Mon 27 Jan
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL! - 22
(East Valley, N Scottsdale Rd and 202)
HOT PUERTO RICAN 💝💯 pics percent real - 21
(East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Scotsdale Tempe Mesa Chandler)
Get a haircut while ya playin', it's a great excuse to get out for some erotic fun! Sexy Falon - 45
(mesa/country club and university)
Sun 12 Jan
If you want ddd's to play then I am the one you are looking for - 44
(East Valley, East Valley Tempe)
Sat 11 Jan
White Chix Pixie Stixs@THIS PART of TOWN 101 60 101 60 101 60 101 60 101 60 101 60 - 38
(EAST VALLEY IC 101 / 60)
♥☆★♣Hollywood BarbieDOll PARIS IS Hosting Live in→ Phoenix ◆80 Specials♣★☆♥California girl. - - 21
(Phx North, Off The 17 Freeway♥Hosting now)
Gorgeous, Seductive, Busty & Skilled! *¨¨* ★ Simply Better then The Rest ★ *¨¨* - 21
(East Valley, east mesa incall & Outcall too)
★°°• Big Booty Cutie ........ I'LL •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIres °°•★BLONDE - 24
(East Valley, VaLLeyWiDe OUTCALLS :-))
SPECIALS --- The One And Only Miss Emily --- NEWPICS --- S. Scottsdale - 21
(East Valley, Scottsdale)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
SCOTTSDALE ⓘⓝⓒⓐⓛⓛout🚕calls all over!🏩🏠 👯EROTICPROVIDER👯1oo% real pix📷 no drama😇always💦 - 22
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe, Scotsdale, Mesa, East Valley)
LaTiNa BeaUtY ☚ :*★ ¨*: HUMP DAY SPECIAL:* ★ *: BILTMORE AREA - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, BILTMORE AREA & Outalls $120)
Tropical Party 💋 Smoking Hot 🔥 Super Skilled👄 White & Guatemalan 🌟 Super Horny 💋 Upscale - 34
(north phoenix, Phoenix, Phx North)
💋💘💯%REAL 👍 SexY E✖ΘTiC🌟BeAuTy ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD😘H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd 💋🌷🌹🌺 - 25
(East Valley, ALL surrounding areas! OUTCALL)
💕New Girl Alert ❤100Hh Specials 💕Get the excitement U need & the attention you Deserve💋20 - 20
(Tucson, Tucson Surroundings.)
OPEN LATE(EARLY:) Come get the boyz shaved, It is a great excuse to get away for erotic fun! - 46
(East Valley, phx metro/mesa)
Wed 08 Jan
♛♡I'M CHANEL♡♛ ⓔⓧⓞⓣⓘⓒ 100% real pix📷love regulars💏 upscale👸 easy going👯 polite💁 - 22
(East Valley, Mesa, Scotsdale, Tempe, Phoenix)
*::* id #148490*::* °¥° ¤ ToP &BoTToM; * ] __~ *::*BooTy& BoobieS *::* ¤°¥° - 21
(Yuma, ViSiTiNG *1MiLLiON% ReaL i PrOMiSE)
°[= [ Âb§OLutLy ] =]° °[= [ ÂmÂzInG] =]° °[= [ iNdpnDnT] =]° °[= [ PLÂ¥MÂT] =] - 2 GIRLS AVAIL! - 21
Back By Popular Demand ♥♥ ╚» ╚» ♥ (( 0NE )) 0F - A - KiND!! ♥ «╝ «╝ D0NT MISS ME . 100% REAL! - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, outcall only)
!!!!Wedneday night special!!!!! Two latina bombshells, hot,wet, nd ready! can you hndle us? - 19
Tue 07 Jan
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* UNF0RGEABLE XP£Ri£NC£ *·.¸.·´¯* iRR£SiSIBL£ GURl ·.¸.·´¯* ♥ - 20
(East Valley, 60 // C0UNTRy ClUb)
Let Me Brighten Up Your Day!!! Incall Specials - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Downtown Phoenix, Phoenix)
[- [-BIG-]-] ♡ [-[-STEP -] -]♡ ;[-[- ABOVE -]-] ;[-[- THE REST -]-] REVIEWED - 22
(East Valley, WEST VALLEY 101 & CAMELBACK)
😈💋open till midnight😈💋35TH AVENUE⭕Thunderbird💋😈💋😈💋 - 24
(behind jack n box across big lots, Phoenix, Phx North)
CHANEL lets ⓟⓛⓐⓨ 🌴exotic 👀 redhead 💦💋 - 18
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe, Scotsdale, Mesa, East Valley)
Chanel ♡◆●ⓟⓛⓐⓨ●◆♡ tantalizing skills, exotic features, tight body ⓤⓟⓢⓒⓐⓛ - 18
(East Valley, Mesa, Scotsdale, Tempe, Phoenix)
Mon 06 Jan
$100 Outcall Special!!! one day with me is all that you need - 22
(East Valley, east valley outcall only)
Special wit plaYful sOuthern 4"11 Babe dOnt miSs oUtCall - 31
(Central/South Phoenix, tempe mesa scotsdale OuTcall)
© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } ° - 24
(East Valley, Tempe Incall Or Outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
### SEXY EBONY #### Outcall Valleywide #### Incall Special## #Perfect 10### - 21
I AM %100 the girl in the pics and have reviews to prove my authenticity - 34
(East Valley, Phoenix)
100 % REAL D.E.A.L. ~ §§§ ~ S.E.X.X.I. ~ §§§ ~ A.L.W.A.Y.S. ~§§§~ R.E.A.D.Y ~ - 28
Sat 04 Jan
**** Sexy **** Busty **** All Natural **** Well Reviewed: No Scam or Bait n Switch - 37
(East Valley, OUTCALL Valleywide)
Fri 03 Jan
♛♡◆●©ⓗⓐⓝⓔⓛ●◆♡♛ tantalizing skills&&exotic; featuresⓤⓟⓢⓒⓐⓛⓔ OUTCALLS/INCALLS real pix outgoing polite - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, Mesa, Scotsdale, Tempe, east valley, Phoenix)
Thu 02 Jan