Mon 27 Jan
😍💦LaTe NiGhT SpeCiaL💦❤️SWeeT& PeTiTe😝🍫💦 InCaLL OuTCaLL💦💋AvAliAbLe NoW😝 HoT & READY🍫💦💋 - 19
(Off i17 & Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
* * * * * H O T & R E A D Y * * * * * B U R N E T T E * * * * A S I A N * * * * ** *** - 20
™ CoMe and ExPlore With Brandi....Super SaTiSfinG Sweet Treat....★ UP All nite BoYs!!!} - 25
(Phx North, bell road off i17)
Sun 12 Jan
~I'm YOUR petite plaything... Toe curling fun... Come see me for your Late night $pecial 120~ - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
©oME & T®y OUt ThEsE AmAziNG SKiLL'S Im REaDY 2 PLaY N MInS«« - 23
(Phx North, Off The i17 InCalls Only)
Sat 11 Jan
A Young KiNky PLAYMATE Ready To Fulfill YOuR eVerY DeSiRE!!! - 21
I♡MyJob! ♡ My Mouth On Ur Zipper While Rubbing On My Juicy A§§ ♡ My Skill's R A+ - 23
(Phx North, Off The i17 & CamelBack)
♡♥♡♥Sexy Seductive EBONY in town , All night long 60 spls♡♥♡♥ - 21
(Phx North, off I17 freeway northern)
•★• Juicy J •★• {D0n't Miss Out} ★ 480• 341• 7505 ★ - 69
(Phx North, Off The i17 BeTween CamelBack & Peoria)
CoME & PArTy wITh JUicY JaZMiNe & SeE WHaT I CAn Do ID ♡2 UsE My MOuTH AFtER ThAt - 23
(Phx North, Off The i17 In & OutCalls)
Fri 10 Jan
•★• Juicy J •★• {D0n't Miss Out} ★ 480• 341• 7505 ★ - 23
(Phx North, Off The i17 BeTween CamelBack & Peoria)
🚩Sweet 🍬, petite 🍑, and good enough to 🍒... Late night 🌛 $pecials🌹🌹🌹 🚩 - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
:*:: SuBmiiT HeRe, Avaiblable NOW for Incall NO RUSH100% GuRanTeE it iiS Me oR iiT iiS FrEe .. *::* - 25
(Phx North, off i17 on Dunlap incall 602*348*8603)
ASIAN_PRESUASION ;) HoT and ready !! TO pleasure your needs !! Nice body and petite - 20
(Phx North, phx north off the i17)
Short & sweet+ 6o incall Special ♥* .*BuSTy☆Latina☆ *•Come Score w/ Me *•♛•* NO₩ *☆ HABLO ESPANO - 20
(Phx North, Off i17 NORTHPHX incalls/outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
Tattooed Princess *((Busty Beauty))* Last Day in North Phoenix. - 25
(Phx North, North Phoenix / Glendale off of i17)
•*biGboOTy BBW ReAdY To PlEaSe *FIVE StaR TreatMenT•* $60incallSPECiAL - 21
(Phx North, INCALLS off i17 nrth phx)
~I'm YOUR petite plaything... Toe curling fun... Come see me for your Late night $pecial 120~ - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
Come ROCK your world !!! ❤•° _ L.E.T.S._ ❤•° _ P.L.A.Y. _°•❤ $60/$80 SPECIALS - 20
(Phx North, Incalls off i17&UnionHills; / $80OUTCALLS)
💎ms megan💎 In call, come visit me now!! - 19
(North phx. Peoria off i17 highway, Phoenix, Phx North)
••••• TrEAT yOU'R SELf LiKE RoYALtY WITh ROyALTY ••• A+ SeRViCE ••• i 'LL GeT ThE JOB DONe ••••• - 23
(Phx North, Off The i17, Between Peoria and Glendal)
::*:: NoThiinG LiKe WaKiNG uP ... To Me iN yOuR CuP *MoRninG SpEciaLs *iLL GeT u GoiN ::*::::* - 25
(Phx North, off i17 on Bell incall 602*348*8603)
🍦🍓🍬🍭 Afternoon delight 🍓🍬🍭🍦 big booty sexy Latina ready for play 💞😘💋 - 24
(incalls up 24/7 off I17 and Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
🌟 petite plaything... 👣 curling fun... Come 👀 me day 🌄 or night 🌛 for YOUR $pecial🌟 - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
•★• Juicy J •★• {D0n't Miss Out} ★ 480• 341• 7505 ★ - 99
(Phx North, Off The i17 BeTween CamelBack & Peoria)
____ASIAN___ PRESUASION ;) HoT and ready!! ....NICE BODY and petite ReadY NOW!!!!! - 20
█ ★ Gorgeous Curves ♥ Just For You!! ❤ Specials Now ★ █ - 19
(Phx North, North Phoenix off i17 (incall/outcall))
Tue 07 Jan
💦iNCall AVALiBLE Oc NOw 😍 💖~ 😚 ExOtiC trEat~ AvaLibLe nOw~😙 - 23
(InCall Outcal off i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
🚩Sweet 🍬, petite 🍑, and good enough to 🍒... Late night 🌛 $pecials🌹🌹🌹 🚩 - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
Sexy little spinner...Let me show you my skills! Sweet, petite and good enough to ... - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
Hey Papi choose me •.♥* .*BuSTy☆Latina☆* ♛•*60$ incall+AVAILABL€ *•♛•* NO₩ *☆ HABLO ESPANOL - 20
(West Valley, North PHX off i17 INCALL/OUTCALLS)
★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★DANGEROUSLY SEXY ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ BLONDE ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ YOUR EVERY DESIRE ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ - 22
(Phx North, off i17 greenway exit)
Mon 06 Jan
5🌟Addictive satisfaction guaranteed💋 Mixed Goddess! Avaliable Now! - 23
(North phx off of i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
60$ incall SPecial Curvy THiCK n BuStY•° BBW GoDDeSS•° ReaDy To PLaY °•∗ BIGBOOTY! - 21
(Phx North, INCALL specials off i17 nrth phx)
~120 Petite FiReCrAcKeR ready to light up your Saturday night $pecials 120~ - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
☆★___ S E X Y = F U N = A S I A N___☆★ *****CALLL NOW***** - 20
°~ NEW Phone NUMBER °~° Tall LONG Legz °~° REAL PICS °~° Sexy Sweet Girl Next Door ~° - 25
(Phx North, OFF I17 - 25th AVE. & CACTUS)
°°NEW PICS °° STUNNINGLY beautiful girl you've been looking for PLUS I have SEXY LEGS to DIE FOR!! - 25
(Phx North, OFF I17 - 25th AVE. & CACTUS)
Sun 05 Jan
Sweet, petite, discreet. Let's meet. ;-) FiReCrAcKeR ready to light up your night $pecials - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
Big booty ♥_= Top YOUR Night off =_♥_= W_H_¡_L_€ = ((YÕU)) = C_Å_Ñ =_♥$6o -20 min spl - 20
(Phx North, Incalls off i17&GreenWay;/$80OUTCALLS)
Sat 04 Jan
**B E S T ***L A T E **** N I G H T**** S P E C I A L S **** - 20
80 hh BooTYLoVeRS Special !! SuPeR THiCK n BuStY•° BBW GoDDeSS•° ReaDy To PLaY °•∗ - 21
(Phx North, Bell Rd off i17 incalls/outcalls)
♡ $100 OutCall Special ♥ Come ♡ Over ♥ & ♡ I'll ♥ Show ♡ U ♥ Where ♡ It ♥ Should ♡ Go ♥ - 23
(Phx North, InCall's Off The I17)
💦befor wOrk iNCall AVALiBLE OutCalls NOw 😍 💖~ 😚 ExOtiC trEat~ AvaLibLe nOw~😙 - 23
(InCall Outcal off i17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 03 Jan
100$ outcall special %% Thick Cali Chick (= all day here for you _♥$6o -stop & go special - 20
(Phx North, Incalls off i17/$80OUTCALLS(on distance))
💦💦😍❤️SWeeT& PeTiTe😝🍫💦 InCaLL OuTCaLL💦💋AvAliAbLe NoW😝 HoT & READY🍫💦💋 - 19
(Off i17 & Dunlap, Phoenix, Phx North)
It's finally 🎊FrIdAy🎉! Time⏰for Jade, the 🎇FuN-SiZeD-FiReCrAcKeR🎆, to set your 🌄 or 🌃a-blaze🌋 - 26
(Phx North, 27th Av & Union Hills (just off the I17))
Thu 02 Jan
💋 💯 T A L E N T E D 💥 S K I L L E D 💄 B U S T Y 💋 B R U N E T T E 💄 O I L Y 💥 G L I D E - On- Y O U - 25
(Cactus / N-i17 hwy / 1 mile off hwy, Phoenix, Phx North)