Mon 27 Jan
▆▓❤▓▆ TONIGHT ~ 2 GIRL SPECIAL!!! ☎ 602.736.2020 - 24
(Phx North, Scottsdale Rd. & the 202 602.736.2020)
LACtaTATING t & SeXxXy = HOtTt & TASTY..PREGNANT __* B _L _O _N _D _E *__ - 23
(202 Tempe Incall/Outcalls)
Mon 13 Jan
**~~**~~ why Have One When You Can Have Two ~~**~~** - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
Sun 12 Jan
~~** Tuesday's Tasty Treat **~~ In And Out Calls ~~** - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
Sat 11 Jan
~~** Your Special Treat Red Headed Delight **~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix,scottsdale,tempe,mesa,valleywide)
Fri 10 Jan
****** Excellent reviews ***** Back In Town ** Petite Korean ** Platinum Asian Escorts** - 27
(202 and Scottsdale Rd.)
A Asian girl ^^Sammi^^New in Phx, is ready to Please you ! Are you ready ?(IC/OC) - 25
(Phoenix, 202 & Scottsdale Rd.(160))
~*~* Late Night Specials *~*~Sexy Savanah~*~* - 25
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
Thu 09 Jan
~~**~~** Late Night Specials Sexy Sarah **~~**~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
W3T like a River and TI6HT Like my First time...... Everytime. *6*2*3*4*9*8 *0*2*9*3 - 26
(INCALL TEMPE/ Outcall anywhere)
(L👀k)(L👀k).🍀iRiSh👄💦‼️caLi fInEst💋sWeEt & tASty🐞mIxEd 🐾peTiTe🍂ExOcTiC fReAk sLiPpEry wHeN w£t💐piERceD tITiEs - 21
(East Valley, scottsdale rd near 202)
MY LAST DAYS in town... this is your chance to see me before i leave I/C only - 18
(Scottsdale & 202)
Wed 08 Jan
♥ ____ Sexiest Submissive Dominican Freak ready to Please ____ ♥ 80 special - 18
(Scottsdale rd near 202)
Tue 07 Jan
Looking for love in all the wrong places??? Scottsdale, Tempe and east valley.. OUTCALLS TOO - 26
(202 and Scottsdale rd./ outcall your bed)
IM EVERYTHING :*¨¨*: :YOU WANT *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: AND MORE ::*¨¨*: FROM CALI - 21
(Scottsdale rd near 202)
Mon 06 Jan
❤❤😜 NO RUSHing love Older Men 💋Sexii RedHead - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, scottsdale rd near 202)
50INCALL> 202/rural--scottsdale rd NOONERS~4802017615 ~DD Blondie **Amanda*** - 33
(East Valley, 202/rural--scottsdale rd)
****** S E X Y ** B E A U T I F U L ** K O R E A N ** G I R L ** Platinum Asian Escorts** - 25
(202 and Scottsdale Rd.)
****** Excellent reviews ***** Back In Town ** Petite Korean ** Platinum Asian Escorts** - 27
(202 and Scottsdale Rd.)
Sun 05 Jan
💞★ 👠{♥} █▒█{♥}Y.O.U.R •:*:• S.e. X. Y █▒█ B.L.o.N.D.E •💄• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥}█▒█{♥}:*:💞★ 👠!!!! - - 26
(East Valley, South Scottsdale incall)
Sat 04 Jan
~~**~~** Sexy Red Headed Delight **~~**~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
(L👀k)(L👀k).👄💦‼️caLi fInEst💋sWeEt & tASty🐞mIxEd 🐾peTiTe🍂ExOcTiC fReAk sLiPpEry wHeN w£t💐piERceD tITiEs - 21
(East Valley, scottsdale rd near 202)
~*~* Let's Bring The 4th In With Some Fire Works *~*~ - 25
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
*****N E W ** S E X Y ** B E A U T I F U L ** K O R E A N ** G I R L S ** Platinum Asian Escorts** - 25
(202 and Scottsdale Rd.)
💥AMAZiNGlY🔥 💋ADDiCTiVE🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ $ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 ☏⒜⒱ - 30
(East Valley, I/c-mcdowell&scotts.rd; o/c-all over)
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan