Mon 27 Jan
***HOT*** ***SEXY*** (((Misty))) ***FUN*** ***SASSY*** - 47
(West Valley, Olive/101 and 7th/Camelback)
C * H r* I *s T* M* a* S C*H* E* e *R / / S*a F *e A* T* mos *P*h E* r* E - 53
(West Valley, 101 Olive, metro center)
C* L A *S* S* Y C* U* R *V* E *S**C*O M *P* L E**T*E_____--S *E** T - 52
(West Valley, Peoria 101 n olive)
Sun 12 Jan
!SEXY* *private* *PLAYFULL* *Incall* !!((KenDoLL ))!! *discreet* *CLASSY* *outcall* *FUN! - 50
(West Valley, 101 & Olive)
Sat 11 Jan
* * R E A L * * P L E A S U R E + D E S I R E + D E L I G H T * * M A T U R E * * - 51
(West Valley, 101 Olive 95th Ave.ur)
**!!Here Tonight!!** !*! **(((KenDoLL & Misty)))** !*! **!!Here Tonight!!** - 52
(West Valley, Olive & 101)
G* E* N*T *L*E*M*E*N, h'e'r'es A N*)O*t*(I*)O*N,, "no" C*O*M*OT* I*O *N!!! - 52
(West Valley, olive off 101)
Aged with discrete knowledge ,carry an adult conversation ,and... - 55
(101& olive, Phoenix, West Valley)
A*G*E*L*E*S*S, B*E*A*U*T*Y, l* e *a*d*s 2, yes T*W*O* m*a*t*u*r*e - 53
(West Valley, Peoria 101 and Olive)
Fri 10 Jan
***SITTING ** oN *** the *** DOCK*** oF** tHE *** BAY*** - 51
(West Valley, 101 an olive-or-7 th an camelback)
O*F* // the// a*g*e // t*h*a*t // K*N*o*w**l*eD*ge // and // D*I*S*CR*E*T*IO*N // = F*u*n - 54
(West Valley, 101& olive)
**Friday the 13th ** There is no bad luck when your with lovely " LADIES" - 52
(West Valley, 101 an olive)
Thu 09 Jan
A*G*E*L*E*S*S, B*E*A*U*T*Y, l* e *a*d*s 2, yes T*W*O* m*a*t*u*r*e - 52
(West Valley, Peoria 101 and Olive)
Wed 08 Jan
A * d* U* L*T* // C*O*M*P*A*N*Y // K*n *O* w* L* e*D*g*E // and // *N*A*U*G*H*T*Y - 54
(West Valley, 101 Olive)
Tue 07 Jan
{{((HEY GUYS))}} An Amazing Experience Awaits {{((HEY GUYS))}} - 52
(West Valley, off the 101 on olive)
A Light Breeze, A tantilizing Tease, would'nt you like.... - 55
(101 and Olive, Phoenix, West Valley)
* * S E X Y * * S E D U C T I V E # # I N T I S I N G $ $ B E A U T I F U L - 51
(West Valley, 101 Olive 95th Ave.)
(((Here SHE is))) SEXY (((EXCITING))) FUN (((SASSY))) PLAYFULL (((Waiting for YOU))) - 52
(West Valley, just off Olive by the 101)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
!!KenDoLLs!! *!*((EASTER SPECIAL))*!* !!KenDoLLs!! *!*((EASTER SPECIAL))*!* - 52
(West Valley, Olive just off the 101)
)0**Hh *B*A*B*Y i*t*s "C*OL*D" O*U*T*S*I*D*E and W*e' w*O*U*L*d>>> - 52
(West Valley, Peoria 101 and Olive)
New incall business wanting to hire 2 ladies(upscale area) formely sexy ladies - 38
(West Valley, 101 and Olive)
Sat 04 Jan
* * S E X Y * D E L I G H T F U L * T E N D E R * LACY* $ * $ * - 52
(West Valley, 101 Olive 95th ave)
Fri 03 Jan
F *I F *T **Y 4 Oh T*h *E *r* E' s S*O * oo M* U* C *H M*O * R**E! - 54
(West Valley, Olive and 101)
Thu 02 Jan