! Specials at my place today!! - 21
(I-17 & Bell Rd Area INCALL/OUTCALL)
New Exotic Barbies Ready To Play! Real PIcs! Look No Futher,Best of both worlds - 21
(Phx North, incalls 17 bell rd outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
80 hh BooTYLoVeRS Special !! SuPeR THiCK n BuStY•° BBW GoDDeSS•° ReaDy To PLaY °•∗ - 21
(Phx North, Bell Rd off i17 incalls/outcalls)
100% SATiSFaction With an ERECTION thats 100% done with perfection!! - 21
Fri 03 Jan
❤A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤ 💋 - 22
Thu 02 Jan