Sun 12 Jan
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Available NOW!!!! EARLY A.M..SUnday Funday ALL DAY - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
:*: Real Pics Petite Lets make those Dreams a reality :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Sat 11 Jan
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... ... Available NOW !!!....early am SUNDAY NIGHT FUN! - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
★ * OuTcAlL sPeCiAlS!! * ★ TeXt For ApoIntMENts! - 21
Stunning, Sexy, Sensual & Discreet! VIP Companion. 34-22-34. Unparalleled Service! - 22
(Phoenix, VAlley Wide - Hotel Friendly)
—-:¦:-_ S i N F U L L ¥ * S W E E T !!! _-:¦:- ——*UPSCALE & DiSCREET* ——-::* OC SPECIALSu - 22
:*: Real Pics Petite Dream Girl All Natural and Independent :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Fri 10 Jan
Stunning, Sexy, Sensual & Discreet! VIP Companion. 36DD-22-34. Unparalleled Service! - 22
(VAlley Wide - Hotel Friendly)
Stunning, Sexy, Sensual & Discreet! Companions. dont waste your money! look no further CLICK HERE! - 22
(East Valley, VAlley Wide - Hotel Friendly)
:*: Let's make fireworks of our own :*: Drama free!"" - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Gentelmen ~*~Sexy~*~ Independent Latina Out/in Bliss Call now~*~ Gentelmen Only 2am! - 23
(West Valley, (Valley Wide) Upscale Private S Phoenix)
Thu 09 Jan
:*: Real Pics Petite a night u wont soon forget ;) :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
__________ DIRTY-DIANA __________ DIRTY-DIANA __________ DIRTY-DIANA __________ - 20
(East Valley, McDowell&Scottsdale; Rd INCALL or OUTCALL)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Available NOW!!!! EARLY A.M.Sunday - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... ... Available NOW !!!....early a.m.!!All Day**** - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Available NOW!!!! EARLY A.M. SUNDAY allllll day :) - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Available NOW!!!! late night/EARLY A.M... - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
Wed 08 Jan
Stunning, Sexy, Sensual & Discreet! VIP Companion. 36DDD-22-34. Unparalleled Service! - 22
(VAlley Wide - Hotel Friendly)
:*: If you havent seen me yet lets make it a night u wont soon forget ;) :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Dirty Diana -> Best In The West! // You Deserve it! (100% Real STATS / PICS / RATES) - 20
(East Valley, McDowell/Scottsdale Rd INCALL or OUTCALL)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Early A.M! Available now !!!!! - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) ❤ (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) ❤ (¯`'+ **OC 120% SpEcIaLs** + '´¯) - 23
Tue 07 Jan
♛OC 120% SpEcIaLs =_ ♛_= U_P_S_C_A_L_E =_* ♛*_ = T_R_E_A_T♛ ♛ ♛ - 22
§ i M p L y •♥ § T u N N i N g• ((AdD!cT!oN))OC 120% SpeciAls - 23
(West Valley, IC/OC valley wide & hotel friendly)
BLONDE ...BUSTY.... .. Early A.M! Available now !!!!! Sunday Fun Day*** - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY- WIDE!!!!!!)
*^*^*^* Petite *^*^* No Drama *^*^* Satisfaction Gaurenteed - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Gentelmen ~*~Sexy~*~ Independent Latina Outcall Bliss Till 6 am~*~ Gentelmen Only 2am! - 23
(West Valley, (Valley Wide) Upscale Private S Phoenix)
_____ ____ Come Play with this VIP Kitten! --- The Ultimate Experience ___ ____ - 23
(Valley Wide, O/C Only, Hotel Friendly)
Mon 06 Jan
:*: Drama Free!!! Lets make this a night u wont forget:*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Sun 05 Jan
:*: Drama Free!!! Best call you've made yet!!!:*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
:*: Real Pics Petite Trick or Treat Ive got both ;) :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
"" Outcalls Valley wide "" Hotel / Resort Friendly "" Inn / Out "" NFL Special "" "" 3pm-2am "" - 19
(incalls/outcalls no hidden cost)
:*: It's cold outside let me come and keep you warm :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Sat 04 Jan
Visiting $100 Hr Specials " Tami " In/Outcalls Valleywide - 19
(Tami will fit the bill in any situation!)
No work tomorrow let's have fun!!! :*: No Regrets :*: - 28
(Phx North, Outcall Valleywide Hotel Friendly ;))
:*: Drama Free!!! The perfect ending to your night :*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Fri 03 Jan
:*: Drama Free!!! End your night with a smile:*: - 28
(Phx North, Valley Wide Outcall Hotel Friendly)
Your Search For The ULTIMATE Companion . . Ends Here! (1-17 in and out) BRAND NEW!!! V I S I T I NG - 19
(no hidden cost!-Available incalls/outca)
Sweet Petite and very passionate ;) :*: No Regrets :*: - 28
(Phx North, Outcall Valleywide Hotel Friendly ;))
I WANT YOU! Busty blonde AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! freaky friday specials - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, outcall)
Thu 02 Jan
Dirty Diana -> Labor Day Weekend Special -> Incall & Outcall -> (Real STATS / PICS / RATES Below) - 20
(East Valley, Mcdowell and Scottsdale Rd. & Outcall)