Fri 21 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
💋Candi Swallows N 💘 GFE, Fetishes,Greek , 👣 suckin💦20 w con,50 bb, 30 qv, - 29
(Phoenix, 💋51St ave McDowell💋)
XXX ______ ______ F R I D A Y ______ S P E C I A L S ______ ______ XXX - 36
(Were you really want to be...)
★:*: U_N_R_U_S_H_E _D :*: E_X_O_T_i_C :*: B_E_A_U_T_Y :*: ★ - 21
(East Valley, scottsdale/e phoenix_120 specials_In&out;)
Trouble SLEEPING?? StuNNiNg All- American HoTTie IN YOUR Area NOW!! - 24
(interssate 10 & Chandlere blvd)
Take a PEEK TRY something NEW Super Naúghtÿ & Playful blonde Sweetheart READY to Play $100 Special - 23
(Phx North, phoenix New Hot Blonde)
*** SPEC!@L$ SPEC!@L$ SPEC!@L$ *** 75 (15min) *** 100 (half) *** 175 (hour) *** 240 (2hours) *** - 24
👉🍸StArt YouRe WeEk off W Me👈🍸$100 SpEciAls👈🍷CliCk HeRe👈🍷 - 27
(East Valley, MeSa incall /Outcall, Phoenix)
Specials Specials Specials Mature Discreet Provocative TER and Escorts Reviewed Natural Redhead - 48
(West Valley)
*SPECIALS!* HOT —-— BLONDE —-— BABE —-— IN TEMPE!!* The Best Of The Best! - 25
(East Valley, Private Residence (I-10 and Baseline))
***** SPECIAL!* Come See Me!!! *Hottt —-— BLONDE —-— BABE —-— IN TEMPE!!! ***** - 25
(East Valley, Private Residence (I-10 and Baseline))
SpECiALs (¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯) CALiFORNiA GiRL _____ :[ [__ 1_O_O_%_ ☆ _H_O_T_T _I_E_] ]: - 19
***MUST SEE**** (G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s )**** °°★°° (CaraMeL SENSATION) Come play! COLLEGEGIRL** ! - 19
(East Valley, Phx{ Tempe Incall }& Outcall)
MISTY is a natural busty (44DD's), mature, skilled, well reviewed & affordable woman - 49
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY is providing a unique TAX special for those gentlemen I have seen before NOW thru April 15th - 47
MISTY is ready to gobble, gobble this holiday week-mature, busty 44DD's, & affordable - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY offering DISCOUNT yet provides draining by busty 44DD's, mature, skilled, well reviewed woman - 47
MISTY offering DISCOUNTl to guys seen before (back by popular demand) NOW thru 8/31=Busty & skilled - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
MISTY has SPECIAL for those men I have seen before-now thru Jan. 16-busty, mature, reviewed & skills - 48
(East Valley, Tempe)
Mila Yurlov - Sexy 19 yr old Russian Available for 4 days only in Tempe! - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, 101 and rio salado)
*-:¦:-* LT ME __★__ FiNiSH WHÂT __★ __Y0UR YS __★__ STÂRTD -:¦:☆ - 20
(East Valley, Us 60 East incall/ valleywide outcall)
LoVe2 PArTY(¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) NaUgHtY BuxXxoM GoDdeS (¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯)UpScale Incall - 21
(i17 & CamelBack(O/C) All Over)
Lactating MoDeL...SEXIER than EVER!!! BLonde HOTTIE.. Fantasies and Fetishes Fulfilled - 23
(Tempe Incalls, Outcalls Anywhere)
HOLA PAPI!! •☆• S_E_X_Y •☆• H_O_T •☆• A_N_D •☆• T_E_M_P_T_I_N_G •☆• PETITE MOCHA 4 U!! - 26
(East Valley, ALL OF ARIZONA)
** @ # @ # HOT HOT GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPES!!!! Waiting for you!! # @ # @ **
(CE PHOENIX or Valleywide O/C)
(*) (*) Hot Busty Blonde ___ 150 OutCall Special 80 InCall Special __ Well Reviewed (*) (*)
(Mesa Incall / Outcall all over)
°★° HoLiDaY SpEciALs °★ INCALL/OUTCALL aLL NiGhT★ - 33
Hit This Chic Up!!! Yum!!! Sexy Blond with a Super Hot Body!!! - 38
(North Phoenix (Metro Center Area))
🍃🌿🌾🛀 FreSH & EazY cOmE sEe If YoU CaN PleAsE Me 💟 ♥🍒🍒🍓❇ - 28
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale rd /mckelllips in/oc)
•cLaSsy• b u S t y ebOny :: sUper seXy::| speCials| •eXXotic beaUty• - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, i17&Camelback; Rd°°°° incaLl speciAl°°°°)
BRAND NEW today Gorgeous red hair, Waiting to please YOU!!!! First day special - 18
(East Valley, Temmpe)
5*___ HOTTIE______ WELL REVIEWED _ (CALL ME)___ 1000% ALL ME!!!____ THE JUCiEST For YOu!*** - 25
(East Valley, Outcalls Are Avail. All Night-w/Mia)
50incall Special @ I-10/chandler 4802017615 Sweet Peach~~ DD Blondie ***Amanda*** - 33
(East Valley, I-10@ chandler 54th st)
23 year old prime white girl running 60$ incall specials for the New Year! - 23
(East Valley, Tempe)
$100➓🌟➓🌟BEING B@D NεvεR lOOkED SO GOOD➓🌟➓ F@ce of A AngEl 🌟➓ SkiLLS👅of A STAR🌟 - 21
(East Valley, Priest and Elliot!!! Tempe)
🔥▬▬▬▬★ GORGEOUS ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ ★ UNRUSHED ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ FRIENDLY ★▬▬▬▬▬▬★ SWEETHEART ▬▬▬▬ 🔥 - 40
(ASU area/ valleywide 247, Phoenix)
🆕🆙🆕 Indulge yourself with a sweet sexy discreet blonde treat - 31
(Paradise Valley Scottsdale .N. Phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
Mon 13 Jan
(¯`'·.¸♔¸.·'´¯) _T_H_E_ ♔ _R_O_Y_A_L_ ♔ _T_R_E_A_T_ M_E_N_T_ (¯`'·.¸♔¸.·'´¯) - 22
(West Valley, 83rd ave and McDowell Ed)
Sun 12 Jan
▄█ _ Sexy _ Hot _ Fun _and_ a _ 50 $pecial_ █▄ - 38
(East Valley, East Valley or to Youin less then 1 hour)
The Ultimate PlayMate Goddess 👸🏼 Looking to have Some Fun this weekend? 🌸 Release some stress ?💦😻💦 - 19
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale Chandler Tempe East Valley)
***The NIGHT brings on a very sultry and erotic side of this FLIGHT ATTENDANT!! *** - 36
💋💋💋💋_________♛ ♛ [☆THE ☆ PERFECT ☆ CHOICE☆ ]♛ ♛_________ 💋💋💋💋 - 20
(East Valley, N Scottsdale/Tempe Incalls & Outcall)
YouNG ° °★° ° GoRGeouS ° °★ ° ° PLaYMaTe!! ° °★ ° ° INCALL ((MESA)) - 20
(w. broadway/s .dobson/ MESA)
•♥ •♥ •♥ •♥•♥ •♥•♥ •♥ Sensual experience......That's an understatement •♥ •♥ •♥ •♥ •♥ •♥ - 26
(East Valley, outcall to east valley)
* Seductive Big Booty Blonde * Special All Day * Dont Miss This * - 44
(West Valley, Anywhere You Are)
~~~ TiReD ~ oF ~ ThE ~ ReSt ~~ WaNt ~ ThE ~ BeSt ~~~ JaZziE & GoLdiE ~~ UnBeAtAblE - 21
(44st & McDowell 202 Frwy)