Mon 27 Jan
~*~*xoxo~*~ Incall & Outcall specials all night ~*~*xoxo~*~*~ - 25
(Phx North, North Phoenix I/C...Valleywide O/C)
*WOW* !!!! *¨★¨* !!!! Sexxy NAUGHTY Hottie !!!! *¨★¨* !!!! - 25
(Phx North, $100 o/c special - tonight only)
█ {ULTiMaTE} {ERoTiC} {EXPeRiEnCE} {UN-RUSHED} █ - 37
❤️✿✿✿❤️]↔[🔴T♨]↔[🔴T ❤✿✿✿❤️ Available Now❤️✿✿✿❤️ TIP INCLUDED❤✿✿✿❤BEST SERVICE IN AZ❤Mia&Chloe; - 23
(28th Dr/Cactus/Thunderbird/I-17Fwy/Peori, Phoenix, West Valley)
Tall, SEXY Brunette With CRAZY Skills!! ...... READY When You Call! - 28
(Phx North, I/C 7th St & Bell, O/C Valleywide)
Sweet Serenity ° °; ° ° SEDUCTIVE Brunette BoMbSheLl ☆ Ease Your Stress SPECiALS - 21
(Phx North, North Scottsdale I/C & O/C)
petite, blonde. mature ready now! in call or valleywide out call - 41
(Phx North, O/C Valleywide, I/C North Phoenix)
⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ PAyTON GoOD @ur SERVICE please let ME DRaîN YouR PäKåGE⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ TUCSON this WEEKEND!!!! - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, TEMPE➡baseline & kyrene⬅prvt i/c or O/C, Tucson, West Valley)
Need Some DISCRETE TLC?allow ME 2b the lucky girl who pleasures u!!!! n sexy fun?? - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
Mouth Watering Sensation ,Remarkable Reviews, And Incredible Curves ! - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
█ ◆ Mutual Passion and Pleasure Is So Much Better Without Silly Restrictions! - 35
(Phx North, R-E-A-L passion g1rlfriend O/C JULIE)
💓💓Long Legs💓💓Slim Waist 💓💓Beautiful Face💓💓Perfectly Toned 💓💓 - 23
(East Valley, residental/resort/hotel friendly xxoo)
Gorgeous, Open-Minded, and Fun Brunette!!! Private Residential Location. - 28
(Phx North, Paradise Valley I/C, Valleywide O/C)
Gorgeous Busty Brunette - Well Reviewed - Private Residential Location - Available All Week - 30
(Phx North, Paradise Valley I/C, Valleywide O/C)
Gorgeous Busty Brunette - Well Reviewed - Private Residential Location - 30
(Phx North, Paradise Valley I/C, Valleywide O/C)
Gorgeous, Open-Minded, and Fun Brunette!!! Private Residential Location. SPECIALS TODAY! - 28
(Phx North, Paradise Valley I/C, Valleywide O/C)
( ★ D-A-N-G-E-R! ★)) __ $75 $pecials__(( ★ *ADDiCTiVe LaTiNa* )) 480=267=1970 - 22
(Phx North, i17&Glendale;) O/C Airport Phx(VALLEYWIDE)
★ Companionship w/ a TOP notch intelligent women? AVAiL N0W! ★ - 19
(Phx North, i/C N. PHXx/i-17 O/C SURR0UNDiNG CiTiES)
☆... ... CHeCK OUT THiS PERFECT LiTTLE .. .. ☆.. .. GeRMaN HOTTiE ... ... ☆ - 20
(Phx North, N. PHX I/C & O/C)
Brooks BaCk ~~ With HeR RaCk ~~ & Jamie's Blonde & Beautiful [Like Never Before] - 38
(Phx North, Northside I/C O/C Valley Wide)
**45 SPL*** TOTAL PACKAGE: HotT EneRgeTic BusTy EboNy - 21
(Phx North, I-17 n Greenway/ LOCAL O/C only)
5☆ BUSTY beauty 🎀 Lets Play!!!.♡☏ [[Sweet BaBe ]] exotic ⓔⓑⓞⓝⓨ MiX - 25
(Phoenix, Phx North, Valley wide o/c, n. phx i/c)
125$ SIZZLING SUMMER SPECIALS!!! Sexy Independent Brunette!!! 100% Real & Ready Now!!! - 29
125HR 125HR 125HR ( ► CLick =hErE ) • BuStY • InDePeNdEnT • bOmBsHeLl •( 100% =REAL ► ) - 29
(Phx North, O/C ONLY!! SPECIALS Scottsdale/NPhx)
$100 {= { ^^-^^[}{ }{ }{ }{ ~T• H •E ~ B• E •S •T ~I• N ~T• O• W •N [=} } ^ ^ -^^][ *[}{ *}{ *}{ - 24
(Phx North, s c o t t s d a l e.. incall)
Mon 13 Jan
JUiCY BoOTY ╚» ♥AvAliaBle NoW* (5 ☆SeRv!Ce) MiXeD* ♥╚» Special 55 - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
Sun 12 Jan
petite, blonde.mature ready now! in call or valleywide out call - 41
(Phx North, O/C Valleywide, I/C I 7& northern)
I will Melt in your Mouth as well as your Hands . A Once in a lifetime "Must Have"Encounter ! $1 - 43
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
I will Melt in your Mouth as well as your hands.$100 Special til 4pm. Mmmm 602-552-6185 - 46
(53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available, Phoenix, Phx North)
Back from Cali and Ready Rub your body right !! Tan and Beautiful ! Enjoy the Quality difference - 44
(Phx North, 53rd ave & Peoria or O/C is Available)
petite, blonde.mature ready now! in call or valleywide out call - 41
(Phx North, O/C Valleywide, I/C I 7& northern)
*♥ UN*RU§H€D* ღ •5 *§TÂR* * PÂL¥MÂT€* ೋ FlÂt RÂtE§ ♥ * - 23
(Phx North, O/c{Anywhere u Want} - I/c{Private res.})
★tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ *Upscale HoT N SeXY I/c special 55 Mixed Bombshell - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap safe residents*O/c 80)
★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG ★ )) ** (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) check out my REVIEWS - 37
(Phx North, north phoenix i/c or o/c)
*$80/FlÂT* NW* ღ* JÂmÂiCÂN * PÂL¥MÂT *ೋ5 *§TÂR*ೋ ;*P§§¡ÕN * §RVIC * - 23
(Phx North, I/c{I17&camelback;} &O;/c{Anywhere u want})
Sat 11 Jan
•*¨¨*• *•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SK!LLS ☆°o*•° •*¨¨*• - 36
(Phx North, indian bend and the 101 i/c or o/c)
⬇👀⬇👀 ⬇👀⬇Iv been doing MY KEGELS come FEEL⬇👀⬇👀⬇👀⬇Payton Good is BACK!!!!⬇👀⬇👀⬇👀⬇ - 30
(Phx North, TEMPE➡baseline & kyrene⬅prvt i/c or O/C)
AVAILABLE All Night! ......SEXY Brunette With CRAZY Skills!! - 28
(Phx North, I/C-Christown/Biltmore Area, O/C-Vlywide)
Sensuous and Sexyl , This is Seriously A Fabulous way to End //Begin Any Night !! - 45
(Phx North, 53rd ave / Peoria or O/C is Available)
.. Your BRAZILIAN princess .. V.i.p. COMPANION ... All NATURAL superbusty DD's ... Incall.. SPEICALS - 21
Sissy boy Training starts tonight , classes are filling up now , Don't miss this Event , - 43
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
now NORTH PHX Beautiful latina ready for you now!! i/c &o;/c avaiable - 32
(OC: ᐯᗩᒪᒪ3Y ᗯID3 .¸.· IC: i17, Phoenix, West Valley)
☆ N_Â_U_G_H_T¥ *[]* § __X_¥ * & * RÂÐ TÕ _§ _Â _T _i _§ _F _¥ ÕU☆ - 36
(Phx North, n. scottsdale I/C & O/C)
💖【Killer Body】 💄 【100% real pics】 💕【HIGHLY SKILLED】💅 【VeRy KiNkY】💘 - 39
(Phx North, cave creek and the 101 I/c or o/c)
Breathtaking Beauty with a lifetime of Experience to share . The best Body to Body Encounter !$140 - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
: : { SEXY & PETiTE } : : *¨¨* __ BEDROOM BLUE EYES __ *¨¨* { : : SMOKING 100 SPECiALS : :} - 20
(Phx North, Tempe I/C & O/C)
💋 ✔ I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! GoRGeOuS An 100% REAL�💝 - - 40
(Phx North, cave creek & 101 I/c or o/c valleywidet)
✰=== Sneak Away Come Play With Me ✰=== ((!6!!0!)) AMAZING SPECIALS!! - 25
(Phx North, I-17 / THOMAS -100HR Incall ~ O/C 160)
JUiCY BoOTY ╚» ♥AvAliaBle NoW* (5 ☆SeRv!Ce) MiXeD* ♥╚» Special 70 - 22
(Phx North, phoenix incall safe residents*O/c 100)
♥ H O T __ E Y E __C A N D Y __ THICK __ S E X Y __ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Phx North, I/C-Scottsdale/Phoenix O/C-Surr. Area's)
Fri 10 Jan
The Best Is back in the NorthWest .! Handled with Care! Body to Body !All Night Long!! - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
** {IM} :* ☆ ¨*: {THE ONE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT}* *!* * - 19
———————— GUARANTEED GORGEOUS ——— Fun&Friendly; ——— For Real ——— 5 ★ RATED ——— OUTCALLS (32dd) - 24
(Phx North, O U T C A L L S *** RESORTS & HOTELS ***)
★BiG ol' PuMpKiN BoOtY ★ *••°° ★MIXED ★ Freaky Gurl★( - - ) Sp€cI@L's 40/ 60&80°°••(( last Night)){ - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
Airport Area (ThE ULtIMaTE PaCKaGE) BraiNs + bOOty + BeAuty = CuTiE (aLWaYS On dUtY) LoVes 2 Party - 22
(SKY HARBOR(scotsdale TEMPE chandler MESA)
Smokin' Hot. & Cougar-licious . Mmmmm!!! Available Now!! 602-552-6185 - 45
(Phx North, 53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available)
Seductive and Sweet ,,Sexy and Every mans Dream come true !! Hot ! Hot ! Sizzle ! Sizzle !! - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
An Enchanting Time with an Absolute Sweetheart ...??? - 24
(Phx North, O/C hotel and resort friendly)
🆕🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ🎀° E✖ΘTiCFrعAⓚ ✨VistingNOW🍬 💞💋THiCK THiGHS💋💞CHiNKY EYES💞 💋skilledLIPS💥tightGRIP - 23
(I-17 & Dunlap incalls, Valleywide o/c, Phoenix, Phx North)
New in TOWN 💞💘⇖✘⇗ Beautiful⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 K!nKy BOMBSHELL ⚠ CAUTION ⚡ ⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡CuRveS ⚡⚡ - 24
(Phx North, O U T C A L L S)
________ __________ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♡ S_E_X_Y PHOENIX ESCORT SERVICE ♡ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ________ ________ __________ - 25
(Phx North, O/C -
Simple and Extremely Sexy , Let this Smokin hot Hottie Engage in Sensual Touch - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
♡ Out 2 Play♥100$p€c¡al$♡come play w/me♥ - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
•*¨¨*• *•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SK!LLS ☆°o*•° •*¨¨*• - 36
(Phx North, indian bend and the 101 i/c or o/c)
( ► CLick =hErE ► ) °°• BuStY °°• InDePeNdEnT •°° bOmBsHeLl •°°( ► CLick =hErE ► ) 125$ SPECIALS!!! - 29
(Phx North, O/C ONLY!! SPECIALS Scottsdale/NPhx)
💋♥♡♥💋 BUSTY __ INDEPENDENT__ BLONDES__ DO __ IT __ B € TT€ R! 💋♥♡♥💋 150$ SPECIAL!!! - 28
(Phx North, O/C ONLY!!♥ 150$ SPECIAL Scottsdale/NPhx)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy and Simply Delicious , Double the Fun with 2 of the Hottest Cougars Around . - 43
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
One HOT M.I.L.F + Sweet Southern Hospitality = An Erotic Adventure You Shouldn't Miss - 43
*¨¨* *°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SK!LLS ☆°o*° *¨¨* - 37
(Phx North, the 101 and 27th ave I/C or O/C)
♡•new in town•♡ 36DDD big booty Latina ♡• A+ mouth - 24
(Phx North, in calls Glendale O/C anywhere you are)
LOVE 2 PARTY ★ HuGe PeRfeCt TiTs ★ PrEtTy KiTtY ★ RoUnD BoOtY ★ 140 full hr - 21
(North Phx I/C (O/C) All Over)
I will Melt in your Mouth as well as your hands... . Mmmmm! !! Available Now!! 602-552-6185 - 45
(Phx North, 53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available)
✄°Cu† Õu† fÂk€§° °100% M€ or its Fr€€° °JÂmÂicÅn ßÅRßi€° ❤ °FlÅT RATE - 24
(Phx North, O/c {Anywhere u like})
☆ = • ❥ *▓* Âb§OLut€Ly ÂmÂzInG * ▓* .* ( NO GAMES!) 1OO% REAL ! *•.* - 36
(Phx North, indian bend & the 101 I/C & O/C)
★BiG ol' PuMpKiN BoOtY ★ *••°° ★MIXED ★ Freaky Friday★( - - ) Sp€cI@L's 60&80°°•• { - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
☠ WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} Panties & DANGEROUS CURVES::BBW - 23
(East Valley, 202 & 44st private residance & OUTCALLS)
♥ ___ REViEWeD & BEAUTiFUL ____ ♥ ____ i'M A HOT LiTTLE NUMBER _____ ♥ - 21
(Phx North, N. Phx I/C & O/C)
New 36DDD🌹🍒 💞🌴 Puerto Rican EXOTIC playmate!👸💞💋💋👍👍💘💘👋👋💎💎💎🔍🔍🔍 🌴 🌴🍦🍭 bombshell - 22
(I-17 & Dunlap incalls, Valleywide o/c, Phoenix, Phx North)