Mon 27 Jan
Xo..C l a S s y ______E N tE r TaIn MenT. ...* ((9287926136)) _-_- NyC's FinEsT________ - 21
(phoenixxx babby)
XXX ______ ______ F R I D A Y ______ S P E C I A L S ______ ______ XXX - 36
(Were you really want to be...)
______ ______ N E W __ P I C S _____ _____ Saturday _____ Specials _____ _____ - 36
(Baseline and 48th street, Tempe)
♥ T_E_M_P_T_I_N_G ♥ °NaUgHY InN§iOn§ ° {{{Ultimate Fantasy}}}}
(Phoenix Incall+Outcall varies)
___NaUgHtY LiL B!TcH ________ SPANK me SPANK me ___pull MY hair__ BiG bOoTy DiMe ... ____PSE,GFE____
MILF (602 872 2771) OUTCALL sexy long legs, no bs, discreet, easy going - 30
(East Valley, all valley)
LUSCiOUSLY SKiLLFUL |✬| DELiCiOUS & PLEASiNG FiGURE |✬| irresistible AWE-iNSPiRiNG brunette - 25
(East Valley, TEMPE IN |:| OUT ALL OVER)
LoVe2 PArTY(¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) NaUgHtY BuxXxoM GoDdeS (¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯)UpScale Incall - 21
(i17 & CamelBack(O/C) All Over)
New PICS (ThE ULtIMaTE PaCKaGE) BraINS + BooTY + BeAuTY = CuTiE (aLWaYS On dUtY) sPeCiALs - 21
(N. Phx I/C Dunlap & 19th (O/C) ALL OVER)
!!!! Look A Man's Dream Come True!!!! You Can Be Bill And I Can Be Monica!!!! Intrigued ?? - 35
(your place..west..northwest..north)
Mon 13 Jan
^^^^ ^^^^^ the #1 Bachelor party NUDE STRIPPERS in phoenix ! ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
(phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa chandler)
Sun 12 Jan
-:¦:- °:° S° w ° e ° e ° t °°-:¦:-just like -:¦:-°° C° a° n ° d ° y °:° -:¦:- - 20
(44th St. & Mc Dowell RD. ..IC/ OC)
Are you a businessman who travels to LA and wants a benefactor arrangement with a beautiful lady? - 27
(Phoenix, Los Angeles)
* Seductive Big Booty Blonde * Special All Day * Dont Miss This * - 44
(West Valley, Anywhere You Are)
Are You a Couple with a Bi Male? Do You Like to Swing Together? Ready to Turn Professional? - 50
(Downtown and all surrounding suburbs, Phoenix)
+ ((OnE)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + ((BuNnY)) FAMOUS* *BLONDE - 23
Sat 11 Jan
The best thing since slice bread please make note that i have a new number - 37
(34 street greenway)
REALLY DV8 LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
@@@@New ChOcOlAte In ToWn 2 DaYz ONlY GeT IT wHiLe It lAsT!!!!!!@@@@ - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, ANY WHERE I NEED TO BE)
________ INCALL ALL DAY____$70_____ NAUGHTY_____ SEXY BLONDE_______ HONEY 480-205-6314 - 21
(i-10 and Chandler)
Do you know what you want? Pretty sure I do? ** LooK HerE! - 44
(southwest phx, goodyear, avondale area)
___XXX ________ Warning--- You_ NEED_To_ See_This- ASAP--- 100%_Real-- I_Am_ The_One...!!!! ____XXX - 36
(Were you really want to be...)
MISTY's beach bungalow for a cool & relaxing yet draining hot time with her natural 44DD's - 47
Beautiful lady seeks generous benefactor who visits Los Angeles for ongoing arrangement - 27
♥ T_E_M_P_T_I_N_G ♥ °NaUgHY InN§iOn§ ° {{AferWoRk SpeCiaLs}}
(Tempe Incall+Outcall varies)
SPECIALS ★ HuGe PeRfeCt TiTs ★ PrEtTy KiTtY ★ RoUnD BoOtY ★ Love 2 Party - 21
(i17 & ThunderBird (O/C) All Over)
i17 & Indian School. . WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} DANGEROUS CURVES {T:H:I:C:K} # 1 Party Girl - 21
(out calls all over -- central phx)
Fri 10 Jan
♥ ((Beautiful)) ♥ (( Brunette )) ♥ (( Naughty Treat)) ♥ (Lets Play )) - 21
(×°×°× Outcall Specials ×°×°×)
i17 & THOMAS. . WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} DANGEROUS CURVES {T:H:I:C:K} # 1 Party Girl - 21
----_ COME--__AND _ ---GET ___IT..2 FOR 1..SPEACIAL ..TASTY BABES..---R __U ___READY TO DOUBLE UP ? - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, PHX AND SROOUNDING AREAS)
ATTN: Independent Escorts in Maricopa County: Regarding "Operation Luau" - 20
..yes ...yessss ...Yesss.. YESSS.. YESSSSS!!! **--.100% Nympho Spinner Girl.--** (Incall) - 29
(Central Phoenix)
* WeTT *:. ★ :*¨ ( P E T I T E __ E B O N Y ) ★* (ALL Natural) ★ * - 22
(★Scottsdale Outcalls ★)
LoVe2 PArTY(¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) NaUgHtY BuxXxoM GoDdeS (¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯)UpScale Incall - 21
(i17 &Thomas; (O/C) All Over)
U N B E L I E V A B L E . ➜ §KiLL§ °NaUgHY InN§iOn§ ° {{§unDAY SpeCiaLs}}
(Tempe Incall+Outcall varies)
O*F* // the// a*g*e // t*h*a*t // K*N*o*w**l*eD*ge // and // D*I*S*CR*E*T*IO*N // = F*u*n - 54
(West Valley, 101& olive)
Thu 09 Jan
-:¦:- || All -- American - Blonde - Southernbelle || -:¦:- ~ - 24
LOVE 2 PARTY ★ HuGe PeRfeCt TiTs ★ PrEtTy KiTtY ★ RoUnD BoOtY ★ 140 full hr - 21
(North Phx I/C (O/C) All Over)
★ A Little Bit Of SwEeTNeSs * SpLaSh of BeAuTY * WhOLe LoT of SaTiSFaCTiON ★ - 19
(___((IN CALLS))__ i10& Broadway__)
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, Work From Home)