Mon 27 Jan
×°x°× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST - - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
XxX_ ( B e A u T i F u L )_x X x_ ( B a D G i R L )~~80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
____ _____ XxX ___ ______ PuRe __________ ______ SaTiSfAcTiOn ____ __________ XxX ___________ 100%.. - 24
(OUTCALL- INCALL ( chandler ) exit RAY rd)
sexy blonde wants to play in the water * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls i-10 ray exit)
. *Mind . *BL0WiNG Ebony SPiNnER . * * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
look no further i got what your body desire's 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incall off 1-10 exit ray)
; LooK!! » ToTaL PaCKaGe » sExXxY Irish with a pinch of Italian ! »» A MuSt See !! »» - 19
cum and spark up some fireworks in bed * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
cum and get freaky with a beautiful blonde * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off i-10 ray exit)
cum and spend your lunch break with this blonde 80 dollar special - 19
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
cum get get freaky in the sheets with me tonight * * * * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
Sat 11 Jan
NeW. *LiL eBonY. * & * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall :) I-10 exit RAY rd)
aLL dAY $$$60 SpeCiaLs .... xXx.... SeXy LiL FiNe AsS FuC* ... xXx .... - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
Tripple threat dominican...The Bomb Bright And Beautiful-> 80 dollar special - 18
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
. * Ebony SPiNnER . * * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
80... 80.... 80.... SeXy LiL Ass FuC* -+- P E R F E C T LiL THiNG T R U L Y ..80 ....80 ....80 - 20
(chandler. incall ( I-10 exit Ray Rd ))
here for your every needs (( 80 dollar special )) here for your every needs - 18
(chandler incall off 1-10 exit ray)
GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} SPiNNeR (( 60 )) AvAiLabLe Now - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
Fri 10 Jan
IM EVERYTHING :*¨¨*: :YOU WANT *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: PICK ME ::*¨¨*: - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
Freaky Wet Blonde Ready To Get Freaky Are You Ready 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
NEW (: NEW:)P E R F E C T _+_ LiL _+_ THiNG _+_ T R U L Y _+_ oNe _+_ Of _+_ A _+_ KiND - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall:) i-10 RAY road exit)
naughty blonde ready to get wet * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off i-10 ray exit)
Thu 09 Jan
xXx..... PeTITe blaCK SPinner ! seXXY TINY PROVider ! xXx..... come GET It ^^^
(CHANDLER (: INCALL :) i-10 exit Ray Rd)
WhaT YoU ReALLy WANT iS HeRe _+_ { ALWaYs SaTiSFYiNG } _+_ BANGiN LiL BoDY - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT RAY rd.)
xXx........... CAN YOU MAKE me CrEaM ?? xXx......(: NeW giRL :) ViSiTiNG - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 EXIT Ray rd)
:¦:-° WeT, HoTT AnD SeXy ** SuPer SeNSuaL StUnnInG BlOnDe SnOw BuNNy -:¦:- 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
Wed 08 Jan
**$**$** JADORE FLAVORS the Sweet, Sexy, & Satisfying Dominican 100 special **$**$** - 18
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
click here (( iam worth every minute of your time )) 80 dolar special - 18
(chandler incall off 1-10 exit ray)
this expert wants you tonight * * * multiple * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
New !! new !! ProvIDER... 100$ 80$ -INCALL ( 150$ OUTCALL ) AVAIiable now... italian & german.. - 24
(INCALL- chandler (i-10)exit RAY rd)
click here to spend time with this beautiful blonde 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incall off 1-10 exit ray)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- &;- HOT -&;- SEXY -&;- READY* Bangin EBoNy PlayMate - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall :) I-10 exit RAY rd)
Tue 07 Jan
gorgeous blonde bombshell ready to nasty in the sheets * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
BiG . O . BoOTy [DeLiCioUs CuRVaCeOuS GodDesS] BEAUTiFuL chocolate DD's {PuRe SaTiSFaCTiOn} - 22
(i-10 exit RAY rd)
GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} SPiNNeR (( 60 )) AvAiLabLe Now - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
dripping wet blonde * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
IM EVERYTHING :*¨¨*: :YOU WANT *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: AND MORE ::*¨¨*: - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
P E R F E C T TiNy Ass FuC* -+- SeXy LiL THiNG -+- T R U L Y 1-oF-A-KiND - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit Ray Rd ))
First round draft pick click here (( 80 dollar special )) click here - 19
(chandler incall off 1-10 exit ray)
Mon 06 Jan
NEW ( ViSiTiNG ) -:- SeXY -:- EBoNy -:- avAiLAble -:- NoW' ( ViSiTiNG ) - 20
(CHANDLER ( Incall/ I-10 fwy. Ray Rd exit)
( 60..60..special ) SeXy N -:- eVeRy WaY -:- WETT -:- EbOny SPiNneR aLL yOuRs ToDay - 20
(chandler Incall I-10 EXIT RAY rd.)
here to serve and cater to start and finish 80 dollar special - 18
(chandler incall off 1-10 ray exit)
▉ CAUTION ▉ This Dominican Bombshell Is Dangerously HoT 100 Special - 18
(Chandler exit I-10 Ray Road)
Sun 05 Jan
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
A UNiQue GEM (4) GeNTLeMeN *WiTH* eXxXqUiSiTe {TaSTe} + GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
wet blonde bombshell * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)